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我国是一个具有广阔边境地区且边境地区比较复杂的国家,边境地区的稳定既关系到边境地区的安全,又关系到国家的长治久安。防止和处置边境地区可能发生的群体性突发事件,对捍卫国家主权、维护社会稳定具有十分重要的作用。积极、慎重、稳妥地处置这类事件,是公安边防部队使命之所系、职责之所在。  相似文献   
随着世界经济一体化的发展,知识产权保护在国际贸易中成为越来越重要的议题,对国际贸易有着最为直接影响的与知识产权有关的边境措施也随之成为知识产权保护的重要手段。《反假冒贸易协定》正是这种努力的最新进展和实践。《反假冒贸易协定》在知识产权边境保护方面放宽中止放行条件,扩大适用范围,减少实施限制,严厉海关执法的背景下,中国作为世界上最大的出口贸易国和美国最主要的贸易伙伴,中美间的国际贸易必将受到该协定的影响。  相似文献   
近年来,"三非"外国人带来的社会问题越来越受到关注,不仅京、沪、穗等国际化大都市受到"三非"外国人问题的困扰,位于中国西南边境的德宏傣族景颇族自治州也深受其害。"三非"外国人破坏国(边)境管理秩序,扰乱社会秩序,影响城市形象等严重影响了德宏州的社会经济发展。  相似文献   
The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) is an agreement between all 50 states and the District of Columbia governing the process of placing a foster child out of state. Notorious for its long wait times and system backlog, the ICPC presents a host of problems for children attempting to move mere minutes across state lines to be with a relative or kin placement instead of state foster care. In an effort to make this process smoother, 18 different “border agreements” have been adopted by several neighboring states across the U.S. Such border agreements give temporary placement licenses to relatives and kin while the ICPC process is ongoing. While this is a good start towards a solution, the ICPC could be further streamlined if border agreements were used more widely, especially in regional contexts. This article considers the possibility of such a regional agreement between the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Northern Virginia (known as the “DMV”). By comparing and contrasting two existing border agreements in these three jurisdictions, a regional DMV border agreement can be created implementing the best terms of both agreements.  相似文献   
黄尧 《东南亚纵横》2010,(11):78-82
在广西北部湾经济区快速开发开放中,广西高等职业院校需要进一步加强国际交流,增进国际间的教育合作,促进跨境教育的发展,提高高职教育的国际影响力,增强为广西经济社会服务的能力。  相似文献   
陈云在延安时期主持陕甘宁边区的财经工作,统筹贸易、金融、财政工作,出色地执行了"发展经济、保障供给"的总方针,创造了中外战时财经史上鲜为人知的光辉的一页,也为开国后的财经工作积累了丰富经验。  相似文献   
抗日战争时期在陕甘宁边区先后设立的中共中央西北局统战部、西北局民运部、延安交际处,以及具有统战性质的西北局友军工作委员会和友军工作核心组等负责统战工作的机构,在中共中央的直接领导下,在调查和研究各党派各友军的情况,落实"三三制"中有关统一战线政策,管理非党干部,调查、研究、管理少数民族工作和外事接待,情报收集等方面做了大量工作,为建设和发展边区新民主主义的政治、经济、文化,把边区建设成团结、抗战、民主的坚强堡垒,奠定了稳固的基石。  相似文献   
论边境生态文化旅游--东兴旅游发展战略选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阳国亮 《桂海论丛》2002,18(1):62-64
边境旅游是我国新兴的旅游形式。东兴作为中越边境的旅游地具有独特的区位优势和旅游资源优势。交通可达性、城镇依托关系及区域市场潜在因素成为支撑东兴成为旅游中心地的基本条件。边境资源、生态资源、文化资源的特质使东兴旅游具有较大的开发潜力。据此 ,东兴的旅游发展战略可确定为“以边境旅游为基础 ,以生态旅游为主导 ,以文化旅游为底蕴”的多元发展战略。这一战略的实施措施主要为 :科学制订旅游发展总体规则 ;加大优势宣传 ,形成中越双向交流和活而有序的边境旅游格局和管理模式 ;将生态旅游作为长期的发展战略目标来抓 ;对文化旅游进行深入研究和整合 ;形成多元旅游投资体系。  相似文献   
黑龙江省与俄罗斯远东地区有3040公里的边境线,发展外向型优势农业前景广阔。东宁县正按照"科学规划、合理布局、迅速启动、分步实施"的原则,努力构建"黑龙江省东南部—北部沿边地区外向型优势农业发展带",形成纵贯中俄边境、产业密集度高、利益联结紧密的特定农业示范区域。  相似文献   
The employment of diverse forms of security and control on territorial borders have led to the production of numerous events of border crossings, smuggling, banditry and death along with stories of separation, loss, mourning, pain, and yearning in the everyday life of border people. The Naqshbandi Khaznavi order has an expansive interpersonal social network across the political borders of Turkish and Syrian nation-states. This work analyzes the ways in which Sufis dealt with diverse aspects of the Turkish-Syrian border by unbinding shackles and orders of political system that were fabricated constantly from the 1920s to the early 1980s. The life stories and narratives of the Sufis document the existence of a religious-cultural landscape, diversifying the perception of place, time and fear which have transcended political borders for decades, contradicting official cartographic imagination and the modern-secular understanding of place and time. Besides, in addition to analyses of religious orders as social, economic and political entities, this work aims to elucidate emotional aspects of relations and faith that coexist between Sufis and their Sheikh in the context of spatial distance, political border and fear of death.  相似文献   
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