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This study examined attributions for husband to wife marital agression as a function of aggression severity and husbands' alcohol use. Subjects were a community sample of 117 wives and 109 husbands who reported an episode of serious physical aggression during a structured interview, conducted at one year of marriage. The results showed that husbands' attributions were influenced by both severity and alcohol use. In particular, sober husbands tended to blame their wives for severe aggression, but, unexpectedly, drinking husbands tended to assume responsibility for severe aggression. In contrast, wives' attributions were influenced mainly by severity. Wives also discriminated between the locus and stability dimensions of causal attributions, whereas husbands relied solely on the locus dimension. Specifically, wives held husbands' behavior more responsible for severe aggression than their own behavior and held husbands' character much more responsible than their own character. Additional findings with regard to relationship attributions were discussed.  相似文献   
Collections of expired air and chemical determinations of ethanol concentrations in inspired and expired air showed that during prolonged inspiration of ethanol (vapour)-containing air about 55% was absorbed by adult human subjects. The fractional absorption was not detectably affected by variations in tidal volume (0.7-2.1 liters), nor was it significantly reduced in experiments where, due to preceding oral intake, the ethanol concentration of systemic blood was up to 50 times higher than that of inspired air. In these experiments the difference between the rates of change in blood alcohol concentration (beta 60) during and before ethanol inhalation agreed well with values calculated from measured respiratory absorptions. Mass spectrometric recordings of ethanol concentration in expired air vs. expired volume, taken in a state of steady uptake, also gave absorption fractions of about 0.55, and showed that the concentration in end-expiratory air did not fall below some 30% of that of the inspired air. These and other findings show that a large part of ethanol being inspired is deposited in the airway linings to be released again to ethanol-free alveolar air expired through the airways. It is concluded that inspired ethanol deserves consideration as a source of elevations of blood alcohol concentrations.  相似文献   
Ethanol stability in preserved antemortem blood has been widely studied since it is a common practice in cases involving suspected impaired driving to collect antemortem blood in evacuated blood tubes containing sodium fluoride. In some situations, antemortem blood is submitted to a forensic laboratory for ethanol analysis in evacuated blood tubes that contain only an anticoagulant. There has been limited research on ethanol stability in antemortem blood stored without a preservative. On two occasions, antemortem blood was collected from five ethanol-free individuals into 6-ml Vacutainer® tubes containing only 10.8 mg potassium EDTA. The blood tubes were spiked with ethanol to approximately either 0.08 or 0.15 g/dl. Dual-FID headspace gas chromatography was used to analyze 58 blood tubes, 29 from each session, for ethanol 1 day after sample collection and again after 1 year of refrigerated storage (~4°C). Statistically significant decreases in ethanol were detected at the 0.05 level of significance. Mean decreases in ethanol after 1 year of storage for the 0.08 and 0.15 g/dl samples were 0.013 and 0.010 g/dl, respectively. The mean ethanol decrease across all tubes was 0.012 g/dl. The range of decreases for the 58 blood tubes was 0.003–0.018 g/dl. The mean ethanol decreases measured in this unpreserved antemortem blood are comparable in magnitude to those previously observed in antemortem blood containing sodium fluoride after 1 year of refrigerated storage. Ethanol did not increase in the antemortem blood samples despite the absence of sodium fluoride.  相似文献   
目的:探讨不同种类采血管对血样中乙醇含量检测结果的影响。方法分别用7种一次性真空采血管[无抗凝剂管、促凝剂管、分离胶-促凝剂管、枸橼酸钠(1∶4)管、枸橼酸钠(1∶9)管、柠檬酸钠(9∶1)管、EDTA-K2管]采集10名志愿者饮酒后2 h血液,用顶空气相色谱法检测血样中乙醇含量。结果相同血样用不同的采血管,其乙醇含量检测结果不同,依次为分离胶-促凝剂管〉促凝剂管〉无抗凝剂管〉EDTA-K2管〉枸橼酸钠(1∶9)管〉枸橼酸钠(1∶4)管,柠檬酸钠(9∶1)管与枸橼酸钠(1∶9)管检测结果基本一致。结论采集涉嫌酒后驾驶的驾驶员血样,应选用一次性真空采血管,首选EDTA-K2管。  相似文献   
Wine-tasting has been used as a defence in the UK to charges of driving with excess alcohol on the breath. There is little scientific data to support this explanation. The authors carried out an experimental wine-tasting using twelve volunteer subjects. Breath alcohol samples were taken at the start of the experiment and fifteen minutes after the end. All subjects after wine-tasting had breath alcohol levels below the instrumental limit of detection. The authors conclude that the wine-tasting defence is not credible.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to analyze the connection between alcohol dependence and criminal behavior by an integrated genetic–environmental approach. The research, structured as a case–control study, examined 186 alcohol‐dependent males; group 1 (N = 47 convicted subjects) was compared with group 2 (N = 139 no previous criminal records). Genetic results were innovative, highlighting differences in genotype distribution (p = 0.0067) in group 1 for single‐nucleotide polymorphism rs 3780428, located in the intronic region of subunit 2 of the GABA B receptor gene (GABBR2). Some environmental factors (e.g., grade repetition) were associated with criminal behavior; others (e.g., attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous) were inversely related to convictions. The concomitant presence of the genetic and environmental factors found to be associated with the condition of alcohol‐dependent inmate showed a 4‐fold increase in the risk of antisocial behavior. The results need to be replicated on a larger population to develop new preventive and therapeutic proposals.  相似文献   
Though a large body of research has found that peer social network characteristics influence both offending and victimization, relatively little is known about the influence of social network characteristics on adolescent sexual victimization. Attractiveness and sociability largely indicate popularity for teenage females, which in turn leads to earlier onset of dating, greater dating options, and potential risk of sexual victimization—an observation not tested in the criminological and criminal justice literature. We suggest and evaluate 2 competing hypotheses: that popularity within a network insulates females from sexual victimization and that popularity may increase exposure to delinquent others and facilitate sexual victimization. Results suggest that popularity does not have a consistent effect but instead that its role is conditioned by the deviance of the network. Popularity is associated with an increase in the likelihood of victimization when peer deviance is high but with a decrease when peer deviance is low. We further demonstrate that an interaction between a female's own drinking and the proportion of her friends that are male strongly affects her likelihood of sexual victimization. Implications for policy and future research are explored.  相似文献   
Driving under the influence of alcohol is a contributing factor to a number of road traffic accidents. There is, however, a lack of research into the behaviours that lead to drink driving. The current research used a novel approach, behaviour sequence analysis, to investigate the chains of behaviours that lead to drink driving. Statements were taken from individuals (N?=?60) in an interview, reporting a time they had consumed alcohol and driven a vehicle. Statements were coded and the sequences of behavioural pairs were analysed. Results were presented in a state transition diagram, and indicated a variety of behavioural sequences leading to drink driving. A significant chain of events showed that individuals who had attempted to calculate their blood alcohol concentration and then drive a vehicle felt unsafe to drive, after driving. Also, many individuals did not intend to drink and drive; however, influences such as peer pressure and being surrounded by alcohol lead to them being more likely to consume multiple alcoholic drinks, and then drive a vehicle. The current research outlines future research, and implications for polices and laws on behaviours that surround drink driving, as well as providing a new method for research.  相似文献   
Two direct ethanol metabolites, namely ethyl glucuronide (EtG) and cocaethylene (CE), in the hair of cocaine (COC) users were compared in this study. Hair samples (n=68) were submitted to the determination of EtG (by liquid chromatography-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometry) and of COC and metabolites, including CE (by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry). Quantitative and qualitative results were compared. No quantitative correlation was found between EtG and CE, as well as between EtG and the cocaethylene concentration divided by the concentration of COC and its metabolites (benzoylecgonine and ecgonine methylester, as COC equivalents). Nevertheless, many factors are supposed to affect the amount of the two substances incorporated in the hair matrix, such as the subject's habits in ethanol and COC use, genetic variability in the metabolism of both substances, and the different chemical and physical properties of EtG and CE. When establishing a cut-off of 4 pg/mg for EtG and of 200 pg/mg for CE, 47 samples tested positive for EtG and 41 samples tested positive for CE; 12 samples out of the 47 EtG-positives tested negative for CE (25%), whereas 6 samples out of the 41 CE-positives tested negative for EtG (15%). According to these data, EtG appears to be a more sensitive and specific marker of non-moderate alcohol users than CE.  相似文献   
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