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以猪瘟病毒5′端非编码区为靶核酸序列设计引物和探针,建立了一步法荧光RT-PCR检测猪瘟病毒。荧光RT-PCR仅检测出猪瘟C株、T株,未能检测出牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)、猪呼吸系统冠状病毒、猪传染性胃肠炎病毒、猪细小病毒、伪狂犬病病毒、猪生殖与呼吸综合征病毒、PK-15细胞和牛睾丸原代细胞;对猪瘟病毒T株的扩增反应产物进行了测序分析,与预期序列相符。荧光RT-PCR的检测极限可达到1 TCID50/mL,整个试验流程只需2 h。采用荧光RT-PCR和抗原捕获ELISA同时检测临床病料、猪副产品共207份样本,两种方法的检出率分别为17.4%和13.5%,两者符合率为95.7%(198/207);荧光RT-PCR的检出率高于ELISA,两者差异显著。结果表明,建立的荧光RT-PCR可用于猪产品、临床病料中猪瘟病毒的快速检测。  相似文献   
While canines are most commonly trained to detect traditional explosives, such as nitroaromatics and smokeless powders, homemade explosives (HMEs), such as fuel–oxidizer mixtures, are arguably a greater threat. As such, it is imperative that canines are sufficiently trained in the detection of such HMEs. The training aid delivery device (TADD) is a primary containment device that has been used to house HMEs and HME components for canine detection training purposes. This research assesses the odor release from HME components, ammonium nitrate (AN), urea nitrate (UN), and potassium chlorate (PC), housed in TADDs. Canine odor recognition tests (ORTs) were used with analytical data to determine the detectability of TADDs containing AN, UN, or PC. Headspace analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) with solid-phase microextraction (SPME) or online cryotrapping were used to measure ammonia or chlorine, as well as other unwanted odorants, emanating from bulk AN, UN, and PC in TADDs over 28 weeks. The analytical data showed variation in the amount of ammonia and chlorine over time, with ammonia from AN and UN decreasing slowly over time and the abundance of chlorine from PC TADDs dependent on the frequency of exposure to ambient air. Even with these variations in odor abundance, canines previously trained to detect bulk explosive HME components were able to detect all three targets in glass and plastic TADDs for at least 18 months after loading. Detection proficiency ranged from 64% to 100% and was not found to be dependent on either age of material.  相似文献   
由于“一国两制”方针的推行和一些特殊历史原因的影响,我国已经成为“一个国家,两种制度,三大法系,四个法域”的复合法域国家,区际法律冲突不可避免。在大量出现的区际民事法律关系中,继承关系占据了一定比例。由于我国四法域的继承法律制度差异很大,且区际继承关系较其它的民事关系复杂,所以,区际继承法律冲突及其解决途径问题则更加复杂。本文在比较四法域继承法律制度异同的基础上,详细评析了区际继承法律冲突各种解决途径的优劣利弊,认为通过准用(或类推适用)国际私法解决区际继承法律冲突是目前最现实、最可行、最稳妥地选择。  相似文献   
诱惑侦查是当今世界许多国家侦查走私犯罪的重要措施和手段,我国也在不同程度地适用这一有效方法。由于缺乏必要的规范和指导,实践中存在不少问题,影响了其效能的充分发挥,也极易侵害公民的合法权益。鉴此,本文分析了走私犯罪案件运用诱惑侦查的条件,提出了走私犯罪案件诱惑侦查中诱饵的设计方案,以及走私犯罪案件诱惑侦查的策略和方法,以期能对我国当前的缉私实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   
目前,抢劫、抢夺、盗窃等多发性侵财犯罪突出,且呈现出侵害目标广泛,团伙系列作案,作案地点日趋街面化、路面化,作案手段日趋智能化等特点。便衣侦查是新形势下打击多发性侵财案件的有效侦查模式。实施便衣侦查,应以情报信息研判为前提。  相似文献   
刑事案件侦查课程是公安院校侦查专业的一门主干课程。现行教学体系中存在与侦查观念的变化不相符、与法律法规不相适应、内容重复交叉、侦查方法归纳不完善、重点不突出等问题。改革刑事案件侦查课程的教学体系,应当以办案程序为主线,找出各类刑事案件侦查方法中的共性,将案件侦查的基本方法及侦查取证等内容融为一体,然后再针对不同案件的特点,分析侦查的难点与重点。  相似文献   
进入20世纪90年代以来,宁南山区农村劳动力结构调整遇到了新的压力,农村劳动力供大于求的矛盾日趋尖锐。劳动力素质难以适应产业结构调整的需要,就业机制不利于农村剩余劳动力向非农产业转移。因此,进一步加快农村劳动力结构调整步伐,逐步转移农村剩余劳动力,实现农村劳动力资源的合理配置,是今后宁南山区农村社会经济发展中的一个重要问题。  相似文献   
本文从WTO与我国高校有关的条款及主要表现方式入手 ,研讨了我国少数民族地区高校的特点及WTO可能对少数民族地区高校的影响 ,分析了加入WTO后少数民族地区高校可能面临的挑战和机遇 ,提出了一系列可能遇到的原则性问题  相似文献   

The adivasi population represents a special case in India’s new land wars. Strong individual and community rights to agricultural and forest lands have been enacted for this group based on notions of adivasi identities as primeval, but without linking these to economic and political influence. This article interrogates the adivasi land question seen through a caste lens. It does so via case studies in two states to understand the ways in which adivasi identity can be mobilised for its instrumental value and used to demand land rights. In Andhra Pradesh, the Supreme Court’s Samatha Judgement has prevented virtually all private mining activities. In Jharkhand, however, similar legislation is seen to be trumped by the national Coal Bearing Areas Act, as well as by former and current land acquisition acts that allow industrial land claims to take precedence over identity-based ones. Available evidence indicates the challenges involved in bringing support for land rights that are premised on a supposedly unchanging adivasi identity when these rights go against dominant interests. This circumstance serves to highlight the possibilities present in caste analysis to understand the plight of adivasis, despite their usually distinct treatment in scholarly analyses.  相似文献   
崔运武 《思想战线》2001,27(2):11-14
创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,也是多民族地区加强和改进思想政治工作的动力源泉.我们必须围绕唱响西部大开发的主旋律,打好主动战,在加强和改进多民族地区思想政治工作的观念上创新;注重思想政治工作的实践取向和民族性取向,在思想政治工作的内容上创新;增大科学含量,找准突破口,在思想政治工作的队伍建设和工作制度上创新.这种创新归结到一点,就是要以江泽民同志"三个代表"的思想为指针,开创新时期思想政治工作的新局面,为各民族的团结、稳定、发展提供有力的思想和组织保障.  相似文献   
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