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It is commonly observed that parties and candidates tend to receive coverage in the news media and attention in proportion to their electoral support. Although this norm serves to ensure that coverage is balanced or fair, news values often produce a different pattern of coverage in the television news media. This article considers the dynamic relationship between coverage in the news media and popular support for an insurgent party - the Reform party - in the 1993 Canadian election campaign. The analysis shows that coverage of Reform in the news media underwent an important change during the campaign that appears to have occurred before any change in popular support. While this change in attention to Reform was critical for Reform's ability to mobilize its potential electoral support, it also provides empirical support for the argument that there is an underlying equilibrium between the amount of coverage a party receives and its political support. Data for this analysis come from a campaign wave survey of vote intentions as part of the 1993 Canadian Election Study and a television content analysis of campaign news. The analysis applies an error-correction approach, which assumes an underlying equilibrium relationship, to model media access and vote intentions. The article thus expands the current applications of the error-correction technique while offering substantively important evidence of the political impacts of media decisions for the electoral support of new parties.  相似文献   

Tasks that can measure sexual interest successfully have utility in forensic settings. Prior to use with problematic sexual interest, however, work is needed in validating such tasks. This study focused on the measurement of non-deviant sexual interest. Eleven gay and 14 straight participants each completed a pictorial Implicit Association Test (IAT), a pictorial modified Stroop task (P-MST) and a Choice Reaction Time (CRT) task. Each task was designed to tap into the sexual interest of participants. Stimuli were of males and females in bathing suits, along with control images and sexual and non-sexual words. The IAT was most successful in differentiating between gay and straight participants. The P-MST also performed well, although the task's position within the battery of tasks seemed to affect the results. The CRT task did not show group differences successfully. Theoretical and methodological implications of the effectiveness of the three tasks in tapping into sexual interest are discussed.  相似文献   
在2006年10月至2007年10月加快转变经济发展方式战略思想的提出和初步形成时期,胡锦涛提出了加快转型发展的新理念、新概念、新战略;在2007年10月至2012年加快转变经济发展方式战略思想的丰富和发展时期,目标方向、基本要求、政策导向、工作重点、战略关键等诸项战略思想逐步丰富和发展起来。党的十六大以来,胡锦涛提出和发展了加快转变经济发展方式的重大战略思想,反映了我们党对发展问题的新认识。十年来,我国推动转型发展在六个方面取得了可喜的进展。  相似文献   
石奕龙 《思想战线》2001,27(1):135-138
<改革以来中国农村婚姻家庭的新变化>一书认为早婚现象严重、晚婚比例低是河南潢川农村男性户主婚龄分布的两大特点,51.3%的男性户主没有达到法定结婚年龄就结婚等.这一结论有些危言耸听.书中用80年代的标准来衡量不同成婚年代的人的情况,且调查问卷设计也有问题.应以成婚年代为纬,结婚年龄为经做成表格,方能准确地获得不同时期婚龄分布的情况,也才能从表格上清晰地看到早婚以及晚婚的情况.  相似文献   
Rachel Carson is a famous but unknown writer. She is remembered as a pioneering heroine of the ecological movement, but even her Silent Spring is hardly read and the great books about the sea that made her name are unknown to the public. Recent biographical accounts have focused on the problems Carson faced as a woman entering the male-dominated scientific community, and the sexist reception of her books. But her real life was plainly in her writing. Although the accounts of geology in The Sea around Us and of genetics in Silent Spring are outdated, her books remain classics, not only for their lucidity and beauty, but for a vision of the impersonal processes of evolution and geological time comparable to Darwin's. This is especially true of her trilogy of books on the sea: The Sea around Us , describing the biochemistry, history and geography of the oceans and their tides, Under the SeaWind, focusing on the interdependent lives of sea-creatures, while The Edge of the Sea deals with the lives, great and microscopically small, of the intertidal world. The corresponding theme of Silent Spring is the death of nature through man's folly.  相似文献   
构建上海现代警务机制,是当前和今后一个时期上海公安工作必须一以贯之的工作主线.在现代警务机制框架下和现有公安教育培训成果的基础上,我们必须不断探索与改进教育培训工作的方式方法,着力从机制上寻求突破,致力于建立常态、长效的教育培训机制,以建构具有时代特征、上海特点、公安特色的,与现代警务机制相适应的具有"短、平、快"特点的教育培训模式.  相似文献   
十六大以来建设社会主义新农村经过了三个阶段:十六大至十六届五中全会的酝酿阶段,提出为全面建设小康社会而奋斗,把解决好"三农"问题作为全党工作的重中之重;十六届五中全会至十七大之前的系统阐发和整体部署阶段,提出把建设社会主义新农村作为全面建设小康社会、推进社会主义现代化的一大战略任务;十七大之后理论和实践的发展阶段,提出建设社会主义新农村、走中国特色农业现代化道路、加快形成城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局三个方面相互配合、协调推进。  相似文献   
"零口供"规则推出已有近十年的时间,目前这一规则已被众多地区司法、公安部门引用,该规则也在我国的法律界、新闻界引起了较大的震动,被评为"中国司法制度的一个历史性进步"。"零口供"规则的实行必将影响和推动我国刑事诉讼法的修改和完善,加快我国刑事证据立法的进程。作为司法战线一员,针对这个问题,笔者试谈几点自己的粗浅看法和认识。  相似文献   
This paper examines some of the ways in which the everyday is becoming connected into the world of finance, a process facilitated through so-called derivatives.The increasing use of derivatives is traced to the collapse of the Bretton Woods agreement and the ways in which innovative developments in financial engineering were used to overcome the uncertainties of interest rate, currency and price risks that grew apace from the early 1970s. We argue that these risks are not ‘more of the same’.They are qualitatively different and run deeper through the highly integrated financial markets of today. And, as later parts of the paper argue taking their cue from the works of Paul Virilio and Georg Simmel, notably the latter’s Philosophy of Money , the manner in which these risks interact and the speed of their interaction suggest the emergence of new forms of money, a new monetization of time-space. The paper then moves on to consider how the calculative practices that lie at the heart of derivatives involve a process of socialization of the understanding of the risks that new money forms are made to negotiate successfully. The ‘idea of money’ – of what it is now supposed to be capable of doing with and across time-space – thus stems from a ‘new money imaginary’. The paper concludes by reemphasizing the reasons why, when understood through areading of Virilio and Simmel, derivatives should be viewed as representing new forms of money.  相似文献   
张建 《桂海论丛》2013,(6):71-75
从党的十二大提出走中国特色社会主义道路,到党的十八大对科学发展观给予新评价、新定位。这七次党代会报告深刻反映了我们党的发展观的不断深化。剖析这七次党代会报告对发展内涵认识的深化过程,对于我们高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,坚定“三个自信”,具有十分重要的启示意义。  相似文献   
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