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在概括分析国内外各种观点的基础上,文章从哲学的视角对全球化、经济全球化的内涵作了多方位的界定,对全球化进程作了哲学的反思和辩证的思考,对中国特色社会主义在经济全球化进程中的定位作了理论和实践的分析,认为中国必须跻身于全球化进程中、抓住机遇、迎接挑战,这样才能更好地建设中国特色社会主义。  相似文献   
现行宪法颁行26年来,尽管在规制改革发展的烈度与方向上作用不可抹煞,然而其在程序上的诸多缺位及操作性和张力的不足,使其在应对当下中国社会的急剧变化时遭遇困局。从宪法程序的价值属性而言,突破宪法困局的重要途径则在于宪法程序的建构与完善。为此,着眼于正当程序、修宪与选举程序等方面的完善,并进而推动宪法程序体系的整体建构与完善,已成当务之急,亦是现行宪法自我完善的.必由之路。  相似文献   
我国刑事证明责任概念论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刑事证明责任是实现刑事诉讼目的和功能的重要一环。鉴于目前学界对刑事证明责任相关问题的纷争,笔者认为纷争的主要症结在于对刑事证明责任概念的内涵的不同把握上。笔者在考察域外刑事证明责任理论和概念及现阶段我国刑事证明责任概念纷争的基础上,通过对举证责任与证明责任关系、我国目前刑事诉讼模式、审判架构、犯罪构成特质诉讼机能的分析,结合对刑事证明责任“负担说”的法律性质的论证,认为我国刑事证明责任与大陆法系国家刑事证明责任的以“刑事证明责任具有以事实真伪不明的不利后果分配的客观责任为基点,映射主观证明责任的双层次性”的本质是一致的。从而最终得出当前我国刑事证明责任的概念,以期建立刑事证明责任责任理论研究的逻辑演绎的同一律。  相似文献   
毛泽东抗日战争时期哲学思想的成熟过程大致可以分为四个阶段:为抗日战争的胜利提供科学的世界观和方法论阶段,对抗日战争进行理性分析、为抗日战争指明胜利前景阶段,总结抗日战争的历史经验、确定抗日战争胜利后的奋斗目标阶段,全面实现马克思主义哲学中国化阶段。其成熟的主要标志是关于“实事求是”的论述。毛泽东哲学思想的成熟,直接推动了抗日战争的胜利进程、构成了毛泽东思想体系的基础和精髓、开辟了马克思主义哲学中国化的新理路。  相似文献   
Analysis of constitutional arrangements has been too narrow in the past, confined to examination of explicitly governmental arrangements. But corporate enterprises perform such important public functions, especially in the age of outsourcing, that they need to be incorporated into the constitution. The article develops this argument and proposes a framework for such incorporation.  相似文献   
James Kent 《Critical Horizons》2016,17(3-4):338-357
Siegfried Kracauer's reading of the work of R.G. Collingwood illuminates the crisis point in the relation between philosophy, history and how the present is thought. In this paper I argue that Kracauer's dismissal of Collingwood illuminates a misunderstanding of the latter's philosophical project, and takes no account of a certain affinity between the two thinkers. Collingwood not only shared Kracauer's view that a philosophically oriented historical investigation of the past might offer some hope for the present, but also had a fuller grasp of the philosophical implications of the ambivalent relation between historical time and the present than Kracauer gave him credit for.  相似文献   
明治维新过程中,天皇亲政与公议成为新的政治原则,二者集约在明治宪法之中,立宪主义、万世一系政治神学与君民一体政治理想相辅相成,天皇制被"再发明",可称天皇制立宪主义,天皇在集大权于一身的同时,其亲政的主动性也受到限制。如大正期所示,天皇个人意志可能"被无视",天皇制与民众政治亦有深度融合之可能。经过摄政期政治练习的昭和天皇,在有着充分权威自觉的同时,又对宪法表示尊重,但随着政党政治的结束与战争开始,日本走向大政翼赞体制。二战后,日本确立国民主权与象征天皇制,天皇与国民情感间依然有很强连带感。  相似文献   
The resources that individual negotiators need to solve their problems are not available in a single, concentrated form, and they are certainly not available only within an isolated dyad itself. Instead, the necessary resources are widely dispersed among many actors within networks of business relationships. The best deal is unlikely to be fixed or predetermined, but is rather the outcome of long and time‐consuming negotiations that will then affect further negotiations. In this article, I describe a network perspective on negotiation that considers the relevance and impact of three phenomena that I call (1) vast connectivity, (2) multiple constitutions, and (3) ongoing consent. I further illustrate the applicability of these three factors using examples of real‐life negotiations.  相似文献   
Scholars and policy-makers typically laud restorative justice as being ‘victim-friendly’ in its rules and practices. High levels of victim satisfaction with its outcomes are put forward to substantiate this claim. However, there has been little research that engages with the constitutive role of restorative justice in shaping conceptions of identities, practices and needs. To address this gap, this article develops an analytic framework through which to assess the victim-friendly approach of restorative justice processes across social and legal contexts. In so doing, it engages with three key elements of restorative justice processes: firstly, how this justice approach conceives victims; secondly, how it shapes its practices (and not just outcomes) to address their concerns; and thirdly, how it responds to individual needs. The paper argues that engagement with the constitutive processes can bring a fresh perspective to the relationship between victims and restorative justice.  相似文献   
This article considers the relationship between law and democratic politics as manifest in the practice of ‘street‐level bureaucracy’. By glancing back to debates about citizenship and public administration between the two world wars, it sets contemporary concerns about the political constitution in broader context. In doing so, it discloses a fundamental division between conceptions of the state derived from Roman jurisprudence on the one hand, and ancient Athenian political practice on the other. It finds in the tragic dilemmas posed for street‐level bureaucrats—by the competing claims on their values—a test of individual moral agency and of democracy as the management of diversity. It concludes that what is at stake in our estimation of street‐level bureaucracy is not so much the purity of the ‘judicial mind’ as the complexity of the ‘democratic soul’ and the ‘connected society’.  相似文献   
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