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Investigating drowning-related deaths remains a significant problem for forensic personnel all over the world. The previously published decomposition scoring method like the total aquatic decomposition (TAD) score promises to estimate the correct post-mortem submersion interval (PMSI) in aquatic habitats through the assessment and calculation of the decomposition rate and accumulated degree days (ADD). The current study comprised of 53 drowned death cases belonging to various districts of Haryana from May 2016 to August 2017. The regression and Pearson's correlation indicated a significant correlation between the TAD scores and the actual ADD (calculated through water temperatures) (r2 = 0.917) and between the actual and the estimated ADDs (calculated through TAD scores used by Heaton et al. [21]) (r = 0.9585). The results indicated that the estimated ADD tends to over predict the PMSI compared to the actual ADD. It is further confirmed by paired t-test, which showed the mean of actual ADD (mean = 349) to be significantly lower than the mean of estimated ADD (mean = 663). Moreover, these methods will help forensic investigators and researchers formulate region-specific regression equations for PMSI estimation.  相似文献   
作为一种政治现象,政治参与是衡量民主的重要尺度。本文分析考察了延安时期陕甘宁边区农民为什么参与政治(动力机制)、怎样参与政治(方式)以及政治参与的发展程度等问题。边区农民的政治参与支持了对共产党政权的政治认同,有助于共产党实现广泛的社会动员,进一步推动了边区的民主化进程,也为边区广大农民从传统农民向现代农民转型创造了条件。  相似文献   
A Way With Words     
正Language service providers in China face staunch challenges in terms of pricing and quality controlIn an era of globalization,the language ser-vice industry has become an indispensable support factor for cross-border trade and corporate overseas expansion.In fact,the language service industry has far exceeded the scope of translation and interpre-tation and become a major part of the global  相似文献   
公安边防部队是一支代表国家和人民在边境地区,以武装的形式依法打击各类违法犯罪活动,维护边境地区稳定与安全的部队。近一时期,国际恐怖组织经过数十年的发展演变,呈现组织严密、技术先进、目标泛化等诸多新特征,已严重危害我国边境地区的安全与稳定。因此,现阶段反恐作战已成为边防部队主要的作战任务,反恐怖人力资源也成为边防部队的客观需求。所以探析公安边防部队反恐怖人力资源建设对边防部队遂行反恐怖作战任务具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Widespread use of cloud computing and other off-shore hosting and processing arrangements make regulation of cross border data one of the most significant issues for regulators around the world. Cloud computing has made data storage and access cost effective but it has changed the nature of cross border data. Now data does not have to be stored or processed in another country or transferred across a national border in the traditional sense, to be what we consider to be cross border data. Nevertheless, the notion of physical borders and transfers still pervades thinking on this subject. The European Commission (“EC”) is proposing a new global standard for data transfer to ensure a level of protection for data transferred out of the EU similar to that within the EU. This paper examines the two major international schemes regulating cross-border data, the EU approach and the US approach, and the new EC and US proposals for a global standard. These approaches which are all based on data transfer are contrasted with the new Australian approach which regulates disclosure. The relative merits of the EU, US and Australian approaches are examined in the context of digital identity, rather than just data privacy which is the usual focus, because of the growing significance of digital identity, especially to an individual's ability to be recognized and to transact. The set of information required for transactions which invariably consists of full name, date of birth, gender and a piece of what is referred to as identifying information, has specific functions which transform it from mere information. As is explained in this article, as a set, it literally enables the system to transact. For this reason, it is the most important, and most vulnerable, part of digital identity. Yet while it is deserving of most protection, its significance has been largely under-appreciated. This article considers the issues posed by cross border data regulation in the context of cloud computing, with a focus on transaction identity and the other personal information which make up an individual's digital identity. The author argues that the growing commercial and legal importance of digital identity and its inherent vulnerabilities mandate the need for its more effective protection which is provided by regulation of disclosure, not just transfer.  相似文献   
公安边防部门的重要职能之一就是打击偷渡犯罪,在侦办偷渡案件过程中证据的收集至关重要。然而实践中却不同程度存在着证据收集不及时、不全面,忽视痕迹性证据的收集,缺乏对电子证据的收集能力等问题。因此,公安边防部门只有不断的增强证据意识,充分利用科学技术,发挥痕迹性物证的作用,提高偷渡案件的证据收集水平,才能有效打击偷渡犯罪,维护社会稳定,维护我国在国际上的良好形象和声誉。  相似文献   
广西中越陆地边境口岸资源丰富,口岸基础设施建设日益完善,与越南边境经济合作领域宽广,涉及边境贸易、跨境旅游、跨境运输、商品展销、劳务合作等多领域。通过开展陆地边境口岸经济合作,增进两国边民的友好往来,实现共同发展的目标,有利于促进中越友好关系的发展。  相似文献   
泰缅边境的缅甸难民问题,透过内战的表象,缅甸长期的民族政治纷争与民生凋敝才是其根源所在。大量缅甸难民长期滞留在泰国境内,对泰国造成巨大负面影响的同时,却为泰北地方经济的发展贡献不菲。虽然缅甸的民主转型为缅甸的难民问题的解决带来了希望,但难民问题已经发展到了不再是单纯的缅甸内政问题,难民问题的影响已经扩散至周边国家和地区,难民问题的最终解决仍需时日。  相似文献   
This article examines Russian Government policy towards Northeast Asia as an interplay between aspirations, which have been expressed by government leaders, parliamentary figures and prominent academics and journalists and actual results. The article uses three levels, global, regional and bilateral, as a basis for the analysis. In terms of global interests the Russian leadership has sought diplomatic balance against the US, in terms of regional interests the leadership has pursued the aim of economic and security integration while at the bilateral level Russian leadership has sought specific benefits from particular relations with China, Japan and South Korea. The article notes that Russia has obtained certain diplomatic benefits from the relationship with China which serve its interests at the global level. At the regional level policy aspirations have been frustrated by Russia's dire economic condition and the tendency to be treated as an ‘outsider’. Russia has benefited from an improvement of bilateral relations with China, Japan and South Korea but these gains do not translate into an improved position at the regional level yet. while the Russian leadership has been nurturing the development of bilateral relationships problems particular to those relationships hinder its wider regional acceptance.  相似文献   
The new technologies of bio-informatic border security and remote surveillance that have emerged as key infrastructures of reconfigured mobility regimes depend on various kinds of labor to produce the effect of bordering. The current retrofitting and technological remediation of borders suggests their transformation away from static demarcators of hard territorial boundaries toward much more sophisticated, flexible, and mobile devices of tracking, filtration, and exclusion. Borders require the labor of software developers, designers, engineers, infrastructure builders, border guards, systems experts, and many others who produce the “smart border”; but they also depend on the labor of “data-ready” travelers who produce themselves at the border, as well as the underground labor of those who traffic in informal and illegalized economies across such borders. Bordering increasingly relies on technological forms of mediation that are embedded within hi-tech, military and private corporate logics, but are also resisted by electronic and physical “hacks” or bypassing of informational and infrastructural architectures. In this paper we consider three socio-technological assemblages of the border, and the labor which makes and unmakes them: (1) the interlocking “cyber-mobilities” of contemporary airports including visual technologies for baggage, cargo, and passenger inspection, as well as information technologies for passenger dataveillance, air traffic control, and human resource systems; (2) the development of the Schengen Information System database of the EU, and its implications for wider migrant rights and internal mobility within the EU, as well as radical border media that have attempted to intervene in that border space; and (3) elements of the US–Mexico “smart border” regime known as the Secure Border Initiative Network (2006–2011), and those who have tried to tactically evade, disrupt, or undermine the working of this border.  相似文献   
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