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法理上将抢劫罪区分为基本类型的抢劫罪、结果加重类型的抢劫罪与情节加重类型的抢劫罪,这种划分符合我国刑法关于抢劫罪死刑设置的原意,且更有利于运用加重构成理论以及其未遂形态来限制死刑的适用。在司法实践中,适用死刑必须严格遵守死刑程序用尽原则。在对抢劫罪进行死刑司法控制时,应遵循罪刑法定原则,综合考虑犯罪嫌疑人的犯罪手段、犯罪动机、犯罪对象等,同时必须考虑其是否存在酌定量刑情节,通过刑事和解结案,不仅可以有效缓解社会矛盾,而且还可以起到限制死刑的作用。  相似文献   
缓刑在不同的刑事诉讼阶段所表现的主要特性是不同的,因而对其性质进行分阶段的界定也就有了现实的依据和合理性。从决定是否对犯罪分子宣告缓刑的意义上来说,缓刑有刑罚裁量的性质;从对犯罪分子具体适用缓刑的各项规定的意义上来说,缓刑又具有刑罚执行的性质。缓刑,兼具刑罚裁量和刑罚执行两重性质。在明确缓刑具有刑罚执行的法律性质的前提下,认定缓刑考验期满后再犯相应之罪的犯罪分子为累犯,就有了理论以及法律上的合理性。此种处置,从一般预防和特殊预防的角度来看,既符合中国社会重视行为人主观意志的现实,又能更好发挥刑罚预防犯罪的功能,也是符合我国现行刑事政策和法律规定的。  相似文献   
论社区矫正在刑罚中的运用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(八)》规定对判处管制、宣告缓刑、被假释的犯罪分子实施社区矫正,但对社区矫正如何执行并未做具体规定。针对社区矫正试点工作中存在的问题,应着重从社区矫正立法、执法理念及适用范围等方面,探讨如何进一步完善我国社区矫正制度。  相似文献   
Voela and Tamboukou use Slavoj ?i?ek’s notion of the symptom as a lens through which to look at representations of female figures in Greek literary texts of the early twentieth century by Gregorios Xenopoulos. In mapping the construction of the figure of the modern woman in the matrix of discourses, fantasies and power relations of fin-de-siècle Greece, they draw on psychoanalytic insights, interrupted by Foucauldian interventions. Following Judith Butler’s move of making trouble they attempt to open up a dialogic space between psychoanalytic and Foucauldian approaches to the female subject, contextualized in a specific social, historical and cultural milieu. It is in this context that they discuss, first, how feminine and masculine subjectivities are represented in man’s speech; second, how unintended excesses and interruptions occur in the problematic representation of women; and, third, how madness and ultimately death come to play a significant role in the power relations between the sexes.  相似文献   
死亡补偿费研究——尝试一种非主流观点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石春玲 《法学论坛》2007,22(1):89-96
死亡补偿费的性质不仅关系死亡的民事救济,还涉及生命权的有无以及宪政和刑法理论对于生命的关注.现行法将死亡补偿费定性为对财产损失的赔偿,客观上把人看作获取收益的工具,有悖生命伦理.死亡补偿费应该是对生命损害的补偿,死亡赔偿项目除包括死者生前的健康和财产损失,现行法规定的其余赔偿项目都应以死亡补偿费概括.死亡补偿额以35岁为基数,赔偿可支配收入35年,每增加或者减少一岁,减少一年,最低赔偿不低于10年,对二亲等亲属的赔偿数额酌减.  相似文献   
虚开增值税专用发票罪是我国新刑法规定的一个新罪名。由于本罪具有较强的专业性,刑法的规定也不很清晰,所以,与本罪相关的一些问题在司法实践中引起了争议。比如,虚开增值税专用发票又以此骗取国家税款的行为应如何定性、对虚开增值税专用发票罪是否可以适用死刑等。对此,只有在综合分析后才能得出正确的结论。  相似文献   
This paper explores the use of European erotic death imagery produced in the Death and the Maiden (D&M) genre in two time periods. It compares and contrasts D&M imagery produced by the Germanic-speaking proto/early-Reformation artists, Hans Baldung (alias Grien) (c1484–1545), Niklaus Manuel (known as Deutsch) (c1484–1530) and Sebald Beham (known as Hans Sebald Beham) (1500–1550) which highlighted the folly, futility and transience of earthly vanities during the transition from Roman Catholic to Protestant Christianity, with contemporary calendar art produced by Cofani Funebri (from 2003) and Lindner (from 2010) which advertise coffins manufactured in the increasingly secular countries of Italy and Poland. Drawing on Biblical narrative, Augustinian theology and European socio-cultural perceptions of gender, this paper argues that these D&M images are highly eroticised and place woman as signifiers of transcient life (vanitas) and earthly pleasure (voluptas), juxtaposing her with a masculine/male representation of death; Death being imaged as an individual in the sixteenth century, and as a coffin in the contemporary works. The paper also contextualises the imagery in terms of traditional European Christian notions of life and death, as informed by the Biblical Fall narrative, with its elucidations of sin, concupiscence and punishment. It thus asserts that both socio-cultural and religious attitudes towards gender are highly significant in D&M imagery and indeed in terms of the artworks, argues that the masculine signifier of Death can be placed as Adam, whilst the Maiden, as fecund life, represents Eve. However, the overt eroticism of both sets of artworks also allows for a reading that draws on Messaris' [(1997). Visual persuasion; the role of images in advertising. London: Sage] notion that visual images ‘make a persuasive communication due to iconicity; the emotional response to the visual image presented’. Thus, this paper contrasts D&M imagery produced over 400 years apart to examine consciously erotic gendered thanantological allegories of women as vanitas and voluptas, and the male/masculine as representations of Death.  相似文献   
在社会生活中,较高的公安民警伤亡率具有正负两方面的效应。长期以来,许多警察对勇敢的理解和认识有偏差,从某种意义上说,这是导致警察高伤亡率的一个重要原因。在当前公安机关强调以人为本、从优待警的条件下,借鉴古代思想家对勇敢范畴的认识成果,警察勇敢观应具有四个方面的内涵:面对危险英勇无畏、不怕牺牲的精神,遇事沉着冷静、敢作敢为的心理品质,机智果敢、多谋善断的意识,克敌制胜与自我保护两者完美结合的智慧。  相似文献   
略论我国的综合执法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国长期以来构建的是"全能政府",同时又缺乏严密的组织法规范,行政职能部门设置随意,导致了我国现在的行政机构林立却又权责不清、行政执法政出多门却往往执行不力等不正常现象,严重地影响了行政效率,也不利于相对人合法权益的保护.对于此,我国的<行政处罚法>和<行政许可法>试图通过设立综合执法制度来解决这些问题.近几年来,我国各地的综合执法机关越来越普遍,文章结合实践,对综合执法的含义、产生、作用、形式等问题及其发展模式试作一些粗浅的探讨.  相似文献   
量刑基准存在于司法语境中,是法官观念中的内容,转化为现实就是法官自由裁量权的行使。以文字的方式将量刑基准规范化的做法没有现实可能性。可以培养法官对量刑基准的认同感,但不能企图将法官意识中的量刑基准统一化。  相似文献   
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