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死刑复核程序是为了保障死刑案件质量而设置的特别审判程序,具有鲜明的中国特色。为最大化发挥死刑复核程序的公正司法、防错纠错、保障人权的功能,贯彻落实保留死刑,严格控制和慎用死刑的死刑政策,死刑复核程序应当着力加以完善:第一,厘定死刑复核程序的审判性质,选择在现有框架内实现死刑复核程序诉讼化改革的路径,而不必进行三审制转变;第二,加快将法律援助辩护全覆盖至死刑复核程序,充分保障死刑被告人的辩护权;第三,坚持死刑案件在基本事实的证明上达到唯一性结论;第四,扩大最高人民法院对死刑复核案件的改判范围,实现公正与效率价值的合理平衡。  相似文献   
隐喻是人类认识、加工客观世界的一种基本模式。通过隐喻的跨语言对比研究能揭示出不同语言理解事物时不同的思维方式。以日语「流れ/流れる」的用法为例,从隐喻广度和隐喻深度两个维度,研究、透视日语和汉语在名词概念化方式上的差异,会发现:虽然汉语也能够通过流体思维对时间等名词进行表征,但在日语里这种思维模式是一种基本认知模式,因此,日语对政治故事比赛沉默等抽象名词的理解均建基于流体隐喻思维。通过跨语言对比不难发现,借助流体隐喻思维对外部事物进行理解是日语的一大显著特征。  相似文献   
谢新胜 《法律科学》2006,24(6):70-76
冲突法与实体法并存于民法典中,是未来我国冲突法的基本存在形式。在这种情形下,如何在同一法典中协调两种不同性质法律的关系,值得思考。实际上,民法典中的冲突法即使与实体法具有相同的概念形式,其含义和范畴也大相径庭;冲突法以调整涉外民商事法律关系为要旨,其规定的内容也必然较实体法广博;更重要的是,冲突法也并非与实体法是一种直线型的“上下位”关系,冲突规范可以由当事人的合意加以排除。  相似文献   
This study applies a narrative lens to policy actors’ discursive strategies in the Scottish debate over fracking. Based on a sample of 226 newspaper articles (2011–2017) and drawing on key elements of the narrative policy framework (NPF), the research examines how policy coalitions have characterized their supporters, their opponents, and the main regulator (Scottish government). It also explores how actors have sought to expand or contain the scope of conflict to favor their policy objectives. Empirically, only the government strives for conflict containment, whereas both pro‐ and anti‐fracking groups prioritize conflict expansion through characterization contests and the diffusion and concentration of the costs/risks and benefits of fracking. In theoretical terms, the study proposes that Sarah Pralle’s conflict management model, which emphasizes symmetrical strategies of conflict expansion by both coalitions, is a potential tool to revise extant NPF expectations about the different narrative strategies of winning and losing coalitions. Moreover, the fact that policy actors mostly employ negatively rather than positively framed characters in their narratives may be a valid expectation for similar policy conflicts, particularly under conditions of regulatory uncertainty.  相似文献   
One of the characteristics of arbitration is the freedom of the parties to choose the applicable law, i.e., the law governing the merits of the dispute. According to the FAT Rules (art. 15.1), "Unless the parties have agreed otherwise the Arbitrator shall decide the dispute ex aequo et bono, applying general considerations of justice and fairness without reference to any particular national or international law." In fact in almost all the cases ruled by FAT, the parties choose the application of ex aequo et bono.  相似文献   
This article seeks to articulate the practical goal of unbundled legal services for the pro bono family law sector as it applies to limited legal services programs (also known as brief advice clinics), through the use of a goal spectrum, derived from the theoretical goal of access to justice. This article briefly discusses the status of the Indiana Rules of Professional Conduct, as they pertain to the ethics of unbundling. This article then focuses extensively on some practical considerations within the ethical issues of both the scope of representation and attorney competence in order to articulate an appropriate goal for unbundled legal services. Finally, the article concludes that service providers in limited legal services programs should explicitly identify and then perform an essential, discrete service that the client needs to have performed in order to help the client meet his or her ultimate objectives. The service provider and the client could then gauge the success of the limited scope representation based on whether and how well the specific service has been provided.  相似文献   
李斌  郭百顺 《行政与法》2010,(3):118-121
案外人异议是案外第三人请求人民法院排除对特定标的物执行的一项重要法律制度,它对于切实维护当事人和案外人的合法权益起着十分重要的作用。但由于法律规定过于原则,该制度适用中出现了不少实际问题,远不能发挥其作为执行救济途径的保护和矫正作用。为了切实有效发挥该制度的应有作用,应针对具体适用中的缺陷和不足,进一步从程序上完善案外人异议制度。  相似文献   
"直接适用的法"是国家为了更好的维护本国利益和社会利益而制定的具有强制力的法律规范,这些法律规范不必经过传统的冲突规范的援引而直接适用于涉外民事关系."直接适用的法"是一种新的法律选择方法,对于其究竟属于国内法还是国际法、公法还是私法、实体法还是冲突法、直接调整方法还是间调整方法等问题进行探讨,有利于揭示"直接适用的法"的性质.  相似文献   
基因专利保护范围边界的确定是当前生物科技专利领域中争论的焦点之一。专利保护范围决定着专利垄断权的实际价值,基因专利保护范围直接影响着生物技术产业的发展。主要梳理美国、德国、瑞士和日本在基因专利保护范围上的发展变迁趋势,同时初步探讨对我国基因专利保护范围界定方面给予的启示。  相似文献   
对公司治理相关问题的研究是近20年来学术界最为关注的热点问题之一,其研究范围涉及到经济学、法学、管理学、社会学等诸多领域。这一问题的研究成果直接推动了中国现代企业制度的建立和公司法的修改。以法学研究为切入点,从不同的视角,对国内多年来的公司治理相关研究成果予以条分缕析般的冷静审视和详尽评述,其内容涉及到公司治理的范畴与理念、公司治理的路径,以及公司治理研究中广受关注的公司章程、股东会决议瑕疵、董事会与董事、监事会、职工参与、中小股东利益保护等各个方面。并在此基础上,对未来公司治理研究的方法和重点进行了思考和展望。  相似文献   
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