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In their article, Interdisciplinary Teamwork in Family Law Practice, Mosten and Traum promote the use of an interdisciplinary, team‐based approach to family law practice. This commentary focuses on the two pronged shift in the current zeitgeist of family law practice. First, Mosten and Traum guide us away from an historically adversarial approach to family law practice, in which attorneys advocate for the legal rights of a single client, to a more holistic approach in which the focus is on the Family Global Case. Furthermore, the push toward Family Global Case shifts the focus away from discrete legal issues associated with reorganization to empowering families to self‐determine through their reorganization. This shift follows the movement in both medicine and mental health away from direct intervention for people with disorders to promoting wellness for at‐risk yet healthy individuals. The second prong of Mosten and Traum's approach is a movement toward more collaborative interdisciplinary functioning. However, the shift in the practice of family law from the sole practitioner working alone to being one member of a broader multidisciplinary team focusing on the future well‐being of the family brings with it not only issues of professional role definitions but also the development of a new combined set of ethics and models for training. These are discussed in detail.  相似文献   
巡逻在整个公安工作中占有举足轻重的地位。为了充分发挥巡逻的作用,寻求最佳的巡逻效果,需要制定科学合理的巡逻体制。美国的巡逻体制涵盖了巡区文化、相关研究、警力配置以及自由裁量权等若干问题,我们希望通过对此类问题的研究能为处于改革发展阶段的中国巡逻体制提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   
进入21世纪以来,东南亚地区秩序发生了重大变化,东南亚的多极化格局已经形成。在这个格局中,中美日三个大国与东盟一起共同发挥作用,维护该地区的和平、稳定与繁荣。维护该地区的和平、稳定与繁荣既是中美日三个大国的共同目标,也是它们的共同利益。东盟是该地区一支重要的、不可替代的力量,中美日三个大国能否在该地区实现合作共赢,在很大程度上取决于东盟的影响和如何发挥作用。  相似文献   
New paradigms of public administration have been introduced in government in order to cure administrative ills around the world. Various trajectories of public sector reforms have been actively introduced in many countries and the benefit of shifting to new paradigms of public administration has been well documented. However, the cost or the consequence of public sector reforms remains understudied. Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to deal with the consequences of the paradigm change of public administration and government reform because the author sees that the public capacity has declined or at least not improved in recent years while a wide range of innovations have been carried out by many governments under the New Public Management and governance perspectives. This article first looks at the evolution of public administration and its implication, followed by a discussion on government reform and its unintended consequences, and governance change in South Korea. Then various issues on new challenges such as the lack of the public capacity, and new tasks such as capacity building and calls for curriculum development, will be elaborated, followed by conclusions.  相似文献   

This research examined the relationship of three work shift characteristics (length, working more than 8 hours, working double shifts) to work outcomes, indicators of psychological well‐being and perceptions of hospital functioning during a time of considerable hospital restructuring and downsizing. Data were collected from 744 hospital‐based nursing staff survivors of these changes. About 60% of the respondents worked shifts that were 9 hours or longer and 20% had worked two shifts back to back. Younger, less experienced nurses worked longer shifts. All three shift characteristics were significantly related to frequency of nursing errors and injuries.  相似文献   
近年来,河南农民工规模不断扩大,主要集中在建筑和制造行业。他们的文化程度偏低,从事的职业层次低且多来源于非农产业不发达的县乡。这些特点造成目前我省农民工在管理等方面存在诸多问题,其原因既有农民工自身素质方面的,也有制度和体制方面的。  相似文献   
从臣民到公民:角色转换界及其生成与发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
臣民与公民的本质区分并不在于是否拥有法律文本意义上的权利 ,也不完全在于实际权利的是否享有 ,关键在于是否具有自觉、理性、强烈、持久的权利意识。在由臣民向公民的角色转换中 ,启动与推进因素只能是权利和权利意识 ,而不可能是义务和规范意识。权利意识的生成与发展既需要现实生活中享有权利的激活与滋养 ,也需要权利思想启蒙 ,有时后者更重要。两者共同作用便可促进角色转换 ,完成向真正公民社会的过渡  相似文献   
21世纪是亚洲崛起的世纪,然而,西方人对亚洲的崛起持反感的态度,并感到恐慌,进而退化成保护主义.在<新亚洲半球:权力东移势不可挡>一书中,纪梭·马布巴尼以亚洲人的眼光,描述了亚洲的崛起及其对世界的影响,对世界权力重心的持续东移做出了深刻的分析.作者告诫西方,接受亚洲崛起的现实,并与之携手合作,才是明智之举.同时,他也告诉我们,当西方发生变化时,新亚洲应该如何响应.本文是对<新亚洲半球:权力东移势不可挡>的评论.  相似文献   
本文认为 ,后新诗潮受 2 0世纪西方“语言转向”的影响 ,在特殊的后现代文化语境中 ,以语言为出发点和最终归宿 ,力图剥离社会强加给语言的价值观念和伦理秩序 ,在“语言还原”的过程中 ,抵达生命的平真状态。  相似文献   
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