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片面的强调合伙的主体性,不但在理论上面临着困境,还将不得不负担主体法定带来的僵化成本、服从成本和政治代理成本,且不利于合伙组织的创新.在我国现有登记体制下,应该把合伙从本质上视为契约,充分尊重契约自由,同时允许和鼓励合伙组织在自愿的基础上主动选择登记,从而享有主体资格.简言之,在合伙法律地位的认定方面,变主体性的判断为主体化的选择.  相似文献   
电子数据证据问题探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
虽然电子数据的无痕性、易变性、开放性使电子证据极具脆弱性,但根据我国的诉讼模式、证据制度、证据规则、司法实践,以及国际立法的现状、趋势和电子商务等社会实际生活的需要,可以推断出承认电子数据的证据能力不但是可能的,而且是必要的。它的三个本质特征决定了电子证据的证据价值、审查判断的内容方法,都有不同于传统七种证据之处,把它归于视听资料只是权宜之计。  相似文献   
In the third of a series of studies and reports, the authors expand on the frequency occurrence proportions of various handwritten features. The first study culminated in the publication of “Measuring the Frequency Occurrence of Handwriting and Handprinting Characteristics.” That study was followed by “Measuring the Frequency Occurrence of Handwritten Numeral Characteristics.” The premise of this current and future follow‐up studies is to expand on the initial lists of information incrementally by expanding the number of features and the number of writers. This study expands on the list of numeral features. A total of 34 numeral features was selected by the authors as candidates for this study and tested through an attribute agreement analysis. Based on the results of the testing, 17 new features have been added to the list of proportions. The original 1410 handwritten numeral specimen forms were utilized and pared to 1024 to obtain a proper population sampling for the United States. Interdependency testing was conducted on 783 pairs of inter‐character numerals. A coefficient of correlation between ?0.2 and +0.2 was found in 534 (68.20%) of these pairs. As of this report, there are now a total of 42 numerals with measured frequencies of occurrence. This material has already borne fruit as the combined frequency of occurrence studies were explained during an unsuccessful exclusion hearing in court with an explanation as to how these studies support the reliability of forensic document examination.  相似文献   
本文引用民事诉讼测谎运用最为典型的案例,即江苏淮安中院再审崔景涛诉陈德勤借款纠纷案,首先列出反对者对测谎在该案例中的应用所提出的质疑,主要集中在测谎结论的证据属性和证明力两方面,接着本文相应地从这两方面为测谎结论在该案例中的应用证成。  相似文献   
中国工会:转型期的诉求责难与制度救济   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
中国工会作为职工权益的法定"代言人",基本职责是维护广大职工的合法权益.但在国家主导下的市场化改革中,其"代言人"资格却饱受职工权益诉求的责难,并不得不接受职工群体性的民意检验.从中国工会独有的责任属性分析,工会虽然成为职工诉求责难的直接对象,但问题的本身仍在国家.所以,基于工会责任属性的多维目标需要,国家层面的制度救济对现实中的中国工会重塑和拓展职工民意基础、巩固国家的执政基础是重要的.但长远看,国家主导下的制度供给,尤其是劳动者权利的完善才是消除职工诉求责难、实现劳动关系和谐、提升工会形象的有效选择.  相似文献   
朱秋 《行政与法》2005,(9):10-11
政府职能分为原生性职能和再生性职能两个属性.政府职能转变的根本动因是社会环境的变迁.政府职能转变实际上就是政府职能的再生和向社会的释放.政府职能在转变过程中会出现缺位、越位和错位的不正常现象.政府职能转变的目标是建立和谐社会的国家关系模式.  相似文献   
在当前刑法体制中,兜底性罪名是刑法废止类推原则到确立罪刑法定原则过程中的产物。作为一个具有口袋性质的罪名,寻衅滋事罪有其存在的必要性。刑事立法上,具有罪名与犯罪构成的法定性;刑事司法上,具有构成要件要素解释的必要性。信息网络空间既有"工具属性",也有"公共属性",新司法解释对"公共场所及其秩序"的解释是有权解释,使该罪名的构成要件要素更加清晰,其口袋并未突破。  相似文献   
The premise of this study was to take a valid population sampling of handwriting and handprinting and assess how many times each of the predetermined characteristic is found in the samples. Approximately 1500 handwriting specimens were collected from across the United States and pared to obtain a representative sample of the U.S. adult population according to selected demographics based on age, sex, ethnicity, handedness, education level, and location of lower‐grade school education. This study has been able to support a quantitative assessment of extrinsic and intrinsic effects in handwriting and handprinting for the six subgroups. Additional results include analyses of the interdependence of characteristics. This study found that 98.55% of handprinted characteristics and 97.39% of cursive characteristics had an independence correlation of under 0.2. The conclusions support use of the product rule in general, but with noted caveats. Finally, this study provides frequency occurrence proportions for 776 handwriting and handprinting characteristics.  相似文献   
程军伟 《法律科学》2010,(5):141-147
随着网络等信息类犯罪的不断涌现,侦查管辖问题也遇到了前所未有的挑战,现行关于侦查管辖的立法更突显出其不足及不能适应侦查实践之需求,因此研究探讨侦查管辖之现状和存在的问题,并根据问题产生的原因提出立法建议就成为当务之急。尽管立法建议可能只是偏颇之见,但依然希望能起到抛砖引玉之功效。  相似文献   
部门法哲学的研究具有十分鲜明的双边性属性和特征,无论是从实然性认识的角度,还是从价值权衡的角度,都有必要充分认识这种双边性。从部门法哲学双边性的属性和特点出发来思考其深入发展的路径选择,可得到三个基本结论:从学术共同体整体构成的角度考虑,必须要走双边学者携手对话的合作之路;从学术研究者个体担当的角度考虑,必须要走理性与经验结合的双向提升之路;从知识理论形态形成的角度虑考,必须要走三环一体的专业槽建设之路。  相似文献   
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