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2004年俄罗斯经济连续第六年实现高速增长,引起世界各国的关注。俄罗斯经济的良好发展态势,不仅得益于国际市场较高的石油价格,也是俄罗斯经济内在变化的结果。可以预见,未来一个时期俄罗斯经济向好的基本条件依然具备,经济前景十分乐观。  相似文献   
随着俄经济出现恢复性增长,建筑业也得到了较快发展。目前,俄建筑市场属于成长初期的市场,发展的空间大,机遇多。俄联邦对住房建设较为重视,建筑材料进口需求格外旺盛,建筑领域积极引进外资,建筑承包工程市场实行对外开放政策。我国建筑企业进军俄罗斯建筑市场,机遇和挑战并存,我们一定要进一步解放思想,采取正确对策,善于抓住机遇,勇于应对挑战,才能在中俄建筑业的合作中争取一个双赢的结果。  相似文献   
This study evaluates the role of tactical nuclear weapons (TNWs) for NATO today. Historically, TNWs fulfill five objectives. First, they provide a deterrent by denial capability. Second, TNWs serve to deter TNWs by other countries. Third, as the most ‘useable’ of nuclear weapons, they offer militaries solutions to a small target set of hardened targets. Fourth, they bridge the interface between nuclear and conventional forces, maintaining linkage up the ladder of escalation. Fifth, they serve as a powerful political symbol of an extended deterrent commitment. While the perception is that their utility for NATO in plausible European contingencies is low, we argue that there is variation in the political and military roles of TNWs. We submit that, in general, the first role has lost its significance but the other objectives remain relevant to NATO's present political circumstances, especially as a symbol of the transatlantic relationship and as a safeguard against Russian belligerence. Accordingly, TNWs remain a significant part of NATO's capabilities and should remain deployed in Europe.  相似文献   
中亚华裔东干文学和中国俄裔侨民文学是20世纪中、俄文学交流中两种特殊的文学样态。两种文学在形成的历史时段、发展的空间分布和文学的生存环境等方面都存在可比性。两种文学都受中国文化和俄罗斯文化影响,反映了中俄文化的碰撞与交融对文学作品的影响。历史文化语境和作家写作姿态两方面的原因,导致了两种文学存在差异。比较这两种文学能发现20世纪的中、俄文学交流存在多种艺术形式。  相似文献   

This article is an intervention in some controversies concerning the role of the Communist International in and outside China. It seeks to tackle the inappropriate denial of its guidance and aid to the Chinese Revolution. In doing so, this paper makes several arguments. First, it argues that the Communist International provided the Chinese Revolution with valuable guidance, support and assistance. These contributed tremendously to the Communist Party of China’s birth, development, consolidation and maturation and advanced its theoretical self-consciousness. Second, while the Communist International gave its guidance in the sincere hope that the Chinese Revolution would benefit from correct theories and advanced experiences, it absolutised the theoretical conceptions of the classical Marxists and the Russian experience. This led to mistakes or misjudgments that deserve an accurate evaluation. Third, the Communist International was itself conducting theoretical exploration, and was generally able to adjust its own theories and change its strategies. Fourth, for all the Communist International’s guidance, the universal tenets of Marxism had to be integrated with the concrete practice of the Chinese Revolution, and it was the ability of Chinese communists to Sinicise Marxism–Leninism in what amounted to a theoretical revolution under Mao Zedong’s leadership that accounts for the revolution’s ultimate victory.  相似文献   
在俄国现代化过程中也出现过新教运动。大约从叶卡捷琳娜大帝时期起,由信奉新教的德国移民把新教传播到俄国南部。1861年废除农奴制以后新教运动得到快速发展,并开始从社会底层向社会上层扩展。这使得沙皇政权和东正教会大为恐慌,因为它与东正教旧礼派一样对沙皇政权和东正教会的统治造成了威胁。对于沙皇政权来讲,精神的力量是其政治体系中重要的组成部分,而沙皇政权利用东正教会加强对整个国家的控制。在亚历山大二世执政时期,沙皇政权开始对新教徒采取镇压政策。到亚历山大三世统治时期,在东正教会与沙皇政权的联合绞杀下,俄国的新教运动失败。这使得新教运动在俄国社会锻造一个像西欧一样的中产阶级的努力付诸东流。  相似文献   
从普京到梅德韦杰夫,已经把俄罗斯远东及东西伯利亚地区开发提上国家议事日程,并使之与中国东北老工业基地振兴衔接起来,以求实现中俄两国边境区域合作开发的战略对接。而在这一过程中,即使在两国边境区域合作规划纲要着手实施、远东及东西伯利亚地区人力资源严重短缺的情况下,在俄罗斯仍然存在着所谓"中国威胁论"的虚构性喧嚣,致使中国移民问题一直没有得到合理解决。因此,有必要透析俄罗斯远东地区由移民问题而引发的"中国威胁论"背景因素,认定中国移民对俄罗斯远东及东西伯利亚地区开发的重要价值,做出解决中国移民问题的现实对策,只有这样努力实施下去,才能在俄罗斯远东及东西伯利亚地区开发进程中发挥"中国因素"的积极作用。  相似文献   
近年来,道德教育在俄罗斯教育中的地位日益彰显。目前正在进行试验教学的俄罗斯民族精神道德文化课令人瞩目。该课程主要由俄罗斯传统宗教文化组成,是俄罗斯学校德育教育的重要尝试,充分体现了现代俄罗斯教育要依托本民族精神文化、弘扬民族传统价值的重要思想,对于培养和发展中学生的精神道德具有积极、重要的意义。该课程在实践教学中也面临着一些现实问题的考验。  相似文献   
我们通过对"глубокий"和"深"搭配域的分析,发现二者在语义上具有相同的隐喻模式:空间→时间→性质。其搭配域既体现了语际共性,也反映了语际差异。对共同搭配域做认知上的分析后得出结论:汉语和俄语单式形容词搭配域的宽窄和其句法功能有密切关系。  相似文献   
This article discusses how national identity in Russia is understood by the public and among experts who study ethnic issues. The author separates the notion of national identity into categorical identity and associative identity (i.e., the consolidating type of identity which is based on a strong feeling of connection with other citizens). The latter type of identity is present only among a third of people who identify themselves as Russian. The author further analyses the connection of this type of identity with inter-ethnic negativism. She finds that national identity does not remove bias toward abstract “others.” However, it affects direct inter-ethnic communication in the labor and family spheres. The positive impact of national identity on inter-ethnic attitudes is more apparent in the Astrakhan region, which has longer experience of inter-ethnic communication. It is argued that one obstacle to national identity having a positive impact on inter-ethnic attitudes is the lack of a clear and consistent understanding of national identity among education experts, social scientists, and journalists. The study utilizes data from Wave 24 of the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey conducted by the Institute of Sociology (“The dynamics of social transformation of modern Russia in the socioeconomic, political, sociocultural, and ethno-confessional contexts,” Wave 4) and several separate regional polls conducted by the Department of Ethno-sociology of the Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Science between 2014 and 2016.  相似文献   
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