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今年7月1日正式施行的《行政许可法》是规范政府行为的一部重要法律。以法律规范政府行为,是由政府权力的特点决定的,是我国完善社会主义市场经济体制的客观要求。《行政许可法》的正式施行,是我国政府改革进程的重要里程碑。《行政许可法》确立了新的价值取向,同时也充分体现法律至上的原则和制度创新。施行《行政许可法》要充分估计到困难和阻力,要针对可能出现的问题努力做好工作。  相似文献   
职务行为的本质规定性在于行政权力的运用,这种本质规定性构成了公务员的职务行为和个人行为的根本区别。公务员的行为只要涉及到行政权力的运用,就具备了职务行为的本质特征,就应认定为职务行为。  相似文献   
The current study describes the everyday life of Israeli prisoners and analyzes the actions they perform and the language they use as a reflection of their constraints, distresses, worldviews, beliefs, and attitudes. Data were subjected to a content analysis, and the salience of the values, norms and argot terms were assessed using two measures, attention and intensity. The inmates’ values and norms and the argot expressions were divided into categories with reference to different aspects of prison experience: prisoners’ adherence to the code, inmates’ interpersonal loyalty, sexual behavior in prison, drugs, violence and miscellaneous.
April WallEmail:
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a relevant topic for enterprises offering products and services on a global scale. International organizations provide for guidelines and private associations publish codes of conduct requiring businesses to integrate social, environmental and ethical aspects, human rights as well as consumer concerns into their operations. Not at least the EU is promoting CSR through an Agenda for Action 2011–14. The implementation of CSR is a multidimensional ethical process and gains particular importance for the IT industry which by its nature is global. Therefore, IT enterprises are invited to conduct a CSR assessment, to develop a CSR strategy and to implement CSR commitments. These tasks are to be done by introducing specific CSR processes and compliance measures for risk assessment and risk mitigation.  相似文献   
中国加入WTO,意味着中国金融业对外开放的程度将不断加强,所面临的国外金融业的竞争将更加激烈,这就要求我国金融业的发展也必须紧跟国际金融业的步伐,将混业经营作为未来发展的方向.但目前分业经营是我国的制度选择。因此,现阶段我国应在现有分业经营制度下最大程度的开展银行、证券、保险之间的合作,加强研究学习,实施产品创新、完善信息交流,并探索新的服务模式。  相似文献   
与微观经济主体一样,地方政府作为谋取自身利益最大化的“经济人”,其行为同样要受“给定条件”的制约。地方政府行为失范与否,关键不在于其动机好坏,而在于具有普适价值的政绩评价体制是否合理、有效。现行的有缺陷的体制是导致地方政府经济行为失范的根源。  相似文献   
石佳友 《法律科学》2014,(5):129-137
证券市场的国际化使得一国证券法适用于境外发生的某些证券行为成为必要。中国致力于打造国际金融中心,建立证券市场的国际板,有必要赋予其证券法以适度的域外效力。美国证券法半个多世纪以来的实践值得研究和借鉴,特别是2010年的Morrison案判决,颠覆了此前的行为标准和结果标准,而代之以交易标准。鉴于中国目前正在修订《证券法》,建议其中增设关于域外效力的有关条款。其具体设计可保留现行的无域外效力推定,以行为地点作为判别管辖权的原则,同时辅以结果标准,允许中国法院对某些发生于境外但对境内有直接影响的证券行为进行管辖。同时,中国证券法应允许法院以非方便管辖原则为由驳回某些起诉。而从长远看,中国应积极推动制定证券跨国诉讼的多边国际公约,以根本解决管辖权冲突。  相似文献   
Non-Practicing Entities (NPE), as a subject, is a neutral concept, but the derogatory sense of translation and understanding on this concept and the chaos of understanding make the legal regulation of NPE encounter more difficulties and challenges. In fact, NPE issues are concerned, discussed and researched in China within quite a long period, however, it would not become an outstanding legal issue nowadays. NPE as a market entity, its existence is legitimate per se, and what the law should focus on is the unfair conduct that NPE might be engaged in rather than the subject of NPE itself. It is not necessary to make specific articles and provisions on the subject of NPE at present in the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the PRC which are revised in China, and a serial of rules and guidelines for Anti-Monopoly Law of the PRC which are formulated in China. It proved that the unfair conducts of NPE should be regulated according to Patent law, Anti-Unfair Competition Law and Anti-Monopoly Law as well as, reconfirmed that the conclusion that the regulation of NPE in China laws focus on conducts rather than subject in a serial of cases such as the anti-monopoly investigation case against INTERDIGITAL Corporation initiated by the National Development and Reform Commission, the case that the Ministry of Commerce imposed restrictive conditions to approve that Microsoft acquired Nokia equipment and service business, and the commercial defamation case that Shenzhen Libang Precision Instrument Co., Ltd vs Shenzhen Mairui Biological Medical Electronic Co., Ltd which was reviewed by the Supreme People’s Court.  相似文献   
彭岳 《现代法学》2011,(6):139-147
2010年,美国联邦最高法院在Morrison案中颠覆了由第二巡回法院创立的域外适用证券法的传统,转而采用"交易标准"。此后不久,国会在《华尔街改革和消费者保护法》中又重新引入了"效果标准"和"行为标准",期望以此强化对境内投资者和资本市场的保护。为建立国际金融中心,中国应汲取美国的经验和教训,有限度地推行本国证券法的域外管辖,特别是应模糊证券法的域外管辖问题,将自主权赋予法院。同时,法院应充分考虑和尊重证监会的相关决定。  相似文献   
悬赏广告自古有之,今日犹然,且日益普遍。关于悬赏广告法律性质之争论,也从未止息。《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国合同法〉若干问题的解释(二)》第3条虽对悬赏广告作出了规定,但较为原则且并未明确悬赏广告的法律性质。笔者认为,对悬赏广告法律性质之确定,应借鉴德国等大陆法系诸多国家之立法例,采单独行为说为宜。  相似文献   
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