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The paper considers the nature of claims against dishonest assistants and the various money remedies those claims may evoke. Dishonest assistance is a form of civil secondary liability whereby the assistant is held jointly and severally liable along with the trustee whose misconduct he assisted. This is the sense in which dishonest assistants are said to be accountable as constructive trustees. In order to understand remedies available against dishonest assistants it is accordingly necessary to understand the corresponding remedies against defaulting trustees and what it means for them to be accountable. The paper examines the two different types of compensation that may be awarded against defaulting trustees—substitutive and reparative—and observes that the same two types of compensation may be given against dishonest assistants in appropriate cases. It also explores the circumstances in which trustees and dishonest assistants should be accountable for profits and whether they should ever be liable to pay exemplary damages. A strict application of the theory of civil secondary liability produces controversial results in connection with these latter remedies.  相似文献   
西藏“赔命金”制度浅谈   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"赔命金"制度是西藏封建农奴制刑事法律的重要组成部分,是处罚严重犯罪的刑罚手段,西藏民主改革以后被废除。现在该制度又在西藏民间部分地区沉渣泛起,严重地干预了司法审判,必须严厉取缔和打击。  相似文献   
多数情况下,垄断民事损害是"所失之利益",需要法律从技术角度对损害的计算方式、方法作出规定、限定。在计算的立足点上,应当首先考虑受害者损失,其次是侵权者的违法所得,最后是法院酌定。在计算方法上,可以借鉴美国的前后对比法、相似市场法、市场占有率法等成熟做法综合实际情况确定。在赔偿的倍率上,反垄断法不应当引入惩罚性赔偿机制。  相似文献   
不同于一般损害赔偿旨在实现救济正义,惩罚性赔偿更侧重实现惩罚正义。在实现实体正义方面,惩罚性赔偿的适用需要法官基于权利保障的理念对私人自治理念的运用加以限制,法官在进行司法裁量时,应贯彻惩罚均衡原则,重点运用比例原则的分析方法确定惩罚性赔偿的数额。在实现程序正义方面,基于保障当事人诉讼权利的目的,法官在审理惩罚性赔偿案件时,应当变通适用民事诉讼制度中的处分原则,采用排除合理怀疑的证明标准。同时,在合议庭组成上,应适当限制依据常识作出判断的人民陪审员的数量。  相似文献   
风险社会与侵权损害救济途径多元化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代风险社会给人们带来更多的不确定性和不安全感,传统侵权法律制度在面对不断涌现的新型侵权行为以及灾难性、大规模的人身损害事故时存在局限性。对此,我国《侵权责任法》在功能定位、保障范围、加害事由、归责原则等方面的制度设计,对风险社会的现实状况和生活形态作出了回应,尤其强化了侵权法的救济功能。侵权法的这种制度变化改变了我国责任风险的原有形态;同时,在侵权法律体系内也不可能完全解决对受害人的赔偿和救济问题,由此给责任保险和社会保障制度提供了更大的发展空间。在以侵权法、责任保险和社会保障为主体的多元救济体系中,各项制度之间应注意协调,避免赔偿不足或赔偿过度。  相似文献   
刘丹 《行政与法》2012,(3):111-117
2011年我国渤海溢油事故引起社会强烈关注,尤其对我国海洋环境保护相关法律形成挑战。本文着眼于2010年墨西哥湾溢油事故中的相关赔偿问题,比较美国溢油自然资源损害赔偿制度,分析了渤海溢油事故中涉及的"海洋生态损害"的概念界定、责任主体与索赔主体、赔偿范围、索赔额度及评估标准等法律问题,总结并分析渤海溢油事故对完善我国海洋生态损害赔偿制度的启示。  相似文献   
随着电脑的普及和网络的发展,网络隐私侵权问题也越来越受到人们的关注。此类侵权行为常表现为对他人网络隐私数据、网络通信内容、网络生活安宁和个人网络空间的入侵或破坏。正当的网络防卫行为、享有知情权或有法律授权的行为以及经被害人同意的行为不构成侵权。网络隐私侵权责任的认定适用过错推定原则,责任承担上应引入辅助侵害责任、代理责任和惩罚性赔偿责任等。  相似文献   
近年来,我国为了有效解决执行难问题,不仅在新修改的《民事诉讼法》中明确规定了被执行人强制报告财产制度,还联合20个部门建立执行联动机制,在司法实践中取得了明显的成效。为进一步增强执行财产调查制度的实效性,在以上措施的基础上,强化制裁措施、加强执行联动机制的威慑力和建立征信体系三个方面用以完善我国的执行财产调查制度。  相似文献   
The Marrakesh Accords provide a detailed compliance system for the Kyoto Protocol. An innovative feature of this system is an Enforcement Branch authorized to apply punitive measures or “consequences” in the second commitment period to Annex I Parties that have been found to be in non-compliance in the first commitment period. However, even after the latest Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), COP-11, and the first COP serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, COP/MOP-1, it is not yet clear whether these consequences will be legally binding. The purpose of this paper is three-fold. First, we examine the legal nature of the punitive consequences embedded in the Marrakesh Accords. Second, we discuss potential motives for making these consequences legally binding. We point out that one such motive is that their implementation requires cooperation by the Party that is in non-compliance. In this regard, Kyotoȁ9s compliance system differs from other international compliance systems equipped with punitive consequences, such as those of the WTO and the UN. Finally, we consider whether making the punitive consequences legally binding is likely to make a difference. The conclusion, which should be of interest to both academic researchers and the policy community, is that the legal status of the consequences is likely to have only a modest effect on compliance levels. A country that deliberately fails to abide by other legally binding commitments under the Kyoto Protocol is also likely to resist the application of punitive consequences, regardless of whether these consequences are made legally binding or not.  相似文献   
《民法典》第584条为有关违约损害赔偿范围的规定,可从事实因果关系和法律因果关系两个视角进行分析。事实因果关系视角下,应注意区分履行利益、信赖利益和返还利益。在因解除而发生的违约损害赔偿的计算中,应注意履行利益和返还利益的关系,避免重复计算。违约损害赔偿范围的决定中,确定性问题位于事实因果关系层面,是事后判断;而可预见性问题位于法律因果关系层面,是事前判断。若涉及确定性问题,确定性问题的探讨应在可预见性问题之前。  相似文献   
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