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情报信息主导侦查若干问题研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
与传统刑事犯罪相比,当前我国刑事犯罪专业化、流窜化、职业化、智能化、有组织化、高科技化趋势明显,刑事犯罪的上述特点对侦查工作提出了极大的挑战,传统的侦查手段例如现场勘查、摸底排队、现场访问等手段在应对新型的刑事犯罪已逐渐捉襟见肘,其工作的低效率已不适应信息化社会打击刑事犯罪的需求。如何改变目前侦查工作的被动局面,转被动打击为主动出击,从而提高侦查工作的效率与精度,把“情报信息主导侦查”机制引入侦查工作成为众多专家学者的共识。“情报信息主导侦查”工作机制代表了一种最新的侦查理念和侦查方法,通过“情报信息主导侦查”工作的机制的实施,改变侦查工作被动出击、穷于应付的局面,提高侦查机关打击刑事犯罪的效率和精确度,以应对新的形势下侦查犯罪的需要。  相似文献   
在建筑工程质量司法鉴定过程中.经常遇到因建筑工程采用了新材料、新工艺使现有的检测规范和常规检测方法解决不了的问题,通过举例介绍了运用现代材料检测技术如差示扫描量热,红外吸收光谱等判断地热管使用两年后失效的原因,以及测定外保温聚合物抹面砂浆中的有机物含量和性质判断保温板面层砂浆空鼓脱落的原因,证明了在建筑工程质量司法鉴定中采用现代材料检测技术的必要性。还介绍了建筑工程质量鉴定中采用现代材料检测技术的体会,可能遇到的困难和解决办法。  相似文献   
侦查模式的基本问题包括侦查模式的概念、研究意义以及基本研究方法。在概念方面,对"模式"的含义应当着重从方法论的角度进行理解。侦查模式是指对侦查程序或侦查行为的若干基本特征进行的类型化概括和抽象;在研究意义方面,侦查模式的研究意义在于提升理论深度;在研究方法方面,侦查模式研究应当以模型分析方法为基本方法,它具有高度简化、某种程度的主观性和理论抽象性等特点。  相似文献   
目的建立莫达非尼药片的拉曼光谱快速定性检验方法。方法莫达非尼对照品和药片检材分别研磨后经拉曼光谱检验得到拉曼谱图。结果经比较,二者图谱一致,确定检出莫达非尼成分,结果可靠。结论莫达非尼药片在本文所述的条件下有较好的响应,峰型较好,峰位准确,同时药片中的淀粉等物质干扰较小。本文所建立的拉曼光谱检验方法,简便、高效、准确,可供一线执法、检验部门对查获的莫达非尼药片进行快速的定性检验。  相似文献   
在刑事诉讼中,调查取证的方式大致可以分为两种,即“先供后证”与“先证后供”.笔者认为,在坚持程序合法和保障人权的前提下,“先供后证”与“先证后供”是相辅相成的,而不是互不相容的,但两种调查取证的方式又各有利弊.为了更好地打击犯罪,维护公平正义,本文将对这两种调查取证方式的价值与利弊从侦查的角度进行分析,以便为刑事诉讼的发展提供科学的理论依据.  相似文献   
Feigned psychopathology detection strategy is needed for forensic settings in Thailand. This initial Thai version of the symptoms validity test (SVT-Th) was developed based on two global detection strategies including unlikely and amplified detection strategies proposed by Rogers. The participants were collected from populations of nonclinical undergraduate students and clinical psychiatric patients. Results of Study 1, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used to determine the factor structures of the SVT-Th. The results of CFA supported 2-factorial model as proposed by Rogers. The SVT-Th was found to possess a high degree of internal consistency. Using a simulation designed in Study 2, the experimental group was asked to feign psychopathology to avoid criminal prosecution of homicide charges (simulator undergraduate students). The findings were compared with two control groups who were asked to reply to the questions honestly (honest undergraduate students and honest psychiatric patients). The results indicated that the SVT-Th were significantly distinguishable in the experimental group (classified as feigned response style) from the control groups (classified as honest response style). The area under the ROC curve showed high accuracy classification. The ROC curve determined the optimal cutoff score, sensitivity and specificity for the SVT-Th.  相似文献   
A novel technique for the visualisation of cellular material has been published harnessing an external binding nucleic acid fluorescence dye, Diamond™ dye (DD), in combination with a digital fluorescence microscope. This technique can effectively detect cellular material on an object transferred by touch allowing targeted collection of latent DNA. Previous studies on the visualisation of touch DNA have focussed on transfer from fingertips only.Here we report on the visualisation of cellular material transferred via twenty different positions over the entire handprint. Three volunteers (a heavy, an intermediate and a light shedder) were asked to press their hands onto a plastic surface with medium pressure for 15 s at undefined time points post-handwashing, creating a complete handprint. DD was applied to the entire area and the presence of cellular material was recorded based on cells within 5 separate frames at each of the 20 positions. All tests were performed in triplicate such that the final dataset contained 1,800 observed frames.This extensive study allows accurate monitoring of cellular transfer deposited by different parts of the hand. Our study highlights which areas of an individual’s hand shed the greatest, or least, amount of cellular material. This simple process can act as a guide for DNA collection from items held within the entire hand, rather than only touched by the fingertips only, such as weapons, knives and steering wheels.  相似文献   
如何极早期并且准确探测到火灾历来是火灾探测研究的重点内容之一。近年来,基于气敏传感器阵列与模式识别方法的嗅觉模拟技术成为国内外研究的热点,并且成功应用于环境监测、医疗诊断、医药及食品工业、化工、军事等领域。目前已经有人尝试将其应用于火灾探测方面。将嗅觉模拟技术应用于火灾探测的实质就是利用嗅觉模拟系统中仿生的气敏元件感应火灾前(中)物质受热分解(燃烧)释放出的气味,这个感应时间早于火灾发生时间、甚至是阴燃发生的阶段,即早于传统火灾探测器的响应时间。所以将其应用于火灾探测领域可以解决以往火灾探测器响应时间晚、响应不准确的关键技术问题。嗅觉模拟技术在火灾探测方面表现出良好的发展潜力。  相似文献   
侦查挪用资金案的主要经验有:1 领导重视,侦查工作启动要快;2 多方协调,密切配合,协同作战;3 方向明确,措施得当,讲究谋略;4 群策群力,顽强拼搏。  相似文献   
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