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突发公共事件应急管理研究中的重要科学问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
当今,各类突发公共事件已成为构建和谐社会的重要隐患,引起了社会各界的广泛关注.认为,加强突发公共事件应急管理中的科学问题研究是我国社会经济发展过程中产生的重大现实需求,对于建立和发展富有中国特色的应急管理理论以及相应的学科体系具有重要的科学意义;在此基础上,将突发公共事件应急管理中的科学问题归纳为突发公共事件应急管理体系建设战略研究、典型突发公共事件危机/灾害的机理机制研究、突发公共事件的监测预警研究、应急资源管理理论与技术研究、突发公共事件的认知与决策行为研究、突发公共事件的模拟仿真研究、突发公共事件的应急管理系统研究以及突发公共事件的后评估与重建研究,并对其研究现状和发展趋势进行了扼要的回顾和展望;最后建议国家有关部门设立重大研究计划以便加强研究力度,并就如何提炼和组织其中的科学问题提出了一些建议,可为我国开展突发公共事件应急管理中的科学问题研究提供参考.  相似文献   
袁方成  盛元芝 《公共管理学报》2011,8(3):115-122,128
新西兰公共部门改革是"新公共管理运动"的先锋,作为"改革实验室"和"政策创新者",因其彻底性、持续性及成效性被誉为"改革的典范"。然而近年来,西方公共管理学界提出了若干质疑,甚至认为"新公共管理运动已经死亡"。本文在考察新西兰公共部门改革实践的基础上,对实践模式的局限性及时代转换的压力两方面的批判性反思进行了梳理和分析:其"公平"与"公共"价值已经失落?是"经济学帝国"的扩张?还是"新泰勒主义"的表现?亦或是随着改革主题的衰落,数字时代治理的来临。对这一改革的实践发掘和理论反思对于当前我国政府职能转换与行政改革具有重要的参鉴价值:首先,推进改革的政府需要具备必要的能力基础;公共部门改革的核心命题是转变理念,优化政府职能,提高政府的效率和效能;而改革能否顺利推进,取决于广大民众和政府之间的深入互动;此外,改革需要尊重地方政府的主动性,充分发挥其作用。  相似文献   
近些年来,腐败问题在国际学术界愈来愈得到关注。究其原因,一是宏观社会经济环境的一些变化带来了更多的腐败问题;二是腐败形态本身的发展也从理论和实践的角度为腐败研究提出了大量具有挑战性的课题。其中,学者对腐败发生发展的原因、过程、模式、后果尤为关注。对反腐败的机构和策略也有不少研究。但是腐败研究仍存在一些薄弱环节,有许多课题亟待开发,同时也需要有新的视角。本文着重讨论需要加强研究的一些问题和值得提倡的三个视角:一是比较的视角;二是自下而上的视角;三是效能的视角。  相似文献   
目前实践中关于优化政务服务改革的政策措施和经验做法基本上是围绕着以下框架进行:一是明确政务服务项目(提供什么服务),二是提升政务服务基本要求(提供什么样的服务),三是合理确定政务服务的主体(由谁提供服务),四是合理确定政务服务的对象(向谁提供服务),五是改进政务服务的提供方式(如何提供服务),六是加强政务服务的保障(如何保障服务的提供)。  相似文献   
From 1995, Australian governments pursued efficiency benefits arising from significant structural reforms in the Electricity Supply Industry, including corporatisation and regulation of network monopolies, and introduction of competition for generators and for retailers. The restructure was motivated by the ideology of New Public Management and influenced by the field of neoliberal economics. More than two decades later, prices paid for electricity by residential and commercial customers have escalated sharply, resulting in sustained anger from all consumers. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Chair has admitted that ‘The National Electricity Market is largely broken’. This article documents the reduction in public access to information about electricity supply, the fragmentation in responsibility and accountability for consumer outcomes, and the consequences of these changes for transparency, industry operation, and retail electricity prices. New research enabled the creation of a database of Queensland energy production, consumption, and prices; this facilitated a fresh analysis of Queensland electricity sector performance since the restructure of electricity supply.  相似文献   
从权力运作逻辑看,公安社会管理创新主要是一种警察权力运作方式的创新。而任何权力都是在特定时空的社会组织体系中运行并实现功能目的及其价值目标的。从近代西方社会管理的经验和警察权理念流变看,民主政治发展、市场经济建设和公民社会培育三者对国家治理理念形成及其实践方式选择(包括警察权配置及运行)产生了决定性影响,历史经验和事实逻辑要求我们把合作治理与公民增权作为我国社会管理创新中警察权的使命。  相似文献   
Current categorical classification systems of personality disorders (PDs) remain widely used amid growing evidence that argues against the conceptualisation of PDs as independent, discrete entities. Adopting the dimensional perspective of Morey et al. (Journal of Personality Assessment, 49, 245–251, 1985), this study compared PD traits across forensic, psychiatric and “normal” senior business manager samples. There was particular interest in the relative representations of elements of PD closely associated with psychopathic PD because of research suggesting that some “psychopaths” operate within mainstream society, and links that have been made between elements of these so-called “successful” psychopaths, and characteristics associated with success in senior business management roles. The dimensional Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Scales for DSM III Personality Disorders (MMPI-PD) were shown to be internally consistent for the “normal” sample. Evidence for the qualitative equivalence of the four PD profiles emerged. The PD profile of the senior business manager sample was found to contain significant elements of PD, particularly those that have been referred to as the “emotional components” of psychopathic PD. The findings provide strong support for the continuous distribution of personality disordered traits.  相似文献   
In 1985, the Canadian Law Reform Commission recommended to keep both polygamy and bigamy as criminal offences. Its rational to still outlaw polygamy rested on the grounds that such an accommodation would support patriarchal religious practices denigrating women, while bigamy as a criminal offence had its roots in two fundamental institutions of Canadian society: marriage and the family. Two different crimes, but in the mind of the Canadian population they are often blurred.

The popular image of bigamists involve family men juggling two wives, a few children, and two homes, each family not knowing of the existence of the other. If we do not imagine this kind of “double life”, at the very least, the first impulse is to picture a male villain, a scoundrel. This hardly corresponds to the reality. A systematic study of bigamy cases brought to legal authorities in a number of Canadian local jurisdictions in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries reveals that very few of the prosecuted bigamists led a “double life”.  相似文献   
王箫轲 《当代韩国》2013,(2):96-108
建交以来中国对韩国经济—经营研究发展迅速,这成为中国韩国学研究的重要部分。从中国知网数据库的统计分析当中可以发现,韩国经济—经营研究是中国学界较为关注的国别研究之一,其关注重点随着中韩经济发展经历了一个变化的过程。1992~1997年,相关研究对韩国经济的制度层面和大企业集团的关注很多,重点是对韩国经济发展经验的引进和借鉴。1998~2008年,中国学界对韩国经济—经营领域的研究进入全面深入发展阶段,对韩国工业经济的关注度明显提高,对韩国企业的经营管理也进行了更加详实的考察和分析。2009年以来,能源问题、文化产业问题、FTA问题、农业问题、宏观经济管理当中的公共政策问题等成为中国学界的关注重点。由于主客观因素的制约,中国学界对韩国经济—经营领域的研究存在基础研究不足、跟踪研究滞后和具体产业研究不深入等问题。目前,韩国在经济—经营方面依然有很多值得中国借鉴的经验,中韩经济关系发展也面临着新的问题,中国学界对韩国经济—经营领域的研究面临着新的机遇与课题。  相似文献   
The separation of implementation from policy has been diffused as ‘agencification’ around the world. It is considered an organisational reform based on new public management (NPM). The semi-autonomous public organisations executing policy are set up and are given a greater flexibility in operations in exchange for strengthening accountability for results. The central government of Japan also adopted the organisational reform in which agencies were called independent administrative institutions (IAIs). The reform intends not only to make the public service more transparent but to improve efficiency and quality of services through separating the implementing functions from the policy units, ministries and departments. It is assumed that flexibility in operations and result orientation would improve organisational performance through a feedback instrument of evaluating results into the budget other than an incentive mechanism. This article investigates whether the intended objectives have been accomplished. The specific focus is on the impacts on the budgetary system in terms of performance. The analysis shows that in Japanese agencies, ex-post performance information has not been fed into the budget process. Also the actual outcomes are explained by an incremental funding system, technical problems in measurement of results (performance measurement) and bureaucratic motivation through adopting a principal agent model.  相似文献   
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