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Co-operation between researchers in the global North and South is critical to the production of new knowledge to inform development policies. However, the agenda-setting process is a formidable obstacle in many development research partnerships. The first section of this article examines how bilateral donor strategies affect collaborative agenda-setting processes. The second section explores researchers' motivations for entering into North–South partnerships; the obstacles that Southern researchers encounter in agenda-setting processes; and the strategies that they employ to ensure that research partnerships respond to their concerns. This analysis suggests that while strong Southern research organisations are best placed to maximise the benefits of collaboration, donors and researchers alike are well advised to recognise the limitations of this approach and use it prudently, because North–South partnerships are not necessarily the best way to advance research agendas rooted in Southern priorities.  相似文献   
This article argues that the practice of poverty alleviation is greatly limited by a vision of poverty that fails to capture the locally specific causes of and solutions to the challenges that threaten human well-being. This problematic vision of poverty takes real-world form in such initiatives as Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers. It is a key reason why this and other contemporary poverty-alleviation efforts do not show greatly improved results compared with previous efforts. By reframing our understanding of the challenges to human well-being from poverty to ‘poverties’, however, we might envisage a new approach to policy development in relation to poverty that moves us towards a truly sustainable development.  相似文献   
目前,计算机被广泛应用于各行各业,高职毕业生的计算机应用能力已成为了用人单位招聘的标准。为了加强高职学生的计算机实际操作能力,培养熟练操作计算机应用软件的基本能力,在计算机基础课程教学过程中,通过改进考试方式方法,不断完善教学方法和教学手段,以适应用人单位的实际需求。  相似文献   
本文旨在从国内政治和国际政治的角度探析东南亚环境困境的根源与出路。东南亚曾被认为是全球环境的模范区,但如今的东南亚也是全球环境恶化浪潮下的重灾区。区域内国家重发展、轻环保的决策思路,以及普遍存在的腐败与行政低效率是导致环境恶化的国内原因。而国际市场对源自东南亚的、以消耗资源为主的产品的高度需求,以及需求国政府有意、无意地忽视过度消费资源类产品对东南亚环境的负面影响,则是导致东南亚环境恶化的国际原因。因此,解决东南亚环境困境仍需要内、外两方面的努力——发达国家为东南亚发展中国家提供必要的资金与技术援助,区域内国家在决策中注意环保,并遏制腐败、提高行政效率,这些都有助于改善东南亚的环境困境。  相似文献   
多年来 ,云南铁路公安机关开展了卓有成效的禁毒斗争 ,特别是 1998年昆明铁路公安局成立以后 ,始终把维护铁路治安稳定与全面开展禁毒斗争有机结合起来 ,取得了显著成效。但是 ,铁路公安机关全面开展禁毒斗争目前也确实存在着一些困难和问题 ,主要有经费不足、法律法规不健全等。只有解决了这些困难和问题 ,云南铁路禁毒工作才能更有效地发挥作用  相似文献   
当前群体性事件的解决从维稳到矛盾化解思维转变,综治成为必然选择。应立足中国特色的社会控制理论,剖析预防和减少群体性事件需要破解的难题:依靠领导批示解决问题;基层信访在政绩考核中异化;法制维权在实践中被群众延宕或放弃。以有针对性地提出解决策略,探讨如何才能实现群体性事件的综合治理。  相似文献   
Participatory research is increasingly being used with poor and marginalised populations in developing countries. However, there has been relatively little attention paid to ethical considerations in participatory research. We argue that there is a need for additional strategies to promote ethically sound participatory research, especially when working with marginalised groups. We present our experiences from a participatory research initiative with an indigenous population in rural India, in which we developed and implemented a Code of Research Ethics and sought community consent as well as individual consent. The challenges that we faced and how we attempted to overcome them are also discussed.

Dans le sens de recherches participatives robustes sur le plan éthique avec des populations marginales : expériences d'Inde

Les recherches participatives sont de plus en plus utilisées avec des populations pauvres et marginalisées dans les pays en développement. Cependant, une attention relativement faible a été accordée aux considérations éthiques dans les recherches participatives. Nous soutenons qu'il est nécessaire d'adopter des stratégies supplémentaires pour promouvoir des recherches participatives robustes sur le plan éthique, en particulier au moment de travailler avec des groupes marginalisés. Nous présentons nos expériences d'une initiative de recherche participative avec une population autochtone dans une zone rurale de l'Inde, dans le cadre de laquelle nous avons élaboré et mis au point un Code d'éthique en matière de recherche et tenté d'obtenir le consentement de la communauté ainsi que celui des individus. Les défis auxquels nous nous sommes heurtés et la manière dont nous avons tenté de les relever font aussi l'objet d'une discussion.

Em direção a uma pesquisa participativa eticamente s?lida com populaçóes marginalizadas: experiéncias da Índia

A pesquisa participativa está cada vez mais sendo utilizada com populaçóes pobres e marginalizadas em países em desenvolvimento. Porém, tem havido relativamente pouca atenção a consideraçóes éticas na pesquisa participativa. Argumentamos que há uma necessidade de estratégias adicionais para promover pesquisa participativa eticamente s?lida, especialmente quando se está trabalhando com grupos marginalizados. Apresentamos nossas experiéncias a partir de uma iniciativa de pesquisa participativa com uma população nativa na zona rural da ëndia, na qual desenvolvemos e implementamos um C?digo de èica de Pesquisa e buscamos o consentimento da comunidade e também o consentimento individual. Os desafios que enfrentamos e o modo como tentamos superá-los também são discutidos.

Hacia una investigación participativa ética con poblaciones marginadas: experiencias de India

La investigación participativa se aplica cada vez más con poblaciones pobres y marginadas de los países en desarrollo. Sin embargo, se ha prestado poca atención a los aspectos éticos de este tipo de investigación. Los autores sostienen que sería conveniente contar con nuevas estrategias para promover la investigación participativa con sólidas bases éticas, en especial a la hora de trabajar con grupos marginados. Los autores presentan los resultados de una investigación participativa con una población indígena del sector rural de India, donde elaboraron e implementaron un Código de Ética para la Investigación que incluía el consentimiento tanto comunitario como individual. El ensayo también expone cómo los autores afrontaron los retos que surgieron.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(八)》第22条把醉酒驾车和追逐驾驶中情节恶劣的危险驾驶行为纳入刑法规制,是因为该类行为具有抽象的危险性,给社会公共安全带来极大的危害性。为了解决危险驾驶作为抽象危险犯的责任问题,在适用现行刑法区分交通肇事罪和以危险方法危害公共安全罪的基础上,以刑法修正案的形式把危险驾驶行为予以立法归罪进行规制殊有必要。但是,《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(八)》对危险驾驶罪在立法上仍然存在缺陷,在司法实践中仍会遇到相关的问题,有必要进一步完善。  相似文献   
论管制征收构成标准——以美国联邦最高法院判例为中心   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王玎 《法学评论》2020,(1):160-173
美国联邦最高法院在审理33个管制征收案件时主要采用是否属于物理性侵占、是否属于经济利益互惠、财产权行使是否构成对公共或他人的妨碍、是否符合公共利益、对财产价值的影响程度五类标准。管制征收构成标准的体系构建,需通过对五类标准进行形式与实质递进式的双阶层划分来实现:是否属于物理性侵占、是否属于经济利益互惠以及财产权行使是否构成公共妨碍为第一阶层的形式标准。一项管制行为属于物理性侵占即构成管制征收;管制行为属于经济利益互惠或者财产权行使构成对公共或他人的妨碍,则不构成管制征收。在不属于物理性侵占、经济利益互惠或者财产权行使构成公共妨碍的情况下,对是否符合公共利益和对财产价值的影响程度作第二阶层的实质判断。不符合公共利益标准或者对财产价值造成过度影响的管制行为构成应于补偿的管制征收。  相似文献   
Amartya Sen's Capability Approach is increasingly influential in the literature of development economics. It has contributed to development discourse by strengthening the multidimensional approach to poverty analysis and stressing the importance of focusing on agency and empowerment. Nevertheless, the Capability Approach has not yet been applied comprehensively beyond development economics. This article assesses the contribution of the Capability Approach to the field of development planning, by comparing it with the rights-based approach (RBA) and the sustainable-livelihoods framework (SLF). The article argues that by focusing on the capability space, power relations, and participation, the Capability Approach has the potential to become a normative framework to radicalise development practices.  相似文献   
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