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罪犯教育工作在我国罪犯改造工作中具有独特的价值,但是,关于“罪犯教育”是否具有“惩罚性”,一直存有争议。有人认为,教育改造对于罪犯而言,具有“强制性、痛苦性和不可选择性”,是教育改造具有“惩罚性”的表现。而惩罚从其本质意义上讲,具有报应和威慑的价值取向,而对罪犯的教育改造具有善质性,目的不是为了让罪犯产生痛苦,而是使其发生改变,得到矫正,融入社会。  相似文献   
罚金刑罪犯是刑法对罪犯并处财产刑处罚而衍生的一个罪犯群体,对于罚金之执行,有着迫于需求的妥协心理、不顾家景的依赖心理、唯我为重的利己心理和逆反社会的抵触等心理,存在着缺乏对罚金深刻的思想认知、缺乏交纳罚金的主动行为、具有明显的功利化改造倾向等问题。因此,监狱应采取拓展对罚金刑罪犯的法制教育、推行恢复性司法制度的实践、深化罪犯改造制度的分类行刑、建立与完善罪犯罚金刑执行的制度建设以及刑法立法的完善之对策,以提高对罚金刑罪犯的改造质量。  相似文献   
唐圭璋先生所纂《词话丛编》,为当代治词学者案头必备之要籍。然中华书局于 80年代出版此编时 ,唐先生年事已高 ,无力亲自校点 ,书局乃不得不另请其他学者代庖。由于校点难度较大 ,校点者功力有所未逮 ,故错误丛出 ,亟待纠订。此文专就该编第二册清王奕清等《历代词话》中较严重的句读及标点错误加以辨正  相似文献   
经济民主:现代公司控制权扭曲的解决思路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阳东辉 《现代法学》2004,26(2):144-148
现代公司大股东控制和经营者控制导致的公司控制权扭曲已成为痼疾 ,其滥用的一般机理呈现为决策的独裁、利益的垄断和信息的虚假 ,由此将公司治理结构所生成的优势冲蚀殆尽 ,直接威胁到公司制度的生存与发展。解决问题的根本出路在于遵循经济民主思想 ,恢复股东大会的民主管理机能和建立具有自我矫治功能的公司治理结构。  相似文献   
A version of the stability of punishment hypothesis is used to illustrate the concept of cointegration and its relationship to error correction models. The hypothesis is then tested and rejected using data from England and Wales. Finally, a dynamic time-series model relating imprisonment to convictions, crime, and Unemployment is developed and tested.The empirical results in this work are based upon those originally prepared for a paper to be given by the author and Steve Box at the meeting of the American Society of Criminology held in Montreal in November 1987. Steve Box died in September 1987 before it could be completed.The paper is dedicated to his memory and it is hoped that he would have approved its content, if not, perhaps, the dryness of its form.  相似文献   
对于未成年人犯罪和不良行为,我国并不正式地存在国外通行的保护处分制度,但具有类似的一些基本形式,包含在收容教养、劳动教养、收容教育、强制戒毒、工读学校、非刑处置和行政处罚等制度中。在当代惩罚向矫正发展的历史背景下,基于"刑罚后撤,保护处分前进"的平台,对我国未成年犯保护处分制度作一系统性整合基础上的规范化构建是相当有社会意义的,这种构建可从未成年犯保护处分的定性、类型、司法裁判机关及该制度和前科消灭的关系等方面加以展开,我国未成年犯保护处分需依赖于刑法宽容精神的倡导,惩罚在自我否定意义上成就了宽容刑事观的胜利。  相似文献   
心理矫治工作在强制隔离戒毒所的各项工作中起着举足轻重的作用,强制隔离戒毒中的心理矫治工作存在着心理矫治无用论、心理矫治与教育矫治等同论和心理矫治能解决一切问题的万能论等误区.我们应依据实现戒毒人员的自我完善、自我成长和自我重建的心理矫治目标,构建合理的强制隔离戒毒心理矫治机制.  相似文献   
对拟刊出文稿进行严格细密的审校,是保证文稿文字水平和质量的重要环节。一般字词的错误和关键词的错用、标点符号使用的疏失,词义模糊、词义扭曲、语句的任意缩略与简称、科学与文史背景知识的差错等,是不纠不可的文字瑕疵及谬误。  相似文献   
Justifying state punishment presents a difficulty for those who deny that human actions are free in the sense required by moral responsibility. The argument I make in this article, following work done by Double, Vilhauer, and Sehon, is that those who believe that human beings do sometimes act freely face exactly the same difficulty, for no current account of freedom has the sort of evidentiary support that condemning a person to punishment requires; no current account could meet even the most minimal burden of proof. Recourse to purely preventive methods, such as are proposed for a system of quarantine of dangerous individuals, seems undesirable because of the absence of limits under such a system, limits like the requirements of proportionality and guilt. That same objection holds as well against proposals of non-retributive punishment. The adoption of a system of punishment, understood retributively or non-retributively, does not preclude the state even in theory from also adopting a system of preventive measures. The answer that I suggest is a system of limited deprivations of freedom justified in much the way the doctrine of takings is justified, along with the specific exclusion of purely preventive methods for competent individuals.  相似文献   
社区矫正作为一种与监禁矫正相对而言的刑罚执行方式,目前在西方发达国家已经成为一项重要的司法制度,基本实现了通过立法来对社区矫正进行全面的规制。我国对社区矫正进行立法具有可行性,立法的重点应聚焦在矫正队伍建设及人员素质、矫正措施和手段、财政保障机制以及社区矫正的法律监督等方面。  相似文献   
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