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利于第三人合同研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
朱岩 《法律科学》2005,23(5):55-63
利于第三人合同分为非真正和真正两种,本文仅考察后者。利于第三人合同与代理制度、债权转让以及赠与等制度都存在根本区别。从罗马法到当代各国民法典及其他民事立法,利于第三人合同制度经历了从禁止到许可并不断完善的过程。该制度涉及到三方法律关系,此种复杂的三方法律关系还表现在抗辩和不当得利等复杂关系上。我国《合同法》第64条并没有规定真正利于第三人合同,应就此作出修订。  相似文献   
本文就光船承租人设定船舶抵押权的效力 ,及光租合同下承租人的租货权与出租人设立的抵押权的关系等方面 ,论述了光租情况下 ,船舶抵押权设立。  相似文献   
许可的设定是行政许可制度的源头和基础。它以立法的形式宣告了国家对公民权利领域尤其是许可利害关系人的权利的合理侵入,因而设定行政许可应至为慎重,在许可的设定中应保护许可利害关系人的合法权益。  相似文献   
废除南京国民政府"六法全书"之思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
范进学 《法律科学》2003,3(4):38-46
废除南京国民政府"六法全书"在当时是必然的,这是由共产党人的法律观、马克思主义的国家观以及中国传统法律文化等方面的原因决定的."六法全书"的废除,对新中国法制建设产生了深远的影响,既有正面的经验,也有反面的教训.其最大危害就是中断了中国法制现代化的历史进程,强化了中国社会蔑视法律的民族传统心理,为新中国政策治国、以党代政、以党治国开了方便之门.  相似文献   
本文分析了光船租赁权登记对抗主义的法理基础 ,并澄清了司法实践中对《中华人民共和国船舶登记条例》第 6条理解的误区。  相似文献   
提单与票据之比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
有关提单的法律规定尚不完整 ,因提单和票据实质上有许多相似之处 ,人们可以利用票据法的一些规定来解决提单的一些问题。本文比较研究了提单和票据的法律性质以及二者在转让中的前后手权利优劣等事项。  相似文献   
This research note focuses on two specific dimensions of legislative cohesion: the homogeneity of preferences within a party and party agreement. Although these two dimensions have often been considered as synonyms, it is argued that these two concepts refer to different realities. The authors therefore develop distinct measurements for these two concepts. The authors then examine their statistical relationship, putting to the test the widespread assumption that heterogeneous preferences increase the probability of disagreement. The authors do so by testing the effect of different measures of a member of parliament’s ideological distance to her/his party on her/his self-reported frequency of disagreement with her/his party. It is demonstrated that the causal chain linking both concepts is only verified in the case of a conscious ideological distance. The results have crucial theoretical and methodological implications for future research on party cohesion and party unity.  相似文献   
章士钊是中国近代史上著名的思想家和理论家,他注意观察和研究近代民主政治,尤其是政党政治,他强调党纲的重要性,推崇英国式的政党内阁制,并由此提出了毁党造党说,即政党和国内政治资源的重新优化组合,一方面,所谓党者尽毁之,既毁其名又毁其实,另一方面,造有党纲之党,在国内形成两大政党对抗的局面。毁党造党说轰动一时,但因不符合中国的国情而遭到失败。  相似文献   
How do political parties react to foreign security threats? There has been very little attention paid in the literature generally to how parties react to international events, particularly how parties react to foreign policy threats. Using data from the Comparative Manifesto Project, we examine how political parties in countries in Europe have reacted to Russian actions in terms of their emphasis on security issues. Based upon our analysis of the manifestoes from 331 parties in 36 countries we find that, generally, interstate threats have no significant effect on the military position adopted by political parties, although these effects vary by party type and by the type of threat. Russian based threats appear to be associated with the Far Left becoming more dovish (which is consistent with what would be expected by the literature) and the Far Right becoming significantly less hawkish.  相似文献   
This article argues that a return to the history of progressive political thought can help us to think afresh about what a renewed centre‐left politics might look like today. The article identifies some significant aspects of this history that attracted little attention in earlier debates over the British progressive tradition—in particular, debates about social ownership, nationalism and distributism. This revisionist history of British progressivism points the way towards some common ideological ground that could provide a starting point for a new dialogue between different ‘progressive’ political parties and interests.  相似文献   
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