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日本汉方医学与中医学同根同源,对个体体质差异性的研究均非常重视。体质医学在日本受到较大关注,流派和分型较多,其中一贯堂医学为日本体质研究的典型代表。中医体质学和日本一贯堂医学均认为体质与疾病的发生具有一定的规律性,但在理论渊源、分类、发病及诊疗等方面存在差异。两者各成体系,密切相关,今后应加强交流和互相借鉴。  相似文献   
违宪责任追究是保障宪法实施的重要制度。我国宪法规定由全国人大及其常委会共同行使宪法监督的权力,确立了由最高国家权力机关监督宪法实施的体制。由于违宪责任追究体制不合理、违宪责任认定标准不明确、违宪责任追究对象不完整、违宪责任承担形式不健全、违宪责任追究程序不完善,现行宪法规定的违宪责任追究制度长期处于虚置状态,导致违宪责任在我国不被追究。要保障宪法实施、维护宪法权威,就必须构建有效的违宪责任追究制度,包括建立复合型的违宪责任追究体制,明确违宪责任认定标准,拓宽违宪责任追究范围,健全违宪责任承担形式,完善违宪责任追究程序。  相似文献   
海事法在美国法律体系中较为特殊,首先,殖民地海事司法的历史作为反面教材对美国宪政根基的奠立起着一定的影响;其次,革命后宪法下联邦法院系统的海事司法设计又与殖民地时期的海事司法之间存在某种延续性;上述两种情况的矛盾统一于海事法律本身的专业性以及美国革命及立宪的历史.  相似文献   
中国画的空间感在近代发生了一次意义深远的转换。宗白华堪称这次转换在理论方面的集大成者。在他的中国美学研究中,空间意识或空间感始终是一个重要的中介,将他的生命哲学与艺术意境理论连接起来。空间感固有的“动”与“静”“实”与“虚”的整体结构关系的重心,在宗白华的中国美学研究中发生了一次由静到动、由虚到实的转移。这一转移首先是西方现代生命哲学与中国传统思想对话的产物。中西对话又被特定的文化氛围所提出的主题所形塑。这个主题即是近代中国“道德革命”以来逐步形成的由概念到个性的道德主题。从这个角度出发,中国画空间感转换的深意在逻辑和历史两个层面上就能够得到更深入的理解。  相似文献   

Democratic theorists tend to assume, without a great deal of argument, that age-based discrimination in access to the franchise is justified. In this paper, I challenge the orthodoxy. I argue that all major, plausible accounts of the justification of democracy converge upon a requirement to enfranchise a substantial proportion of the child population. Along the way, I consider and respond to several challenges that have been raised to child enfranchisement.  相似文献   
In spite of a pronounced increase in the number of states that have adopted anti-defection laws over the past several decades, the literature on party unity in democratic legislatures has paid scant attention to understanding the conditions that lead to the adoption of such restrictive measures on the mobility of elected deputies. This article seeks to fill this gap. The authors provide a simple game-theoretic model to explain the passage of anti-defection measures in India, in 1985, and Israel, in 1991. These two democratic states were among the first to experiment with the constitutionalisation of anti-defection measures. Moreover, their comparison is important because although these laws were adopted under seemingly very different circumstances, they were supported with a strong consensus by both the government party, or coalition, and the opposition. It is argued that the reasons for the passage of the anti-defection laws in these two states were rooted in the strategic consequences of the changes that took place in the format of their party systems. The Indian and the Israeli cases show, respectively, that a dominant party system (India) and a tightly balanced bipolar party system (Israel) provided equally compelling incentives for rampant party switching between government and opposition, which therefore created an incentive for both sides to agree to, and adopt, a strict legislative measure to curb defections.  相似文献   
毛泽东的军事哲学是整个毛泽东哲学思想体系中的重要组成部分。毛泽东把马列主义的普遍原理创造性的运用于中国革命战争的具体实践,深入研究了革命战争运动的规律性,深刻把握了战争情况的认识过程,精辟阐述了战争自觉能动性的发挥,革命战争时期的一系列军事著作中蕴含了毛泽东军事哲学中的认识论精华,极大地丰富和发展了马克思主义认识论思想。  相似文献   
Britain's constitution has changed dramatically over the past forty years in which the author has been involved in national politics: devolution, the supremacy of EU law, the greater willingness of the judiciary to intervene in political issues and new human rights legislation. However these changes have been essentially random, argues David Lipsey, lacking any binding theme. These changes continue under the new coalition government. However the even greater changes to British politics have essentially a single source: the dramatic change in social class in Britain and its impact on electoral politics—for example the rise of the media and the decline of ideology  相似文献   
在人民警察的培养过程和人民警察活动准则的确立中,宪法学科知识起着重要的作用。尤其是宪法判例与事例课程的开设,对推动警察院校学生树立宪法价值理念,形成宪法思维,并学会在未来的执法实践中寻找宪法问题的焦点,运用宪法思维解释和解决各种法律问题具有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   
主持人:何勤华(华东政法大学校长、教授、博士生导师) 当一个热点问题处在热炒之中或之后,一个严肃的学者既不应当盲目地追捧,也不应当随意地否定,他最需要做的也许是客观地对待,冷静地反思,并在反思中实现超越。以下四位法学博士正是基于这种学术态度和追求,对于“能动司法”这个当下中国的热点问题进行了深入而独到的研讨。  相似文献   
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