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郭洁 《时代法学》2008,6(1):35-40
宽严相济是新的历史时期我国基本的刑事政策,刑罚轻缓则是宽严相济刑事政策的核心。在世界各国刑罚整体轻缓的今天,削减死刑罪名,优化刑罚结构,对无被害人犯罪作非罪化处理是刑罚轻缓在立法层面实现的关键;而严格限制死刑的适用,扩大非监禁刑的适用范围,完善非监禁化措施,开展社区矫正,实现行刑社会化。则是刑罚轻缓在司法层面实现的重要内容。  相似文献   
卢珍 《学理论》2012,(6):195-196
高校教师要靠良好的仪表、强大的威望、正确的教育方法、精湛的专业知识以及理论联系实际的知识架构等来hold住课堂,hold学生,特别是第一节课。  相似文献   
光污染防治的立法探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于没有直接的法律依据,当民众受到光污染侵害时,寻求法律救济比较困难。为此,需要制定《光污染防治法》,从法律上明确界定光污染及其救济制度,切实保障公民的正当权益,以弥补立法空白。本文通过分析我国光污染现状,在借鉴国外的立法现状和继承我国现有可行制度的基础上,论证我国光污染立法的必要性和可行性,提出建构我国光污染防治的法律框架的建议。  相似文献   
Legal context: When Congress enacted the Federal Trademark Dilution Act in1996, it intended to create a uniform federal cause of actionfor trade mark dilution. Unfortunately, the statutory languageselected by Congress created certain ambiguities, includinghow famous a trade mark had to be to merit dilution protectionunder the statute. Confusion developed as to whether a markmerely needed renown in a limited geographic area or industry—aconcept that became known as ‘niche fame’—orwhether it needed national renown to qualify as a ‘famousmark’. Key points: In 2006, Congress enacted the Trademark Dilution Revision Actand therein provided a concrete definition for a famous markthat ostensibly removed the ability to qualify for dilutionrelief where the mark was famous only within a particular niche.It was uncertain how courts that had previously favoured theniche fame theory would apply Congress's new definition. However,a district court in the Ninth Circuit, one of the strongestproponents of niche fame, recently held that niche fame is nolonger a viable theory under the Lanham Act or California statelaw as a result of the 2006 amendment. Practical significance: This decision portends that courts will fall in line with Congress'samendment and will deny dilution relief under federal law toparties whose marks are famous only in a particular geographicarea or industry. Additionally, the decision provides some guidanceand predictability as to how states may interpret the viabilityof niche fame under their respective dilution statutes in lightof Congress's 2006 amendment.  相似文献   
科学告诉我们,光赋予万物以色彩。艺术家对光色有目的的表现是在文艺复兴以后。到了十九世纪末,印象派画家们对光色的研究达到了前所未有的高度。无疑这对艺术进一步发展,推陈出新是一笔宝贵的财富,值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   
2004年1月《普通话水平测试实施纲要》中出现“一般轻读、间或重读的音节”,却并未对此进行解释和说明,这给测试员的评分带来了操作上的难度。本文就次轻音与轻声的关系、确定次轻音的依据及测试中如何把握次轻音等问题进行了探讨,以供同行参考。  相似文献   
郝新华 《政法学刊》2011,28(6):110-112
运用HDR技术可以获得被拍景物从最亮区域到最暗区域更多的细节。在现场摄影中运用HDR技术能够使现场照片和部分物证获得比通常的数字成像技术或摄影方法更大的动态范围,从而更好地再现高光或阴影部分的细节,获得更多的影像信息。  相似文献   
掠入射偏振光照相方法显现电脑电源接线头上灰尘指纹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电脑盗窃案中,电脑电源接线头常常留有案犯的灰尘指纹,电源接线头表面粗糙不平,凹凸深度较大,灰尘指纹纹线较细,若用胶带粘取,指纹纹线会弥合,这就破坏了指纹。采用掠入射照相的原理加偏振光照相的方法可以将电源接线头上的灰尘指纹显现出来。  相似文献   
Bruises are often difficult to detect on victims of violence, potentially impacting investigation and prosecution. The purpose of our randomized controlled trial was to measure the effectiveness of an alternate light source (ALS) within visible and long ultraviolet spectrums at improving bruise detection compared to white light over time. We also examined the effects of skin color, age, gender, localized fat, and injury mechanism on bruise detection. Participants included 157 healthy adults with balanced sampling across six skin color categories. Bruises were created under the controlled application of a paintball pellet and dropped weight to one upper and lower arm, respectively. Using a crossover design, both bruises were examined 21 times over 4 weeks. Ten different wavelength (350–535 nm) and filter (yellow, orange, red) combinations were used. Multilevel models were used to analyze 2903 examinations on both upper and lower arms. Results in multivariable models showed after controlling for other covariates 415 and 450 nm using a yellow filter had greater odds of detecting evidence of bruising than white light (Upper Arm: 415 nm: OR = 5.34, 95% CI: 4.35–6.56; 450 nm: OR = 4.08, 95% CI: 3.36–4.96). Under either light source, being female and having more localized fat had increased odds of detecting bruises created by the dropped weight (female: OR = 2.96, 95% CI: 2.37–3.70; fat: OR = 1.21, 95% CI: 1.09–1.34). Our results support ALS as an appropriate tool to enhance concurrent physical assessment of bruises in the presence of known history of injury. Future development and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines for ALS application are needed.  相似文献   
在犯罪现场上,案犯在麻点状表面客体上留下手印经常可见。完整有效地提取这类客体上的手印,成为勘验人员急需掌握的技术。笔者经反复利用多波段光源试验提取该类客体上的手印,收到良好的效果。  相似文献   
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