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目前房屋拆迁管理部门依据的<城市房屋拆迁管理条例>存在诸多违宪之处.新的拆迁立法应按照区分公共利益与非公共利益拆迁的基本思路,以利益平衡为指导思想,体现公平和效益,保护公民的合法财产,规范拆迁行为.取消非公益拆迁中的行政裁判制度,非经司法程序不得限制或剥夺公民的财产.  相似文献   
大鼠死后骨骼肌细胞核DNA降解的彗星电泳检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨彗星电泳检测大鼠死后骨骼肌细胞核DNA降解碎片与死后时间的关系。方法建立SD大鼠死亡模型,18只雌性大鼠断颈处死,在25.1℃分别于死后6、12、24、36、48、60提取大鼠骨骼肌组织进行彗星电泳,荧光显微成像系统采集图像,同时获取多个分析参数(Comet4.0),并进行统计学处理。结果在死后6~48h,彗星尾长(TL)在死后各时间点的均数依次为11.56±0.10、17.76±0.18、18.82±0.21、21.68±0.18和23.33±0.07;Oliver尾矩(TM)在各时间点的均数依次为1.63±0.46;2.12±0.90;2.15±1.03;2.22±0.76;3.35±0.80;尾DNA(TDNA)在各时间点的均数依次为29.57±8.42;32.36±10.92;30.11±12.55;37.81±12.03;54.76±8.60。结论细胞DNA降解随着死后时间的延长而增加;彗星尾长用于推断死后时间优于Oliver尾矩和尾DNA。  相似文献   
陕西省委、省政府提出,用10年时间对陕南三市居住在深山半坡和地质灾害点上的60万户,240万群众实施移民搬迁,这是解决陕南恶劣环境地区群众居住安全和生存发展的重大民生工程。要达到"搬得出、稳定住、能致富"的目标,就必须大力推进搬迁工作的规范化建设。笔者认为,应在搬迁工作制度化、规划选址科学化、工程建设规范化、搬迁安置项目化、资金筹集多元化、安置政策优惠化、社区组建新型化、移民致富产业化等八个方面进一步推进移民搬迁工作规范化建设。  相似文献   
在加快经济发展过程中,土地资源溢价带来了暴利,利益重组中强者势力失控、弱者利益保护不足。利益争夺以法权模糊化为掩盖,政府角色错位为分利一方,商业利益披上公共利益的外衣,住户暴利心理绑架了生存利益,国家所有权吞没了其他物权,正式程序游戏化运用。政府与开发商结盟,开发商滥用私暴力,住户回归自力救济,各方利益行动选择共同虚置了法律制度。只有回归法治理性,明晰利益关系,完善制度规则,才能重建法律秩序。  相似文献   
In June 2006 a decapitated woman was found in a parking area of the motorway in the area of Prato (Florence). Since the body was beheaded and no victim’s documents or objects were present at the crime scene, identification at that time was impossible. However, DNA profile from woman’s bones were collected. In the same year (2003), a mother had reported her daughter's disappearance but the two events were not related at that time. About ten years later the mother’s DNA profile was finally acquired for a genetic identification of another girl’s body found in the Ferrara area. These genetic profiles were completely discordant. All these genetic comparisons were carried out on behalf of the prosecutors of the cities involved in the findings of the bodies and in the disappearance complaints, but due to the lack of a database the events remained disconnected. In January 2017, the head of the scientific police of Prato who had followed the investigation and questioned the mother of the missing girl found about ten years later, suggested to the magistrate to order the comparison of the mother's DNA with the genetic profile of the bones found in 2006. This comparison finally allowed the identification of the missing daughter.This story highlights the importance of having forensic DNA database to search for missing persons and how the investigator's intuition can play a key role in resolving criminal cases. In fact, databases of unknown bodies and relatives of missing persons were created in Italy as a part of national DNA database just at the beginning of 2018.  相似文献   
超生反应阶段骨骼肌机械性损伤的形态学研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
对20例1.25~8.30hpm具有超生反应能力的尸检骨骼肌和17例10~24hpm和48~60hpm不具超生反应能力的尸检骨骼肌进行机械性损伤刺激的形态学系列对比研究。结果表明,经机械打击刺激后,具超生兴奋性的肌肉,受打击部位的肌纤维出现类似典型生前伤征象的形态学改变,而不具超生兴奋性的肌纤维仅出现被动的肌纤维断裂等非活性肌纤维改变。通过对超生形态学反应的形成机理进行探讨,为进一步研究超生形态学的作用提示了前景。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between neighborhood quality, residential instability, employment access, location affordability, and work outcomes among individuals relocated as part of the Boulevard Homes HOPE VI redevelopment in Charlotte, North Carolina. We found that, contrary to expectations, relocation to private-market units with vouchers, as compared with public housing, did not always result in better neighborhood outcomes. Whereas voucher holders relocated to better quality neighborhoods, relocatees who moved to other public housing lived in neighborhoods with better employment access and lower costs. We also found a positive correlation between locational affordability (housing + transportation costs) and work outcomes.  相似文献   
Households face many difficult decisions after a disaster, including decisions about whether to rebuild their homes or relocate to a new area. These decisions are bounded by federal housing recovery policy and the ways it is interpreted and applied. In this article, we examine the use of home buyout programs as housing recovery policy tools and assess buyout policy using policy learning theory. According to policy learning theory, policies should evolve and improve over time. Instead, a historical review of buyouts implemented in the United States suggests that policy learning related to buyouts has been, at best, limited. Rather than showing evidence of learning from one iteration to the next, individual buyout programs continue to reflect unique objectives and features, lacking evidence of an iterative process. We propose a novel typology for organizing buyout programs and conclude by exploring implications of this finding and offering recommendations for moving forward.  相似文献   
恶劣的自然条件和和特殊的人文环境导致四川"三州"民族地区贫困人口众多、贫困程度深重,必须进行扶贫搬迁才能彻底摆脱贫困。由于受扶贫搬迁耗资巨大、国家补助太低、可迁入地越来越少等因素的制约,四川"三州"民族地区必须确立战略目标、找准实施重点,保障政策、资金、产业、人才支持,才能确保扶贫搬迁工程的顺利推进。  相似文献   
易地扶贫搬迁作为“五个一批”精准扶贫工程之一,是新时期推进精准扶贫、实现精准脱贫的重要路径。随着搬迁户的入住,如何让搬迁户“稳得住、能脱贫”成为精准扶贫战略实施的关键。本课题试图针对贵州乌蒙山区易地扶贫搬迁户生存状态的前后比较,在“可持续生计理论框架”下,通过实地调查,分析搬迁户生计资本结构优化面临的突出问题及其影响因素,进而寻求解决搬迁户可持续生计问题的一些有效途径。  相似文献   
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