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侯玲玲 《法律科学》2013,(4):104-116
利益调整所引发的集体争议行动是市场经济背景下劳资争议的重要型态。基于劳资自治的保障需求,大多市场经济国家(地区)对劳动者集体争议行动这种侵权行为予以有限制的法律保护。我国因加薪所引发的集体停工频发,凸显了法律对集体争议行动失范及其法律秩序重构的必要。借鉴国外立法例,结合国情,我国宜采取消极立法模式,通过特殊的法律责任豁免制度和特殊的劳资利益争议处理程序,以规范劳动者集体争议行动。  相似文献   

The local business elites of El Salvador were generally in favour of the peace agreement and supported its negotiation and implementation in 1992, while in Guatemala the private sector reluctantly supported the peace process and, after the peace agreements were signed in 1996, the private sector sought to obstruct parts of its implementation. In the aftermath of the peace accords, business elites united around an ideology espousing a minimal state and a focus on market solutions to social problems. Although welcoming the security-related measures in the peace accords, business elites have often obstructed transformations towards more inclusive and democratic societies. However, in recent years there has been a change in discourse among influential business associations towards recognition of the need for strong state institutions and the need for institutionalised mechanisms for dialogue to find solutions to social problems. In this article, we seek to shed light on the significance of this discursive turn for continued peace-building.  相似文献   
营业转让中债务人通过“金蝉脱壳”之计逃废债务的现象频发,为了改变债权人所处的不利地位,需要从法理上澄清现行债务承担规则存在的迷乱,同时梳理国内外的相关制度,在比较借鉴的基础上,全面建构债权人利益保护机制:一是完善债权人知情权的实现程序,建立债权保护的事前防范机制;二是夯实债务承担规则的法理基础,重构债权保护的事后救济机制。  相似文献   
商业秘密对于企业的重要性不言而喻,很多国家都制定了专门的法律法规对其进行保护。面对我国当前在商业秘密保护方面所面临的严峻形势,除了应借鉴国外大企业关于商业秘密保护的一些实际有效的措施之外,还应通过法律途径加强对商业秘密的保护和救济。  相似文献   
村民自治是在广大农村实行直接民主的一项基本政治制度,是有中国特色社会主义民主政治的主要形式之一.村民自治的核心内容是民主选举、民主决策、民主管理和民主监督,体现社会主义国家人民当家作主的民主本质,显示社会主义民主的广泛性和真实性特征.村民自治是我国农村经济体制改革的必然要求,为我国农村开辟了一条发展中国特色社会主义民主政治的道路,实行村民自治有着极其重要的战略意义.  相似文献   
浙江省不同组织类型私营企业发展的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年来,浙江私营经济出现了从初级的传统市场经济向高级的现代市场经济演变的生动画面,企业制度的发展呈现出从个体作坊、家庭工商业逐步向现代公司制企业发展的鲜明特点;企业的产权结构从比较封闭单一逐步走向开放和多元化;企业领导层构成逐步社会化、职业化;家庭成员居多的现象逐步减少,管理人员与技术人员开始较多地参与企业高层决策;企业开始注重建立自己的销售网络,建立独立或合作的研究开发机构。  相似文献   
Globally there is an increasing focus on the private sector as a significant development actor. One element of the private sector’s role emphasised within this new focus has been corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, whereby the private sector claims to contribute directly to local development. There is now a substantial body of work on CSR but it is a literature that is mostly polarised, dominated by concerns from the corporate perspective, and not adequately theorised. Corporations typically do development differently from NGOs and donors, yet the nature and effects of these initiatives are both under-researched and under-conceptualised. In this paper we argue that viewing CSR initiatives through a community development lens provides new insights into their rationale and effects. Specifically we develop a conceptual framework that draws together agency and practice-centred approaches in order to illuminate the processes and relationships that underpin corporate community development initiatives.  相似文献   
Although there is considerable evidence for the hypothesis that an efficient use of management techniques is the key to a good public service delivery, a lot of studies come to the conclusion that there is only partial, reluctant implementation or even a general lack of the use of such techniques by public managers. This paper examines the determinants for the use of quality management techniques in public sector organizations from six EU countries. It turns out that especially more organizational autonomy and result control appear to be of importance while, surprisingly, the combination of these variables leads to negative results.  相似文献   
As the Soviet Union disintegrated and eventually dissolved in 1991, many of its peoples, both so-called titular nationalities and national minorities, put forth demands for independence or, at the very least, self-rule for territories that were said to represent the national patrimony. Among the many peoples who put forward such demands were Carpatho-Rusyns, who, together with fellow citizens of other national backgrounds, demanded autonomy or self-rule for the region (oblast) of Transcarpathia in far western Ukraine. This essay examines from a historical perspective the question of autonomy or self-rule for Carpatho-Rusyns and for all or part of the territory they inhabit, historic Carpathian Rus’. The autonomy question in Carpathian Rus’ is hardly new, but one that goes as far back as 1848.  相似文献   
近年来,工程建设商业贿赂犯罪案件数量增加,呈上升态势,及时破获此类案件是经侦部门的全新课题。本文分析了工程建设商业贿赂犯罪案件的表现,找出其特点,着重探讨了如何破获此类案件的侦查方法,以求服务于侦查实践。  相似文献   
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