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我国新《民事诉讼法》第五十五条在立法层面确立了"民事公益诉讼程序",其中包含的环境公益诉讼在我国尚处于起步阶段,诸多配套性的程序规则和单行立法均有待完善。推行诉前鉴定机制,对于推进环境公益诉讼制度的发展具有重要的现实意义,但是,这又需要以诉前鉴定程序的完善和规范为前提。因此,必须着力解决好三个方面的问题:明确诉前鉴定程序启动的决定主体;规范诉前鉴定意见之证据能力和证明力的判断程序;明确诉前鉴定费用的负担规则。  相似文献   
随着汽车相关案件频发和媒体的高度关注,汽车电子数据鉴定逐渐成为电子数据鉴定的热点方向.通过分析汽车电子数据鉴定的典型需求,将其分为事故调查、痕迹溯源和功能鉴定三类.结合汽车电子数据鉴定的技术标准和鉴定工具,系统性地介绍了汽车中具有证据价值的电子控制单元、事件数据记录系统、车载信息娱乐系统、汽车行驶记录仪、汽车行车记录仪...  相似文献   
The Bahamian Public Service faces general pressures for better performance, including higher quality, rational administrative systems, and managerial innovation. Because organizational effectiveness depends on high-quality and committed human capital, performance appraisal is important. This study will describe, assess, and recommend changes in the current system.  相似文献   
In this article, the effectiveness of the Performance Contracting or the Results Framework Document (RFD) process and its impact on improving Government's performance in the Indian context were analyzed. The results reveal that the RFD process has a significant and positive impact on the performance of ministries in the Government of India. The initiative has helped in an objective assessment of ministries and a focused effort on achieving the organizational targets, and in enabling performance orientation among civil servants. It has also contributed to a refining of the organization's vision and mission and their integration with the organizational objectives. However, the process has been driven by civil servants. The initiative has not been integrated with the budgeting process, and the performance appraisal and performance-based incentive systems. The study has enabled validation of existing frameworks of PMS and incorporating the RFD process in a generic integrated framework of PMS.  相似文献   
This article provides estimates of a social discount rate (SDR) to inform government policy in Russia. We find that a SDR should be determined for the whole country as well as for particular regions. We apply the social rate of time preferences approach and estimate values for public sector projects at national and regional levels. All calculations are based on data from the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia. Findings help the decision-making process in the public sector of economics. Suggestions are useful for Russia as well as for post-Soviet countries and other developing economies with regional diversity.  相似文献   
论中国死刑案件中的精神病抗辩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着权利话语的流行与国家对被告人权益保护的增强,中国死刑案件中的被告方在庭审阶段频频提出精神病抗辩,意图减轻罪责或不负刑事责任。然而,实践中却显示出如下悖论:被告方虽时时提出抗辩,但法庭却不愿启动精神病鉴定程序。这一现象的原因在于:当前被告方提出精神病抗辩的证明责任分配不明;被判无罪精神病人的监管难题与强制治疗措施缺乏;精神病鉴定一再反复导致法官无以判案等等。因此,在我国近年越来越重视死刑案件审判程序的背景下,有必要重构被告人精神病抗辩的合理制度,使其在维护被告人正当权益的前提下也不至于无章可循、变得过度泛滥。  相似文献   
"小康社会"是一个让中国大众很容易理解的生活质量状态,如何用量化指标描绘"经济更加发展、民主更加健全、科教更加进步、文化更加繁荣、社会更加和谐、人民生活更加殷实"的"全面小康"社会的这一新目标,已成为社会各界关注的热点。根据全面建设小康社会的内涵及其目标确定的原则,评价全面小康社会的指标体系应基本包括经济、社会、环境和制度等四个方面。  相似文献   
签名笔迹字数较少、变化多端、易被模仿,鉴定难度较大。因此,了解、研究签名笔迹的特殊性以及影响其变化的各种因素。就成为签名笔迹检验的重要课题。扶影响签名笔迹鉴定的各种因素入手,深入研究签名笔迹的细节特征,才能为正确作出笔迹鉴定结论提供科学的依据。  相似文献   
当前绝大多数高校实行年度考核制度,但多数高校的绩效考核不是为了考核而考核就是为了履行程序而考核,失去了考核的真正意义,使部分人对绩效考核产生了抵触情绪,对考核结果价值产生了怀疑。高校绩效考核建立在以人为本的基础上,采取学校发展目标与人人发展目标相结合、定量为主定性为辅的量化考核机制。  相似文献   
法官直接认知是法官直接对本案适用的法律、相关待证事实无需当事人举证证明或者在当事人举证已经达至证明标准时,直接加以确认形成内心确信的情形。司法鉴定是请求专家对案件事实或者证据事实出具相关意见的一种辅助证明活动。在我国的司法实践中存在着逃避法官直接认知而滥用司法鉴定的不良现象,应当在理论、立法和司法上准确理解法官直接认知和司法鉴定的功能与范围,二者不可简单替代,尤其不能以司法鉴定代替法官直接认知。  相似文献   
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