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延安时期,廉政文化建设是边区政府建设的重要内容。我们党坚持高扬全心全意为人民服务的旗帜,大力推进马克思主义中国化时代化大众化,坚持发展民主政治重视民主监督,加强制度建设实现依法管权,重视对党员干部开展持续的党性教育,党员领导干部以身作则带头实践,持续开展正风肃纪运动,大力建设廉洁政府,实现了廉洁政治。卓有成效的廉政文化建设有效地克服了党内非无产阶级思想影响,确立了马克思主义指导思想的地位和实事求是的思想路线,贯彻了民主集中制原则,巩固了党的团结和统一,保持了党的先进性和纯洁性。党的廉政文化建设成果熔铸到延安精神之中,成为我们党最为宝贵的精神财富,也为后来的廉政文化建设积累了宝贵经验。  相似文献   
One important way in which individuals and groups express their ideas and principles, and present their proposals and demands, is in the language of identity or difference. They argue that what they value and what they deserve are related to their distinctive identities. Working within the framework of a political theory of recognition, I argue in this article that particular cultural communities may have reasonable expectations that their distinctive identities receive public recognition, and that others may therefore have good reasons to give those identities such recognition. To be specific, I contend that there are distinct and complementary ways in which the state and its citizens should respond to identity-related demands for public recognition. Using terms introduced by Axel Honneth, I argue that the state should give ‘public attention’ to some cultural communities, and that citizens should show one another ‘well-meaning attention’. I conclude that both these forms of attention can be justified by reference to a new, fourth principle of recognition, so long as this is understood as a principle of political inclusion rather than one of cultural recognition.  相似文献   
社会主义和谐文化是社会主义和谐社会的重要组成部分,和谐文化建设以社会主义核心价值体系为根本,是对马克思主义理论的丰富和发展。用马克思主义哲学理论解析二者的内在联系,是对马克思主义哲学理论的实践运用,使我们更加深刻理解马克思主义理论进而促进社会主义和谐社会的建设。  相似文献   
对我国互联网海外上市潮的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从中国互联网纷纷海外上市的现象入手,分析了外资控制中国互联网的现状、原因和未来,提出高度关注境内互联网纷纷海外上市对我国意识形态和文化安全的潜在威胁。  相似文献   
自从有了人类历史就存在青年,人类学、考古学等多学科的研究说明,青春的出场与人类的诞生完全同步。在原人向智人的进化中,族类的青春化成为原人进化的关键。在原始社会,青年在神话、巫术等原创文化中成长,成为开天辟地的英雄。到了父系社会,青年的存在更加受到重视,有了成人仪式,成为父权为了培养战士对青年进行的训练与控制。代际关系在史前时期就已形成,青年在表示绝对服从的同时也敢于对抗,追求自由热爱生命,展示出史前人类中的青春活力。  相似文献   
文化现代化是我国社会现代化的题中应有之意,而文化建设在中国特色社会主义“四位一体”格局中具有重要的战略定位。在全球化的今天,如何把握文化发展方向和规约文化发展进程,更好地提升中国文化软实力和建设社会主义文化强国,是我们党在社会现代化境遇中面临的重大战略抉择;文化体制改革也将伴随我国改革全过程,具有必要性和紧迫性。从历史唯物主义视域看,积极推进文化体制改革,认清文化发展规律和主动引领先进文化进路,在社会现代化境遇中,是我们党当仁不让的文化自觉,也是我们党对民族文化复兴的责任担当。  相似文献   
自改革开放以来,我国文化体制改革经历了从拨乱反正到制度、理论创新的持续探索,初步形成了指引文化体制改革实践的新的文化发展观。本文通过透视我国文化事业单位改革的基本历程,勾勒了我国文化事业单位改革的理论发展和制度创新,并在此基础上反思当前改革所面临的主要问题:缺乏事业单位改革整体战略思考及内在动力不足。文章并对进一步推进我国文化事业单位改革提出了几点思考。  相似文献   
Conspiracy theories in Ukraine draw on inherited Soviet political culture and political technology imported from Russia where such ideas had gained ascendancy under President Vladimir Putin. Eastern Ukrainian and Russian elites believed that the US was behind the 2000 Serbian Bulldozer, 2003 Georgian Rose and 2004 Orange democratic revolutions. The Kuchmagate crisis, impending succession crisis, 2004 presidential elections and Orange Revolution – all of which took up most of Leonid Kuchma’s second term in office – were the first significant domestic threats to Ukraine’s new, post-communist ruling elites and in response Ukraine’s elites revived Soviet style theories of conspiracies and ideological tirades against the US and Ukrainian nationalism. Opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko became the focal point against which the conspiracies and tirades were launched because his support base lay in ‘nationalist’ Western Ukraine and he has a Ukrainian-American spouse. The revival of Soviet style conspiracy theories has become important since Viktor Yanukovyc’s election as Ukrainian president in 2010 because this political culture permeates his administration, government and Party of Regions determining their worldview and influencing their domestic and foreign policies.  相似文献   
程序法文化是一定时期、一定地域和一定民族范围的人们对各种程序性法律、制度、观念和一系列程序活动的整体性认识和评价,程序法文化具有抽象性、地域性、多元性、群体性和延续性等特点。程序法文化有制度程序法文化与观念程序法文化、传统程序法文化与现代程序法文化、西方程序法文化与中国程序法文化之分。中国传统程序法文化以尊尚权力、程序实体混同、程序虚无、“厌讼”等为特质,中国现代程序法文化则以尊重权利、程序独立、程序法治为指引。  相似文献   
济南有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,她不仅是文明古城,还是百年商埠.她有着独特的泉水还有着别具风格的古建筑.从对国内外著名城市规划、保护的实例的分析中可以发现,济南应打造自己的城市特色,创造济南特有的城市美.  相似文献   
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