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Two experiments are presented to examine the issue of memory for past emotions. Participants rated their emotional reactions on the occasion of watching a film, and in a subsequent session, they were asked to recall and rate the emotion as experienced when viewing it. In the first experiment, participants underestimated unpleasant emotion at recall, but their recall was improved with the presentation of a visual cue pertaining to the emotion-inducing film event. In the second experiment, participants were assisted in probing perceptual aspects of the event by means of memory-enhancing instructions underlying the Cognitive Interview. These participants consistently recalled emotional intensity, as compared to participants in the unassisted recall condition who underestimated prior emotion. This research suggests that ratings of prior emotion are easily influenced by features of the retrieval context, and that consistent recall may be achieved by memory-enhancing principles of the Cognitive Interview.  相似文献   
公安大学生职业认同在入学动机上表现为职业预期和学习生活适应性上的差异,对公安大学生学业情绪的影响主要有对警察的职业认知、职业情感和职业行为等三个方面的因素。公安大学生职业认同感的构建,需要培养大学生的警察意识、警务技能和警务行为素养,从而激发大学生积极向上的学业情绪。  相似文献   
目的探索非疾病悲伤情绪大学生立冬节气的躯体、情绪和人格表现特点及其相互的关联性,从中医角度讨论悲伤情绪的内在病机。方法运用自拟躯体健康状况调查问卷、贝克焦虑量表(Beck Anxiety Inventory,BAI)、贝克抑郁量表(Beck Depression Inventory,BDI)及艾森克人格问卷简式量表(Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revise Short Scale for Chinese,EPQ-RSC)作为测评工具,在立冬节气对中医院校大学生的悲伤情绪进行问卷调查。结果 308例被试者中,共有169例存在悲伤情绪。在躯体健康状况调查问卷的躯体总分、精神情绪总分,BAI评分,BDI评分,以及EPQ-RSC的多个因子方面,男性和女性悲伤被试者与不悲伤者比较,差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05,或P0.01)。169例悲伤被试者中,出现频率大于50%的躯体不适条目有口干、头部不适、疲乏无力、怕冷、咽部不适和善太息;有3%的被试者存在焦虑情绪,21.3%的被试者存在抑郁情绪,悲伤者合并有注意力下降、郁闷和烦躁等精神情绪失调。女性悲伤被试者EPQ-RSC量表的P、N因子评分显著高于不悲伤者,L因子评分显著低于不悲伤者;男性悲伤被试者EPQRSC量表的E因子评分显著低于不悲伤者(P0.01)。经Pearson相关分析发现,悲伤情绪评分与BAI、BDI及躯体健康亚量表的一些条目评分存在显著相关性。结论悲伤情绪者具有一定程度的躯体不适,合并有较多的情绪失调,人格特质具有性别差异性。悲伤情绪者的病机为肝郁脾虚、胃脘气滞、气机失调。  相似文献   
杜甫寓居陇右期间,创作了数量可观的边塞诗,其诗歌主题与艺术特征与盛唐边塞诗迥异。其以抒发厌战情绪、期望和平的心声、感世伤怀为主题,用陇右秋天的个体玲珑意象入诗,体现着凄楚悲愁、平实悲凉以及人性的细腻、真实美的美学品格。  相似文献   
诗是否可译,争论由来已久。不少中外学者都提出过不同观点。无论从"传神达意"还是从"形式音韵"看诗的翻译的确很艰难。然而,诗并非不能翻译。通过对优秀译诗赏析,从诗的翻译的"艺术性"和"科学性"辩证统一的角度,我们对诗的可译性问题可以出"诗难译,但可译"的答案。  相似文献   
反社会人格障碍是以行为不符合社会规范为主要特点,犯罪倾向极其明显,是极易导致犯罪的变态人格之一,本文对反社会人格障碍者犯罪在认识、情感、意志的特点进行理论阐述,为预防打击反社会人格障碍犯罪提供理论依据  相似文献   
漂泊,指的是一种行踪不定的状态,这种状态是和20世纪中叶的台湾社会相契合的。而台湾文学的漂泊主题,是在包括白先勇、王文兴、余光中、於梨华、聂华苓等在内的一批带着“外省人”标签的作家笔下呈现出来的。作为这批作家中的代表人物,白先勇的小说也打上了很强的时代烙印。综观其小说的漂泊主题,可以观察到相互联系的三个方面:情感上的无依感、空间上的无家感、时间上的无力感。这三种看似负面的漂泊情绪,却通过白先勇的文字,向读者传递了共同的孤独美、悲剧美和诗境美。  相似文献   
《怀念狼》这部小说一方面体现了贾平凹的创作成就,一方面又引起了不少争议,可谓集成就与争议于一身。“成就”体现在对“商州”系列作品中开创的独特小说风格的继承与发展上,“争议”集中在对新式创作方法的尝试方面。《怀念狼》集中反映了贾平凹个人小说创作的艺术创新精神。  相似文献   
Yeats’On Baile’s Strand is an important work in the Irish Literary Revival. On Baile’s Strand is a thought-provoking ethical tragedy, and also a play that reflects the ideology of cultural nationalism of Yeats. In this play there is staged development from natural emotion, free emotion to ethical emotion and moral emotion. Cuchulain is motivated by his natural emotion and free emotion in most cases. He fails to take the ethical responsibility as a husband, father and little king, which aroused the jealousy, revenge and incrimination from Aoife and Conchubar. After killing his own son who he has never seen, Cuchulain regains his ration. His ethical emotion and moral emotion makes it impossible for him to withstand his guilt, even though he fights bravely in hundreds of wars and has killed numerous people. Finally, he goes to madness, and throws himself into the sea to fight against the waves. With Cuchulain’s tragedy of filicide and madness in On Baile’s Strand, Yeats warns Irish people of improving their morality and education, so as to promote the Irish national independence and national liberation.  相似文献   
艺术与伦理的关系是历代美学聚讼已久的话题,这在黑色电影中显得尤为突出。问题的关键在于,不能在理论层面上进行永无休止、坐而论道的争论,而得落实到具体作品中展开分析。如果说缺乏起码的游戏元素会损害作品的接受性,那么拥有必要的伦理性则是优秀作品的共同品质。黑色电影之所以“黑”,在于其主角行为处事往往显得离经叛“道”,但这类电影之所以也能产生一些脍炙人口的艺术杰作,则在于其有一种特殊的“德”性,满足了审美实践对于艺术伦理的基本诉求。  相似文献   
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