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领导科学是一个新型而又蓬勃发展的学科群,是一个完整的学科理论体系,在这个体系中包含了许多分支学科。公安领导科学就是其中一个重要分支。创新是当今时代发展的鲜明特征,现代公安机关领导的本质也要求创新。创新意识是公安机关领导者实现工作创新的基本素质与先决条件。如何培养公安领导者的创新意识与能力,就成为公安领导学研究的重要课题。  相似文献   
从德性、道德与幸福的内在关联看,目前学校德育工作面临知情分离、知行脱节、知信疏离等困境。对此必须创新德育路径,具体表现为三方面:在德育目的及功能上重视德育的主体性价值,在德育内容上加强德福一致的幸福观教育,在德育方式上强化体验式和实践性课程的主导作用。  相似文献   
“生生”理念是儒家生命伦理思想的起点和基石.“生生”理念衍生出敬重、尽性、和谐三大生命伦理原则.敬重原则,即对生命起源的敬重、对天地间万物的敬重、对天地人相通的敬重.在敬重原则的指引下,悲天悯人,珍重生命就成为儒家的重要思想.尽性原则,即万物各尽其性分.它要求发挥人作为人以及物作为物的特殊作用,使天地正常运转,万物健康发育.和谐原则,即人要顺从自然以达到天、地、人之间的和谐.其目的在于造就一种万物繁庶、社会太平、宇宙和谐的良好局面.  相似文献   
This article develops a critical appraisal of the UNESCO Creative Economy Report (2013). It dis-cusses continuity and change in the focus and message of the UNCTAD Creative Economy Reports. The UNESCO Report aims at Widening Development Pathways and provides a balanced engagement with the relation between culture and development. It is a welcome addition to the creative economy debate that is now uncontestably global in scope. In spite of many perks, there is always room for improvement. First, there is a need for more critical engagement with examples, including bad ones. Second, mobility and visa issues among artists remain a concern. Third, the problematic opposition of developed and developing countries is no longer useful. Finally, the limited historical framing of (cultural) policy issues often leads to myopic thinking.  相似文献   
论作品的原创性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
原创性是作品可版权性的核心要件,其最基本的涵义就是作品来源于作者,而不是抄袭他人作品的结果;原创性并不包含艺术价值和新颖性的要求;个性的存在是原创性的直接证据;在特定作品中,版权法的原创性要求可能与这些作品将要实现的社会价值相冲突,版权法需要作出适当平衡;创作意图的存在与否不应当成为原创性的要件;额头出汗原则不应当成为现代作品获得可版权性的基础;原创性是否包含创造性应当视作品类型的不同而作不同处理。应当将作者导向型分析与作品导向型分析,特征导向型分析与目的导向型分析,定性研究与定量研究结合起来对作品是否具有原创性作出适当的界定。主观性的表达可能受版权法保护,但客观性的事实却不具有可版权性。  相似文献   
Anticipating whether an adversary group will continue to use their usual (“conventional”), expected attack methods is important for military and counterterrorism practitioners tasked with protecting the security of others. Conventional attack methods are by their nature easier to plan and prepare for whilst “innovative” methods may take those responsible for security and counterterrorism by surprise and, as such, may have more impact and more serious consequences. The present study aimed to develop understanding of how, when, and why adversary groups might decide to use conventional attack methods or opt to do something innovative instead. A literature review was conducted and findings were applied to develop a thorough understanding of the decision-making process that underlies an adversary group's choice of attack method. Identified are three stages preceding the execution of an attack: a) “strategic direction”; b) “incubation”; and c) “planning and preparation,” plus “overarching” and “contextual” factors that can influence the process at each stage. It is suggested that it is these factors and how they influence decision-making that result in innovative methods being used to execute an attack, or convention prevailing. Findings can aid practitioners and policy-makers in counterterrorism, security, and law enforcement, to support their understanding, evaluation, and countering of current and future threats.  相似文献   
本文根据知识经济时代对创新人才的要求以及我国创新人才素质的状况提出并论述了当代创新人才应具备的六个方面的特征 :一是坚持探索 ,惟真是求的独立人格 ;二是不拘陈见 ,破除框框的批判思维 ;三是敢想敢干 ,敢为天下先的开拓精神 ;四是锲而不舍 ,不屈不挠的意志品质 ;五是学贯中西 ,宽广渊深的文化素养 ;六是博采众长 ,海纳百川的广阔胸怀。  相似文献   
There has been considerable recognition of the regional embeddedness of the knowledge-based economy and its uneven geographical incidence, with mainly urban or metropolitan areas being the crucibles of knowledge-intensive activities. Drawing from recent research conducted analysing cultural industries, the paper explores how the knowledge-based economy can be built upon, focussing on the value afforded by regional cultural diversity which offers a means of economic development and growth to peripheral regions.  相似文献   
科学心理学关于创造性的研究对教育产生的负面影响已越来越突出。我们必须扩展创造性研究的途径,对创造性研究作教育学的考察。从教育的视野审视创造性,除了要充分吸收科学心理学的理论与方法外,还要综合运用哲学、人类学等领域的思想和方法,把人看作一个完整的生命存在,从人的本质把握创造性的人性根基;从人的生存特征认识创造性的双重超越特征,即精神超越和物质创新的统一;从哲学的视角,深刻挖掘创造性的内在精神;透过作为种系和个体的人的发展历史,考察创造性的具体表征。  相似文献   
广告创意过程的第一阶段是明确广告目的,以做到有的放矢;第二阶段是有意识地收集和研究资料,为创造性思维活动奠定基础;第三阶段是细细咀嚼资料,酝酿设计创意;第四阶段是启迪灵感,形成广告创意;第五阶段是检验论证,发展完善广告创意。创意能力强的人,总能在现代社会中立于不败之地。  相似文献   
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