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新加坡廉政建设的辉煌成果与其廉洁教育是分不开的。新加坡大学生廉洁教育已经形成一个比较成熟的体系,即注重以思想政治课堂教育培养大学生廉洁意识、以校园文化建设熏陶大学生廉洁信念、以校外社会廉政实践氛围增进大学生廉政信仰。学习和借鉴新加坡廉洁教育的成功经验,我国应构建起政府监督指导、高校重点实施、家庭和社会共同关注的大学生廉洁教育系统工程。  相似文献   
杨菁  张东 《青年论坛》2013,(6):103-106
随着经济和社会的发展,当代大学生出现许多新问题、呈现众多新特点,对高校辅导员工作提出了新的挑战.高校辅导员作为高校思想政治教育工作的主体,是开展大学生思想政治教育的中坚力量,在学生思想政治教育中发挥重要作用.团体辅导作为一种新的教育方式,为辅导员开展思想政治教育工作提供独特的视角和灵活的思路.将团体心理辅导引入高校辅导员思想政治教育工作中,探讨辅导员工作新思路、新方法,有助于思想政治教育功能的实现.  相似文献   

Africa has rich traditions and knowledge systems founded on the principles of caring for one another and the spirit of mutual support embedded in the African philosophy of Ubuntu. These collective values tend to be marginalised in international human rights standards built on western values. The standards were developed without broad-based consultation of the different value systems in Africa. Therefore, in order to inspire sustainable implementation among diverse cultures, dialogue to develop universal human rights and obligations based on the diversity of cultures and ways of knowing is needed. Using South Africa's experience at two universities, the extent to which these institutions have attempted to incorporate African indigenous knowledge systems (AIKS) and human rights into the higher education curriculum is investigated. The implications for higher education and the human rights and development paradigms built on western knowledge systems are investigated. North-West University has been the pioneer of integrating AIKS into higher education in South Africa and is the only higher education institution in South Africa with an accredited IKS Teaching Programme at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels – which has been notably successful, albeit with some challenges. AIKS has also been integrated into research and teaching at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and has registered significant successes since 2012. The need to embed AIKS in the curriculum of higher education institutions is affirmed.  相似文献   
Although globalization has stimulated the rise in cross-border crime, it does not really undermine the autonomy of the mainland Chinese state, the Taiwan state, and the city-states of Hong Kong and Macao. Instead, through cooperation with law-enforcement agencies in other countries, the law-enforcement agencies of these four places, notably the police and customs, have ensured the persistence of state autonomy vis-à-vis cross-border criminal groups and individuals. In the case of Greater China (mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao), interstate cooperation involving the police and customs can maintain state autonomy vis-à-vis criminal groups and individuals. The mechanisms of such interstate and intergovernmental cooperation embrace the sharing of criminal intelligence, the occurrence of anti-crime joint operations, the holding of seminars and conferences, and the administrative arrangements of extraditions. In a nutshell, intergovernmental cooperation in the combat against cross-border crime can maintain state autonomy in the midst of globalization, as the case of Greater China shows.  相似文献   

Upon recognizing a need for a center of western oriented university education, an initiative committee including representatives from the Republic of Bulgaria, the city of Blagoevgrad, and the University of Maine obtained support from philanthropist George Soros's Open Society Institute and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to start a university in Bulgaria in 1991. The hallmark of its existence was that its programs would be oriented toward teaching democratic values through the American liberal arts tradition. Instruction would be in English so it could draw on students throughout the region if they were proficient in English. The university has grown from a small enrollment of 208 students to over 700 students in several disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. As the American University in Bulgaria (AUBG) has become a regional institution, the AUBG–USAID relationship has been crucial. Now it is beginning to offer an EMBA program and has developed an excellent reputation through its graduated students.  相似文献   
强制性规范与任意性规范的界限并不是一成不变,而是会随着自治与强制之间平衡的发展而变化。这种动态表明,任何试图事先精确区分二者而一劳永逸的做法注定徒劳无功。但通过类型化确定一个大致的区分标准与判断取向,再通过法官的判决使大致、模糊的区分在个案中得以明确化是一个值得尝试的思路。  相似文献   
张凇纶 《法学家》2022,(1):56-67
纵观欺诈的制度史,经过基督教的道德化改造,对欺诈的规范更强调其主观意图,最终呈现为总则中的欺诈规范,针对法律行为(合同)的效力。这一进路未能看到欺诈制度背后作为加速机制的国家权力。国家和市场在打击欺诈时,可以是同路人,但也可能存在紧张关系。尽管传统民法将欺诈行为与胁迫行为并列加以规范,但就行为模式来看,二者差异明显,欺诈制度与胁迫制度的现代决裂势在必行。欺诈应摆脱合同与侵权的人为区隔,进而充当一种法律救济的触发装置:一方面,应当借鉴刑法上受害人教条学的观念,骗局过于明显且有悖俗内容,而受害人自己却积极参与,不应获得补偿(但不排除引发对加害人的公法制裁);另一方面,在当事人信赖受到影响时,应具体化、个案化和客观化地考察当事人的具体状况从而提出解决方案。欺诈应当重返罗马法的模式:对欺诈的规范优先由特别法进行。  相似文献   
University spin-offs are defined as firms founded by university employees. Using a large database on venture-backed start-up companies, I describe the characteristics of university spin-offs and investigate whether they perform differently than other firms. I find that venture-backed university spin-offs are concentrated in the biotechnology and information technology industries. Moreover, a spin-off tends to stay close to the university, suggesting that technology transfer through spin-offs is largely a local phenomenon. Multivariate regression analyses show that university spin-offs have a higher survival rate but are not significantly different from other start-ups in terms of the amount of venture capital raised, the probability of completing an initial public offering (IPO), the probability of making a profit, or the size of employment.
Junfu ZhangEmail:
This paper estimates the process of diffusion and decay of knowledge from university, public laboratories and corporate patents in six countries and tests the differences across countries and across technological fields using data from the European Patent Office. It finds that university and public research patents are more cited relatively to companies’ patents. However these results are mainly driven by the Chemical, Drugs & Medical, and Mechanical fields and US universities. In Europe and Japan, where the great majority of patents from public research come from national agencies, there is no evidence of a superior fertility of university and public laboratory patents vis à vis corporate patents. The distribution of the citation lags shows that knowledge embedded in university and public research patents tends to diffuse more rapidly relative to corporate ones in particular in the US, Germany, France and Japan.
F. Montobbio (Corresponding author)Email:
地方财政自主的法治保障   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地方财政自主权力的外延包括财政预算自主、财政收入自主、财政支出自主和财政监督自主四个方面,其理论基础源于地方分权自治、财政联邦主义和辅助原则。中国地方财政自主法治保障的制度构建,在财政预算自主方面,需要在对地方政府预算权进行法治化控制的同时,保障地方政府的预算编制独立性;在财政收入自主方面,必须对税种进行合理划分,追求税收共享的法定化,并在强化预算约束的前提下,赋予地方政府一定的公债发行权;在财政支出自主方面,应当在财政收支划分明确化和规范化的前提下,重视财政转移支付对财政自主的影响,关注财政支出自主可能引发的政府间财政竞争,通过法律制度来引导良性竞争,制止恶性竞争。  相似文献   
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