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信息化战争按时间可划分为扼制战争阶段、战前准备阶段、战争实施阶段、战争结束阶段。科学构建信息化战争中我军舆论战战法,需要将信息化战争各阶段舆论战的“重心”细化为各种具体任务,针对每个任务提出相关战法。  相似文献   
老年(龄)化是生产力不断进步,人类社会不断发展的必然趋势。我国自1999年进入老年(龄)化社会后,老年(龄)化速度大大高于世界其他国家。在快速老年(龄)化过程中产生了包括老年犯罪在内的诸多社会问题,解决这些问题才能更好地构建社会主义和谐社会。结合浙江省老年(龄)化实际及老年(龄)化过程中老年人犯罪发展变化实际,阐述两者间关系,提出遏制老年(龄)化进程中老年犯罪的对策。  相似文献   
Dental development can be used to estimate age for forensic purposes. However, most of the currently available methods are less reliable for the Indonesian population due to population variability. This study presents a new method and evaluates other methods that utilize dental development to estimate the age of Indonesian people. Panoramic radiographs of 304 young Indonesian people aged 5–23 years old were analysed for deciduous tooth root resorption, permanent tooth calcification, and eruption. The extent of tooth root resorption was determined based on AlQahtani’s modified Moorrees et al. method. Tooth calcification was classified based on a modified Demirjian et al. method. Tooth eruption was evaluated based on AlQahtani’s modified Bengston system. The sequence of tooth root resorption, and permanent tooth calcification and eruption were grouped into 19 age categories (from 5–23 years old) in an atlas. The differences between males and females, between maxillary and mandibular teeth, and between right and left teeth were also analysed. There were minimal significant differences of tooth development between males and females, and between the right and left teeth (P > 0.05), while the maxillary and mandibular dental development was significantly different (P < 0.05). The newly developed atlas showed the development of the right side of maxillary and mandibular tooth of combined sex of Indonesian population. Another 34 panoramic radiographs of known-age and sex individuals from Indonesia were assessed using the newly developed Atlas of Dental Development in the Indonesian Population, Ubelaker’s Dental Development Chart, The London Atlas of Human Tooth Development and Eruption by AlQahtani, and the Age Estimation Guide-Modern Australia population by Blenkin-Taylor. Accuracy was assessed by comparing estimated age to actual chronological age using the Bland-Altmand test. Results show that the smallest range of error was found in the Atlas of Dental Development in the Indonesian Population (−0.969 to 1.210 years), followed by The London Atlas of Human Tooth Development and Eruption by AlQahtani (−2.013 to 1.990 years), the Age Estimation Guide-Modern Australia population by Blenkin-Taylor (−2.495 to 2.598 years), and the Dental Development Chart by Ubelaker (−2.960 to 3.289 years). These findings show that the Atlas of Dental Development constructed in this study performs better than the other three methods and presents greater accuracy of age estimation in the Indonesian population.

Key points

  • Dental development such as deciduous tooth root resorption, permanent tooth calcification, and tooth eruption can be used to estimate age for forensic purposes.
  • The development of the teeth are influenced by genetic, ethnicity, and sex, therefore an age estimation method must be constructed based on the same population.
  • There were minimal significant differences in tooth development between male and female, and between right and left teeth, but there was significant difference between maxillary and mandibular teeth.
  • The Atlas of Dental Development in the Indonesian Population constructed in this study allowed more accurate age estimation of the Indonesian sample than the other methods tested.
Supplemental data for this article are available online at https://doi.org/10.1080/20961790.2021.1886648.  相似文献   
与时俱进是马克思主义的品质.马克思从不拘泥于一种理论.列宁根据自己所处时代的特点,发展了马克思主义.毛泽东、邓小平依据本国不同历史时期所具有的不同特点,把马克思主义与中国的具体实践相结合,形成了毛泽东思想、邓小平理论,从而丰富和发展了马克思主义理论宝库.江泽民同志高举邓小平理论的伟大旗帜,面对新的实践,形成了许多具有创新性的思想.  相似文献   
劳动人权是人权的重要内容之一,每个人都享有与生俱来的劳动权利。应当平等保障所有劳动者的劳动人权,以体现劳动价值。在此法律规范下,劳动自治作为意思自治在劳动关系领域的反映,体现了劳动权的契约自由。应允许符合劳动伦理的劳动力自由交易行为。国家应在国际劳工标准基础上,建立与社会物质生活条件相适应的劳动年龄制度,顾及未成年人和退休人员的劳动需求。法律对劳动权利应当保护性限制,而非限制性保护。  相似文献   
通过盛世重典的经济学分析 ,我们探寻到盛世重典的四条经济学对策 ,即最大限度加大贪腐犯罪的经济成本、经济政治预期成本、附加的经济政治成本和实际经济政治成本 ,使贪腐犯罪者不敢和无法贪腐犯罪 ,从而为我党我国采取更加有力的措施 ,坚持不懈又卓有成效地开展廉政建设和反腐败反违法犯罪斗争 ,提高经济理论支撑。  相似文献   
MOOC时代公安网络教育模式探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOOC凭借其灵活的教学组织形式、优质的教育资源和先进的教育理念受到教育工作者的关注。随着公安事业的发展和公安信息化进程的推进,开展公安网络教育训练十分必要且可行。其实现策略包括:指导与监督相结合,实现由被动接受向主动接收转变;系统与分类相结合,实现由高度统一向个性具体转变;理论与实践相结合,实现由结果评价向过程评价转变。在未来的改革进程中,需要做好资源优势、安全保密、管理科学和平台互动等保障工作。  相似文献   
人口老龄化是中国当前及今后很长时期都必须面临的重要问题,充分认识到老年人力资源开发的重要意义,挖掘老年人口红利将成为经济社会发展的新动力。中国拥有规模庞大的老年人力资源,但老年人口实际就业率并不高。影响老年人力资源开发和利用的因素既有社会观念、强制的退休年龄制度等宏观因素,也有老年人的就业意愿、健康状况、受教育程度等微观因素。促进老年人就业,实现老有所为是中国积极应对人口老龄化的重要举措。研究提出如下政策建议:转变社会观念,营造老年人力资源价值观念;重点开发低龄健康老年人力资源;加强对老年人的教育和培训;重视对老年就业的法律保护;改革现有的强制退休年龄制度,实行弹性退休制度。  相似文献   
目的 通过三维重建测量上、下颌尖牙髓腔/牙体表面积比值(Pulp/Tooth area Ratio,PTR)来推断个体年龄,为临床年龄推断的应用提供科学依据.方法 收集口腔门诊患者年龄在16~65岁200例锥形束CT(Cone beam computed tomography,CBCT)影像资料,以4个尖牙为测量对象并...  相似文献   
未成年人能否适用无期徒刑,理论上的观点是否定说。其理由是刑法第49条规定,未成年人不得适用死刑,其法定最高刑就是无期徒刑;根据刑法第17条第2款,无论从轻或者减轻处罚,都不能适用无期徒刑。司法实践一直都肯定未成年人可以适用无期徒刑,但缺乏正确的理由支持。否定说的错误在于混淆了法定刑和宣告刑的界限,未成年人不得适用死刑,其含义是宣告刑而不是法定刑。决定未成年人的责任时,首先应引用刑法第17条第3款,根据其法定刑,最高可以是死刑,如果不需要判处死刑,就是遵守了刑法第49条的原则。虽然大多数情况下,引用刑法第17条第3款就足够了,但是,在绝对确定的死刑以及情节冲突的情况下,必须引用刑法第49条才能解决问题。由于刑法第49条是个原则性的规定,必须修正才能更好地适用。  相似文献   
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