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公安统计指标体系是公安统计的重要组成部分,是反映公安工作和与之相关的社会现象的总体状况、特征及其发展过程的一种科学体系,是公安机关正确认识社会现象和科学管理社会治安的方法和工具.现行公安统计指标存在诸多不足,完善公安统计指标体系思路主要有编制公安统计指标体系规范;清理现行公安统计指标;制订分类型的地区性指标;建立多种类型的专题统计指标体系,充分运用高科技手段等.  相似文献   
英语文学作品的翻译,其实质在于处理好艺术性与科学性的关系.二者是翻译的双重属性,一定要将二者溶为一炉,达到辩证的统一.  相似文献   
现场强制措施是公安机关在特定情况下使用的执法手段,它不是一个专用的法律概念,而是实际工作中某一类行为的统称.弄清现场强制措施的法律依据,对基层民警依法办案,提高办案效率有积极意义.  相似文献   
在留法勤工俭学运动中,一批青年知识分子抱着寻找救国真理的目的赴法,他们中的先进分子经过斗争实践的锻炼和理论上的不断探索,最终成为坚强的共产主义战士。新时代的青年知识分子要以他们成长的道路为榜样,热爱祖国,忠于人民,坚定地信仰马克思主义。  相似文献   
毛泽东的人生价值思想是在批判地继承中国传统人生价值观的精华、吸收借鉴西方资产阶级民主思想的合理成分及自觉接受马克思主义伦理思想的基础上形成的;它以全心全意为人民服务为核心,其思想内涵主要体现在对人生的价值依据、价值结构、价值标准、价值目标、价值实现条件及途径的揭示等方面;它启示当代青年必须把个人的志向与国家、民族的前途和命运相结合、自觉摆正个人利益与人民群众和集体利益的关系,正确对待中国传统文化和西方文化、坚持共产主义理想与目前阶段实践的统一.  相似文献   
This article explores the way in which Madhva (1238–1317), the founder of the Dvaita Vedānta system of Hindu thought, reformulates the traditional exegetic practice of nirukta or “word derivation” to validate his pluralistic, hierarchical, and Vaiṣṇava reading of the Ṛgvedic hymns. Madhva’s Ṛgbhāṣya (RB) is conspicuous for its heavy reliance on and unique deployment of this exegetical tactic to validate several key features of his distinctive theology. These features include his belief in Viṣṇu’s unique possession of all perfect attributes (guṇaparipūrṇatva) and His related conveyability by all Vedic words (sarvaśabdavācyatva). Such an understanding of Vedic language invokes the basic nirukta presupposition that words are eternally affiliated with the meanings they convey. But it is also based onMadhva’s access to a lexicon entitled Vyāsa’s Nirukti with which his critics and perhaps even his commentators seem to be unfamiliar.While the precise status of this text is the subject of ongoing debate, Madhva’s possession of special insight into the sacred canon is established in part by his unique claim to be an avatāra of the wind god Vāyu and a direct disciple of Viṣṇu Himself in the form of Vyāsa1. Thus, Madhva’s use of nirukta invokes his personal charisma to challenge not only conventional understandings of the hymns but traditional exegetic norms. Madhva’s provision of an alternative tradition of nirukta provoked sectarian debate throughout the Vijayanagara period over the extent to which one could innovate in established practices of reading the Veda. Articulating the Veda’s precise authority was a key feature of Brahmin debates during this period and reflects both the empire’s concern with promoting a shared religious ideology and the competition among rival Brahman sects for imperial patronage that this concern elicited. By looking at how two of Madhva’s most important commentators (the 14th-century Jayatīrtha and the 17th-century Rāghavendra) sought to defend his niruktis, this article will explore how notions of normative nirukta were articulated in response to Madhva’s deviations. At the same time, however, examining Madhva’s commentators’ defense of his niruktis also demonstrates the extent to which Madhva actually adhered to selected exegetic norms. This reveals that discomfort with Madhva’s particular methods for deriving words stemmed, in part, from a more general ambivalence towards this exegetical tactic whose inherent open-endedness threatened to undermine the fixity of the canon’s very substance: its language. Vyāsa’s Nirukti is one of several ”unknown sources” cited in Madhva’s commentaries whose exact status continues to be debated. Some scholars (e.g. Rao, Sharma, Siauve) maintain that these texts are part of a now lost Pāṅcarātra tradition that Madhva is attempting to preserve. This may be true for many of these citations. However, in addition to claiming to be both an avatāra of Vāyu and Viṣṇu-as-Vyāsa’s student, Madhva states in several places (e.g., VTN 42, RB 162) that the canon has suffered loss during transmission and that only Viṣṇu can reveal it in its entirety. Thus, it is possible that Madhva intends texts like Vyāsa’s Nirukti to be viewed as part of an ongoing and corrective revelation, a notion that is compatible with many Vaiṣṇava traditions (Halbfass, 1991: 4).  相似文献   
从法学角度看,恩格斯晚年创造性地运用历史唯物主义的立场和方法,巩固和发展了历史唯物主义法学理论。恩格斯系统阐发了国家和法的起源与演进理论,批判了费尔巴哈唯心主义历史观和黑格尔唯心主义法哲学,进一步阐发了历史发展的内在辩证法;根据欧洲的新形势,恩格斯主张工人阶级要将合法斗争与“非法”斗争相结合;结合巴黎公社经验,他阐述了无产阶级新型国家和法制的基本原理,反对国家崇拜;在一系列通信中,他深入阐发了法和国家对经济关系的积极反作用和相对独立性理论,批驳了社会发展的“唯经济论”。恩格斯一系列法哲学新观点,对于当今时代深入理解法与经济的关系、法的历史发展规律、法的本质及功能、法律意识形态等问题,都依然具有极为重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
Critics often read Halide Edib Ad?var’s Raik’in Annesi (Raik’s Mother, 1909) as an affirmation of the author’s vision of ‘ideal’ womanhood, one which is aligned with the visions of reformers involved in the projects of Turkish nationalism and modernisation. This article presents an analysis of the novel that both incorporates and goes beyond such accounts. Instead of focusing on depictions of the heroine (Refika) as signs of female objectification or as reflections of Ad?var’s views on the woman question, the analysis focuses on the dialogic properties of the text in order to attend to the ways in which the heroine is presented as the locus of an ongoing conflict between her own aspirations for independence and the various opinions and judgements about her that are set within the discursive boundaries of ‘ideal’ womanhood. The analysis draws on Bakhtin’s theory of dialogism (and concepts related to it, in particular ‘authoritative and internally persuasive discourse’ and the notion of internal dialogue) and examines the tension between the hegemonic discourse that asserts the role of ‘ideal’ wife-mother and the dissenting voices in the text that provide insight into the heroine’s experiences and struggles for autonomy. In doing so, we can develop a sense of the polyvocal, dialogic and inconsistent depiction of the heroine while drawing out the texts’ critiques of the conventions of womanhood and marriage and their effects on women. By analysing such contradictory depictions of Refika, the article aims to draw attention to the way in which the text problematises the image of ‘ideal’ womanhood, whilst offering reflection on the novel’s concluding commentary on the woman struggle for agency and freedom.  相似文献   
研究酸味中药复方对糖尿病大鼠代谢的影响。方法:观察该方法链脲佐菌诱导的糖尿病大鼠的体重,进食及饮水量、血糖、血脂以及血浆终末糖化产物的影响。结论酸味中药复方对纠正糖尿病大鼠代谢紊乱一定的作用。  相似文献   
析香港基本法的解释问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
香港特区终审法院在 1 999年 1月 2 9日就内地子女在港居留权的判决 ,引起了很大的争议。后来由全国人大常委会对《香港特别行政区基本法》的有关条文作出解释。在这一事件中 ,问题的焦点在于对基本法的解释权。本文拟就香港基本法的解释问题作一粗浅探讨。  相似文献   
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