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共青团组织是高校育人体系的重要组成部分,在培养创新型人才的实践中发挥着重要作用。新形势、新条件下,高校共青团要进一步拓宽工作思路,努力构建完善的大学生学术科技创新的活动体系、指导体系、保障体系和评价体系,为创新型人才培养和创新型国家建设做出新贡献。  相似文献   
何娜 《各界》2010,19(1)
介绍了以Linux为操作系统,基于ARM9的嵌入式Web服务器的设计,从软硬件两方面详细阐述嵌入式Web服务器实现中的一些具体技术及方案,并且对TCP/IP协议族进行一定裁减,实现了基于ARM的WEB服务器.  相似文献   
Legal and practical context: The ongoing dispute between Nokia and Qualcomm exemplifies thecomplex issues that arise when the licensor–licensee relationshipbreaks down. It illustrates that any means by which a licenseecan secure rights to use licensed IP after termination of alicence agreement can be of great commercial importance, notto mention significant economic value. If a licensee can continueto use licensed IP notwithstanding that its agreement has beenterminated, a licensor's ability to control and derive maximumeconomic benefit from its IP may be fundamentally compromised. Key points: The means available to licensees to secure such rights varydepending on the kind of IP right licensed, but there are severalcommon themes, which draw on a diverse range of legal rulesand concepts, including specific IP concepts and laws (includingthe rules relating to assignment and licensing, the exhaustionof rights, revocation and invalidation, and defences to infringementclaims), contract law and competition law. This article discussespractical implications to be considered when drafting IP licenceagreements. Conclusions: From a licensee's perspective, the termination of its licenceagreement is not necessarily the end of the road. Licenseesshould be aware of these post-termination rights when expectingto face difficult renegotiations with a licensor. From bothparties' perspectives, but particularly that of licensor, thisarticle should demonstrate the importance of drafting to avoidany uncertainty that may arise on the termination of a licenceagreement.  相似文献   
期货市场目前已步入规范发展的轨道。2004年以来,期货市场加快了品种创新的步伐,成交额和成交量迅速增加,期货公司迎来了发展的春天。为了适应市场发展的需求,各期货公司开始扩大规模,最典型的特征是近几年新设营业部已越来越多。  相似文献   
高等院校对外汉语专业的课外实践性学习,既可以看成是一种课程形态,又可以算作是一种专业学习方式,它具有自主性、综合性和开放性等诸多特点。设置课外实践性学习环节,挖掘实践性学习资源,选择洽当形式,并加以正确引导和评价,能有效地促进学生专业综合素养的提高,成为跨文化背景的复合型人才。  相似文献   
发挥高校统一战线在党管人才工作中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人才问题是关系党和国家事业发展的关键问题。能不能培养出优秀人才,在很大程度上决定着一个政党、一个国家的兴衰存亡。我们必须坚持党管人才的原则,把各方面的优秀人才集聚到党和国家各项事业中来,使我们党真正成为优秀人才密集的执政党,这是加强党的执政能力建设的一项极其重要的工作。本文试图从党管人才、高校统一战线的优势、高校统一战线作用的发挥三个方面综合探讨,研究高校统一战线这一执政兴国的“法宝”,在党管人才,加强党的执政能力建设中的作用。  相似文献   
人才使用是一门艺术,如何更好地发挥人才的作用,在竞争激烈的今天具有非常重要的意义。我国古代和一些西方国家在人才使用上积累了很多丰富的经验,值得我们学习借鉴。本文在分析我国古代人才使用观和美国人才使用观的基础上,比较了我国古代和美国人才使用在人才观、人才价值和地位、人才使用基础、标准、激励、效应等方面的差异,针对我国人才使用中的一些误区,提出完善人才评判标准,实行科学的人才观;建立人才流动机制,促进人才的社会化;转换视角,注重人才使用的群体效益;认可人才的价值,合理拉开收入差距;爱护人才,确保人才的可持续发展的对策建议。  相似文献   
Legal context: The emergence of new web-based programs being used in the fieldsof patent applications and IP legal information has opened upa range of new opportunities for IP-related legal processesand knowledge sharing. Key points: This article explains the background to Web 2.0 applicationsand explores the potential for the use of wikis in various areasof IP. It notes the limitations, as well as the possibilities,of wikis and explains how they work in practice. It outlinesthree recent examples of wikis in the IP world, explaining howthey work and the significance of their overall objectives. Practical significance: The adoption of this technology by official bodies suggestswider future use and the appearance of unofficial sites showsthat current developments have already reached a stage wheremany IP practitioners can begin to interact and share knowledgein a way that has not been considered previously. It is conceivablethat developments in this area will be rapid and it is in theinterests of users to familiarize themselves with the use ofthis new ‘social software’.  相似文献   
建设创新型国家,要靠创新型人才。本文阐述了信息素质教育在大学生创新能力培养中的作用,对高校如何围绕创新人才培养开展信息素质教育提出了一些看法。  相似文献   
在人才测评的理论、方法论及具体方法的背后,隐含着现代心理学基本范式的取向。新时期人才测评的理论与实践所遭遇的深刻危机,与现代心理学的范式影响有着密切关系。现代心理学自诞生起就存在着科学心理学与人文心理学两大范式的张力,这一张力与后现代思潮相互激荡,汇集成心理学后现代转向的潮流。心理学的后现代转向对新时期人才测评启发甚多,它召唤人才测评基本理论、方法及实践的响应,昭示着新时期人才测评的范式转换。  相似文献   
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