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全面落实科学发展观,构建和谐社会,是建设具有中国特色社会主义的重大问题。工会作为党联系职工群众的桥梁和纽带,义不容辞地肩负着协调企业与职工多方面利益关系的重任。因此,工会组织要充分发挥在构建和谐企业中的作用。  相似文献   
Through what mechanism do interest groups shape public opinion on concrete policies? In this article, three hypotheses are proposed that distinguish between the effect of the arguments conveyed by interest groups and the effect of interest groups as source cues. Two survey experiments on the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TIPP) and the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change allow the testing of these hypotheses. The resulting evidence from several countries shows that, with respect to interest groups’ attempts at shaping public opinion, arguments matter more than their sources. This is so even when accounting for people's trust in the interest groups that serve as source cues and for people's level of information about a policy. The finding that interest groups affect public opinion via arguments rather than as source cues has implications for the literature on elite influence on public opinion and the normative evaluation of interest group activities.  相似文献   
加入"政府采购协议"(GPA)是台湾继加入WTO之后在扩大国际经济空间上的又一重大收获。这一举措的动机并非为获得GPA所带来的政府采购市场机会,而更多是出于扩大国际参与度的考虑。这也决定了其谈判过程多次波折。从谈判结果来看,加入GPA对台湾本身的经济和贸易发展影响不大,但对两岸关系以及祖国大陆加入GPA谈判却有一定的潜在影响。  相似文献   
"权利一元保护"与"利益一元保护"是学界对反不正当竞争法(反法)保护客体的一般概括,且建基于反法"利益一元保护"通说之上的知识产权法往往具有适用上的优先性。但是,从反法的历史血统、利益与权利的转化程式以及现行反法的规范实践来看,利益与权利双重保护更符合反法的客观实际:在历史演化层面,反法虽从民法中分离,但本质上却承继了传统民法中权利与利益双重保护的血统;在转化程式上,反法伴随着"利益—法益—应然权利—法定权利"的转化路径而形成一种"随动关系",既为这一"过程利益"提供保护,又将作为"转化节点"的具体"法益"和"权利"以实定法的方式确立下来;在规范实践方面,作为法益保护的经营者利益以及社会公共利益、作为应然权利的商誉权、作为从应然权利向法定权利成功转型的商业秘密权,以及作为法定权利的消费者知情权等客体均得到了反法的实际承认。在双重客体保护论的基础上,反法中的诸多疑难问题均可获得进一步释明。  相似文献   
非法使用他人技术秘密完成发明创造的权利归属规则需基于“使用商业秘密”的具体行为类型分别确定。非法使用人直接使用他人技术秘密完成之发明创造系由他人技术秘密直接转化而来,技术秘密权利人可通过变更专利权权属的方式要求非法使用人返还其无形财产。非法使用人根据他人技术秘密调整、优化、改进自身技术方案后完成之发明创造的实质性特点皆由非法使用人创造性地贡献之,故其专利权应归属于非法使用人。非法使用人对技术秘密进行修改、改进后完成之发明创造的实质性特点,尽管由非法使用人与技术秘密权利人共同贡献,但由于双方缺乏能够形成专利权共有关系的法律或事实依据,故其不能由双方共有。此时,专利权权属可由非法使用人主张,技术秘密权利人可主张先用权抗辩。  相似文献   
Uganda has made significant progress in reducing policy-induced anti-export bias in its trade policy in the 1990s. Taxes on exports have been abolished, and import protection has been reduced considerably. Such trade barriers are only a component of thee transaction costs associated with trade. Poor infrastructure, notably by increasing transport costs, and institutional inefficiencies can significantly increase trade costs. The effective protection of imports, and implicit tax on exports, due to transport costs is calculated and compared to effective protection due to trade policy barriers for Uganda. The results reveal that transport costs are often very high, in many cases representing a greater cost (tax) to exporters than trade policy.  相似文献   

China's position in the world economy during the past half-century provides vital information for investigating the relation between politics and trade. Although there is a substantial number of studies in this area, the current study extends the literature in at least three ways: (1) it is one of the first studies that investigates the problem of a potential sample selection bias—as a result of the fact that countries taken up in the analysis are not randomly sampled from all countries in the world; (2) it considers third-country effects that follow from the fact that China's relation with any two countries is affected by the relation between these countries themselves; and (3) it tests the impact of five political arrangements simultaneously, which is more comprehensive than any former study. By using data as to 78 of China's trade partners over the 1950–2002 period, this study provides empirical evidence for the hypotheses that the establishment of diplomatic relations, cooperation, visits of heads of states and political system similarity are associated with greater trade flows. The hypothesis that member countries of a Preferential Trading Agreement have had smaller trade flows with China, which is no member of any of these Preferential Trading Agreements, is not supported by the results.  相似文献   
近年来,广西沿边口岸呈现出全方位、多层次的开放格局。2013年6月,广西壮族自治区党委书记彭清华首次提出规划建设边境自由贸易合作试验区。建立边境自由贸易区有利于促进中国一东盟贸易便利化,推进中国与东盟国家的产业合作,对于深化中国一东盟自由贸易区具有推动和示范作用。本文阐述了建立中越边境自由贸易区的构想,并就推进中越边境自由贸易区、落实这一广西开放发展的创新思路提出了对策建议。  相似文献   
浅析国际贸易与环境保护的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍国际贸易与环境保护的相互影响,阐述了经济全球化和WTO框架下环境保护的发展趋势,并针对我国的现状提出贸易与环保方面的对策。  相似文献   
本文在梳理云南省与澜沧江—大湄公河次区域(GMS)内的缅甸、柬埔寨、老挝、泰国、越南贸易发展状况的基础上,采用显性比较优势指数分析方法研究云南省与五国贸易持续发展的动因。本文研究得出:云南省与GMS五国存在的不同的产业比较优势是推动双方贸易持续发展的动因之一,在此基础上,本文提出云南省发展与GMS五国贸易的对策建议,包括充分发挥云南省的产业比较优势,优化贸易产品结构,积极建立跨境贸易人民币结算体系。  相似文献   
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