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目前我国的创业板主要面临三大困境:一是对上市公司的资金、盈利性等方面要求的门槛较高,造成了许多真正有潜力的国内中小企业上市融资非常困难,这无疑与我国创立创业板的初衷大相径庭;二是各创业板市场正面临激烈竞争,国外的创业板(例如纳斯达克等)制定了很多政策吸引我国中小企业去该市场上市;三是在创业板第一批解禁潮来临之时,首批上市的28家企业中大批高管离职套现,这充分证明了我国创业板市场的不完善性。我国的创业板应该制定怎样的上市条件才能既满足中小企业的融资需求,又能够维持自身的稳定发展,还能切实保证投资者的利益,这是一个值得深思的问题。  相似文献   
Derek McDougall 《圆桌》2017,106(4):453-466

This article gives an overview of the involvement of Australia, New Zealand and Fiji in peacekeeping operations with attention to motives, experience and ‘lessons learnt’. Australia and New Zealand have been strongly influenced by regional considerations and an understanding of good international citizenship. Fiji’s contribution has been determined less by regional considerations and more by its position as a small developing country whose peacekeeping activities bring economic benefits, although it could be argued that by providing a basis for extending military forces they have contributed indirectly to political instability. Police contributions have been increasingly important to Australia and New Zealand and they have advocated a stronger role for police in other situations around the world.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse the subject of prisoners, prisons and punishment in small societies. An attempt is made to compare the prison system in a small society (Iceland) with those of other larger societies, in particular those of other Nordic countries. Small institutions function better in many respects than larger ones. The problems that emerge, and there are problems in all prisons, are more visible and can therefore more easily be discussed and solved.  相似文献   
High-magnitude electoral districts are widely believed to lead to greater representation for smaller parties. This article refines the conventional wisdom by taking electoral geography into account. When small political parties have geographically concentrated support bases, then no systematic relationship exists between district magnitude and legislative representation. High-magnitude districts do not advantage small parties whose supporters are geographically concentrated. Evidence in support of this claim comes from India and Israel. The article shows what counterfactual Indian and Israeli legislatures would look like if seats were allocated using electoral districts of varying magnitudes and highlights how parties with geographically concentrated support bases win similar seat totals, irrespective of district magnitude.  相似文献   
中小企业吸纳就业人员多,是我国社会经济发展不可缺少的组成部分,在国民经济中具有大企业无法替代的作用,然而长期以来,中小企业的融资问题一直是困扰中小企业发展的重要制约因素。其原因众多,必须从发展地方性中小金融机构,完善相关法律和担保制度,规范民间融资活动,创新中小企业集群融资模式,充分发挥融资租赁和资本市场的作用,借鉴国外支持中小企业发展的一些做法等方面加以解决。  相似文献   
对中小股东权益保护的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大股东经常利用其控制地位 ,侵害中小股东的权益 ,这一问题在世界各国公司治理结构中普遍存在 ,在转型中的我国尤其严重。本文对这一问题产生的原因进行了探讨 ,并提出了保护中小股东合法权益的对策 ,如强化大股东的忠实义务 ;建立和完善累积投标权制度 ;规范关联交易 ;完善公司内部诉权制度等。  相似文献   
我国小农经济改造的创新之路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨宗祥 《思想战线》2002,28(4):37-40
小农经济是封建地主制经济下的主要经济运作方式、经营手段。对于其与我国近现代化的关系 ,人们还较少关注。我国的工业化、近现代化脱离了农村经济的发展 ,忽视了小农经济的存在 ,更忽视了对它的改造。小农经济具有适应商品经济的潜能 ,只有注重工业化与小农经济、小生产体系的改造相结合 ,摒弃其糟粕 ,挖掘其潜能 ,中国才能实现农业经济近现代化 ,进而实现全面的近现代化。“红塔模式”的成功实践 ,无疑走出了一条具有中国特色的现代化与小农经济、小生产体系“契合”的创新之路  相似文献   
The research note comments on W. Veenendaal's article “A Big Prince in a Tiny Realm: Smallness, Monarchy, and Political Legitimacy in the Principality of Liechtenstein”. It is argued, inter alia, that the phenomenon of “princely self‐restraint” should not be underestimated in Liechtenstein's constitutional reality. The character of the microstate's actual political system strongly depends on the individual personality of the Reigning Prince . A strong monarch who acts as a political actor with his own agenda should not be conceptualized as a neutral traditional leader. From the perspective of many citizens of Liechtenstein, the principality's political system is legitimate since it combines traditional authority and legal‐rational authority in a unique way. Largely due to the powerful role of the government, the microstate is characterized by consensus‐oriented hierarchical governance. Elite surveys can be seen as a useful instrument to overcome some of the methodological pitfalls of the elite interview approach.  相似文献   
我国人口较少民族聚居地区的生态环境大多比较脆弱,地方经济发展缓慢,但传统文化的保持则相对完好。20世纪90年代以来,随着城市化的急剧推进以及市场经济的发展,人口较少民族传统的生计方式和社会组织形式发生深刻变化,民族文化传承和发展的内生动力不足问题日趋凸显。只有秉持文化自觉的理念,积极探索民族文化创造性转化创新性发展的路径,才能焕发人口较少民族传统文化的生机与活力,促进民族地区经济与社会的协调发展。  相似文献   
中日促进中小企业发展的政策法律环境之比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中小企业是日本经济的基础。为支持中小企业发展 ,日本政府于 196 3年制订了《中小企业基本法》 ,以解决战后复兴时期“高速增长的大企业与落后的中小企业的经济双重结构”矛盾 ,扩大中小企业规划 ,促进其设备现代化。依据《基本法》确定的方针 ,又相继制订了一系列具有较强可操作性的政策法规 ,从而有效地保证了日本中小企业的活力。借鉴日本扶持中小企业发展的成功经验 ,加快立法 ,以促进和实现我国中小企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   
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