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李桂花 《思想战线》2001,27(4):129-132
钱穆的<刘向歆父子年谱>撰于1926年,是针对康氏之<新学伪经考>而发,而其旨归,则是对现代疑古思潮之诘难.在<年谱>中,钱穆以大量无可辩驳的史实批驳了上至康有为、廖平,下迄顾颉刚、钱玄同等人论述的牵强武断.<年谱>的学术意义对于我们今天重新认识两汉的今古文经之争具有重要的理论启迪意义,而它在当时的学术现实意义尤其值得重视.  相似文献   
Legislators are political actors whose main goal is to get re-elected. They use their legislative repertoire to help them cater to the interests of their principals. It is argued in this article that we need to move beyond treating electoral systems as monolithic entities, as if all legislators operating under the same set of macro-rules shared the same set of incentives. Rather, we need to account for within-system variation – namely, candidate selection rules and individual electoral vulnerability. Using a most different systems design, Germany, Ireland and Portugal are leveraged with both cross-system and within-system variation. An original dataset of 345,000 parliamentary questions is used. Findings show that candidate selection rules blur canonical electoral system boundaries. Electoral vulnerability has a similar effect in closed-list and mixed systems, but not in preferential voting settings.  相似文献   
宣兆琦  杨宗杰 《理论学刊》2007,(12):104-107
由于自然条件和地理环境的差异,由于不同地域群体生产、生活方式及传统的不同,由于非常复杂的原因,我国历史上,尤其在先秦时代,形成了不同的地域文化。在研究传统地域文化时,对文化概念的认知应该与时俱进。由齐文化的命运推及其他先秦时期形成的地域文化,其下限定在西汉武帝时期比较合适。先秦地域文化间的相互关联要求今人必须加强比较研究。当地域文化的研究超越了初级阶段后,还应当把探索和彰显其普世意义作为主要任务。因为地域文化间的联系是一种客观存在,而今天从事地域文化研究的人们也需要交流,需要相互支撑和支持,因此,建立地域文化研究协调合作的机制是非常必要的。  相似文献   
正ON October 23,a Chinese audience was astonished and delighted to hear Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg answer their questions in Mandarin.A video of the event,posted on Facebook and China’s Wechat,quickly became a hit on social media,  相似文献   
浅议老年化社会的问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
:据统计 ,我国老年人口已达到 1.3亿 ,占全国人口的 10 % ,按联合国的有关标准 ,我国已进入老年化社会。人口老龄化的现状与问题应予以重视 ,人口老龄化的负面效应需采取相应的措施来减少  相似文献   
The House of Lords upheld the Secretary of State's right to deny compensation under section 133 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 and the ex gratia scheme to Mullen, whose conviction for conspiracy to cause explosions had been quashed by the Court of Appeal solely by reference to actions by the authorities (securing his illegal deportation to the UK) that constituted an abuse of process, without impugning the fairness of his trial or the accuracy of the verdict The note discusses the different judgments in the House of Lords and the Court of Appeal in terms of their implications for the respective roles of legal and political systems in determining guilt and innocence. In particular, the note explores the nature of the legal principle of the presumption of innocence as it operates in the context of successful appeals.  相似文献   
正像证券的历史价格信息是证券价格预测的主要依据一样,考试后试题分析对教师指导学生把握学习要点、使考试复习有的放矢,进而帮助学生摸透考试规律,为考试复习提供指引是行之有效的。  相似文献   
2006年11月2日颁布、2007年5月1日实施的《劳动能力鉴定职工工伤与职业病致残等级(GB/T16180-2006)》标准,简称《新工伤标准》,是作为《工伤保险条例》配套的医学鉴定标准制订的,重在解决职工因公致残、致病中的医学问题。由于现阶段我国普通伤害案件处理中,人体伤残标准的缺位,使得《新工伤标准》成为了此类案件的补位标准。但是,职工工伤伤残的赔偿与普通伤害案件伤残的赔偿在计算方法上存在根本性的差异,使得《新工伤标准》在普通伤害案件的适用上引发了一系列司法问题:包括(1)《新工伤标准》较前更为宽泛,引发了赔偿数目的显著增加;(2)《新工伤标准》出台了的一些新的鉴定原则,颠覆了既往的司法鉴定理念,将引发司法实务中标准竞合问题、以及司法鉴定理念矛盾的问题;等等。针对目前突出的法律问题,本为作者认为:解决的途径有二:1)统一目前国家赔偿体系,并统一残疾评定标准,做到同种损伤同种赔偿。2)积极制订适用于普通伤害的残疾评定标准,做到每一赔偿体系中,均存在与其相适应的医学鉴定标准,以避免因鉴定标准的不同引发司法不公。两种途径相比较,前者运作更为困难,而后者相对容易。  相似文献   
This article provides an alternative understanding of the substantive representation of immigrant-origin citizens compared to previous work in the ‘politics of presence’ tradition. Rather than assuming that the representational activities of members of parliaments (MPs) are underpinned by intrinsic motivations, it highlights extrinsic motives. Drawing on principal–agent theory, the article conceptualises MPs as delegates who are to act on behalf of their main principals, constituents and party bodies. This approach permits the rigorous analysis of the impact of electoral rules, candidate selection methods and legislative organisation on substantive representation. Based on an analysis of more than 20,000 written parliamentary questions tabled in the 17th German Bundestag (2009–2013), empirical findings suggest that electoral rules do not influence the relationship between MPs and their principals in relation to the substantive representation of disadvantaged immigrant groups; however, results indicate that candidate selection methods as well as powerful parliamentary party group leaderships do.  相似文献   
《琉球百问》《琉球问答奇病论》是清代道光年间,琉球御医吕凤仪就个人行医经验所遇之疑难杂症向当时吴门医派大家曹存心(1767—1834)问诊求方的文字记录,这些记录成为观察清中叶琉球疾病医疗史的珍贵资料。据现存最早使琉球录的作者陈侃(1489—1538)曾观察琉球居民的体格如是说道:"国无医药,民亦不夭札,或壮、或老始生痘疹。"琉球居民是否恒常康健?是否果真完全不需医药?值得进一步探讨。本文将以《琉球百问》为中心,透过观察琉球当时的疾病与社会生活之关系,重新省思陈侃说法的真实性。从本文的讨论得知,琉球居民的疾病现象既有某种程度的普遍性(例如天花、梅毒),也有某些程度的地域性(例如铁树根毒)。可见《琉球百问》相当程度地反映当时琉球人的某些生活方式与社会情境,并成为中国历来使琉书写的某些观察角度与思维盲点的绝佳对照。  相似文献   
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