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党的十七大提出要推动“当代中国马克思主义大众化”,我们只有正确解马克思主义大众化的实质,找出当前推进马克思主义大众化的有利条件和面临的主要挑战,才能更加顺利的推进马克思主义大众化。  相似文献   
新一轮国际金融危机对当前统战工作提出了三大挑战:一是使统一战线工作的维稳任务繁重化;二是使统一战线的工作对象复杂化;三是使统一战线的事业发展面临新的考验.有鉴于此,统一战线应充分发挥其服从大局的合作功能、汇集人心的凝聚功能、化解矛盾的协调功能、掌握社情民意的信息功能、建者献策的智囊功能以及争取海外支持的联络功能等独特优势,积极应对国际金融危机带来的挑战.  相似文献   
This paper examines race-based peremptory challenges. Such challenges occur during the voir dire jury selection process. The process allows both the defense and the prosecution to strike jurors who they believe will not decide cases fairly. However, in the case of Batson v. Kentucky 476 U.S. 79 (1986), the Supreme Court ruled that race could not be used as a factor in eliminating prospective jurors. This paper examines federal litigation for five years in which it was alleged that race was used as a factor in removing a juror. An examination of the cases revealed that most of the cases involved sole male litigants who allege that there were multiple race-based peremptory challenges used in their cases. Moreover, most of the cases that led to the allegations involved violent offenses. Other case characteristics are noted, but of most significance was the finding that most appellants lost their cases. As such, the courts felt that most of the challenges were, in fact, race neutral. The implications of this research are discussed. This study was funded by an undergraduate research grant from Penn State University.  相似文献   
地役权具有从属性,且为固有属性,而非立法政策“强加”的;地役权规范为强制性规范,在建筑物、土地所有权转让的场合,当事人不得约定地役权继续保留在地役权人之手;数个地役权并存于同一宗供役地的场合,先设立且已登记的地役权的效力优先;先设立却无登记的地役权,不能对抗后设立但已登记的地役权;至于先设立却无登记的地役权与后设立亦未登记的地役权之间的效力关系,应按照四项规则处理。  相似文献   
在国内外产业转移进行得如火如荼之时,广东西翼城市茂名迎来了发展的重大机遇期。然而茂名承接珠三角产业转移既有优势,也有劣势;既存在机遇,同时也面临挑战。为应对挑战把握住珠三角产业转移的历史机遇,茂名必须利用资源优势,巩固品牌优势,培育潜在优势,并营造良好的投资环境以增强竞争力。  相似文献   
2013年1月1日,新刑事诉讼法开始实施。公安机关作为实施新刑诉法的重要主体,所处的内部和外部警务环境已经发生了深刻的变化。在复杂的警务环境下,公安机关实施新刑诉法,在人权保障、证据意识、证人权益和律师辩护权等方面,面临极大的挑战,必须积极应对。  相似文献   

As government and public administration lag behind the rapid development of AI in their efforts to provide adequate governance, they need respective concepts to keep pace with this dynamic progress. The literature provides few answers to the question of how government and public administration should respond to the great challenges associated with AI and use regulation to prevent harm. This study analyzes AI challenges and former AI regulation approaches. Based on this analysis and regulation theory, an integrated AI governance framework is developed that compiles key aspects of AI governance and provides a guide for the regulatory process of AI and its application. The article concludes with theoretical implications and recommendations for public officers.  相似文献   
全球化是当今时代最为明显的特征。在这一背景下,中国只能积极应对。积极参与全球性问题的解决;进一步扩大开放,参与各类经济;借鉴吸收一切优秀文明成果,坚持有中国特色社会主义文化方向;不与任何国家搞军备竞赛,适度发展军事力量。  相似文献   
修改后的民事诉讼法进一步拓展了民事检察监督范围,增加了检察方式,强化了监督手段,民事检察监督工作迎来了新的发展机遇期,同时也提出了新的挑战。  相似文献   
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