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How unrestricted or restricted should judges be when deciding a sentence? To what extent should sentences be predetermined, or to what extent should judges be left with the right to decide a sentence in each individual case? Some legal systems, most notably in the United States, have chosen sentencing guidelines to control judicial discretion. However, another approach has been to use computer technology in the form of so‐called sentencing information systems (SIS). This article examines these developments and what possible influence they have had and could have in the Scandinavian, particularly in the Norwegian, context. Penal institutions today are adjusting to the demands of the information society. Does and could the fact that we are living in an increasingly technologically mediated world influence judicial decision‐making? The article argues that the use of technology is not simply a question of technological change, but is first and foremost a social and political phenomenon, related to the relations of trust in a society.  相似文献   
Currently there is a circuit split between the Second and Ninth Circuits in determining whether or not to apply previous juvenile sex offenses to the sentencing of an adult sex offender. The Second Circuit feels it is within the trial court's discretion to apply an enhancement of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines by applying either a juvenile adjudicated or unadjudicated sex offense to the sentencing of an adult offender. The Ninth Circuit sees that as improper and only adult sex offenses should be counted toward the sentencing of adult sex offenses. Due to the vague language of this enhancement, the determination of how to apply this is up to the court's discretion. This Note proposes that the U.S. Sentencing Commission amend section 4B1.5, and decide in favor of the Ninth Circuit due to the plain text reading of the statute, as well as the intent of the guideline itself alongside the “rule of lenity” as understood in the Ninth Circuit's reasoning of only applying adult offenses to the sentencing of that adult later on in life. The positive public policy of rehabilitation of juvenile offenders would be served greatly by this amendment to this guideline. By eliminating the possibility of having such an offense count against a juvenile in the future would allow and encourage those juveniles to take positive steps toward their future.  相似文献   
庄绪龙 《法学家》2022,(1):84-97
无论是从法哲学视域的公正视角还是司法实践的立场,基于同一笔犯罪事实的前提,“下游犯罪量刑不高于上游犯罪”原则已被普遍承认。然而,由于上游犯罪来源的多样性与下游犯罪的相对单一性特点,司法裁判中上下游犯罪“量刑倒挂”现象时有发生。为了应对这一不合理现象,近年来司法机关在认罪认罚从宽制度的“背书”下,着力探索了一系列方法,主要包括:将自首、坦白情节“可以减轻处罚”的实质条件模糊化并人为主导“减轻处罚”结果,技术化地创设“下游犯罪量刑轻于上游犯罪的主犯但重于从犯”规则,对下游犯罪大量适用非监禁刑。然而,上述方案与认罪认罚从宽制度并无实质关联。事实上,在认罪认罚从宽制度背景下,下游犯罪行为人退赃退赔的“赎罪”抑或“法益恢复”行为可以作为量刑实质从宽的理论根据。具体而言,下游犯罪行为人在上游犯罪案发前的“法益恢复”情形,可以考虑对其“相对不起诉”,在上游犯罪案发后的“法益恢复”情形,可以考虑对其“定罪免刑”。  相似文献   
随着犯罪低龄化问题的日渐突出,未成年人犯罪问题日益成为国际社会和世界各国所关注的问题。为贯彻对未成年犯教育、挽救、改造的方针,达到预防未成年人再次犯罪,以保护未成年人健康成长和保护社会的双重目的,就应当把握对未成年犯罪从宽处罚的原则,注重量刑的平衡问题。由于我国没有单独的未成年刑法,对未成年犯如何适用刑罚,对未成年人犯罪的量刑如何适用无疑是一个需要探索的问题。  相似文献   
量刑程序改革的实体法支撑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在刑法理论上必须对量刑基准、量刑情节等问题进行研究,才能为量刑程序的改革提供实体上的支持,从而在量刑环节确立争论点,增强控辩对抗,为法官准确量刑提供素材。没有实体法上的支撑,围绕量刑程序的所有美好设计都可能落空。目前流行的关于量刑基准的各种实务理解均存在诸多不足;寻找量刑基准的方法应当是实证分析法;量刑基准的确立,需要检察官、法官、学者的通力合作。量刑情节具有两面性,对量刑情节的判断可能受非理性因素的影响。在多个逆向情节并存的情况下,立足于抵消说的"综合判断说"基本上是合理的。  相似文献   
蒋兰香 《行政与法》2005,(7):99-101
受贿罪是实践中案发率非常高的腐败犯罪,作为刑法学界研究较为深入的一个犯罪,其概念、构成要件、与它罪的区别、证据的判断、运用等问题的探讨已经有一个大致的眉目。然而,站在另一个平台和视角,学界对于受贿罪选择客体的研究却甚少。本文从一个细微的切入点探究了受贿罪选择客体及其对定罪量刑的影响。  相似文献   
中德(日)量刑基准之比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在德日刑法中,受责任主义的规制,责任为刑罚规定了前提和界限,基于预防方面的考量不能僭越责任程度所决定的刑罚。相比之下,中国现行刑法的量刑基准理论与之虽貌合实神离,因为作为其量刑基准的刑事责任的大小是社会危害性与人身危险性评价的加权之值。我国现行量刑基准理论实际上是现行刑事责任理论体系的逻辑延伸。欲求我国量刑基准理论在逻辑上更为科学合理,在价值取向上彰显现代刑法之人权保障机能,则必以改善现行刑事责任理论体系为前提。改造的重点在于纠正将责任评价与刑罚量定混为一体的做法,将之予以分离,使之各得其所。作为犯罪后果负担的刑事责任只能由犯罪的严重性程度来决定,人身危险性因素不能用于评价犯罪与刑事责任,而只能在刑罚最后量定时做有利于犯罪人更新改造之缓和考量。  相似文献   
This study examined the pattern of relations between vengeance attitudes, right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), and social dominance orientation (SDO) using the structure of value types proposed by Schwartz (Adv Exp Soc Psychol 25:1–65, 1992). Relations between these variables and support for a variety of sentencing options, including capital punishment, were then investigated. One hundred and forty-eight students in Adelaide, South Australia, completed a Vengeance Scale (Stuckless and Goranson, J Soc Behav Pers 7:25–42, 1992), measures of RWA and SDO, the Schwartz Value Survey (1992), and a Sentencing Goals Scale. As predicted, vengeance attitudes and SDO were found to be positively related to the importance of power values and negatively related to the importance of universalism and benevolence values. Vengeance attitudes were negatively related to rehabilitation and positively related to support for retribution and incapacitation sentencing goals, while RWA was positively related to the endorsement of deterrence and incapacitation as sentencing goals. Regression analyses indicated that only RWA and vengeance attitudes were unique predictors of death penalty support. Results provide support for the suggestion that vengeance is closely associated with our notion of retributive justice.  相似文献   
量刑制度宏观问题研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
量刑制度的外观为刑罚裁量与体系化构成 ,包括缓刑制度、死刑缓期执行、再犯和特别减轻制度 ;量刑制度具有规范、限制、整合、贯彻功能 ;运行量刑制度需要考虑运行环境和权力介入、媒体舆论、法官好恶、治安形势等相关影响因素 ;量刑制度存在两个基本走向 ,即综合化与精确化。量刑制度改革宜从总体目标、制度完善并结合刑事诉讼改革三方面同步进行  相似文献   
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