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仲裁与人民法院的关系涉及到的管辖争议、财产保全与证据保全、申请执行,涉外仲裁、国际经贸及海事仲裁等问题,在有关法律条款中都已明确界定。  相似文献   
目前,很多离职竞业限制合同没有约定给付劳动者补偿金,却约定了劳动者违反竞业限制义务时应承担的违约金责任,对于这样的违约金条款是否具有法律约束力存在激烈的意见分歧。我国现行立法对此未做明确的规定,一些地方为便于执法则做出了各自不同的规定,导致司法实践中的法律裁决也存在巨大的差异。从合同权利的性质、当事人的法律地位以及法律维护合同实质公平的角度来看,离职竞业限制合同应当无效,违约金责任也不具有法律效力。在现实经济活动中,已约定补偿金的离职竞业限制合同,几乎同时也约定了劳动者违反竞业限制义务时的违约金责任,一些合同在给予劳动者较低的补偿金的同时,却要求劳动者违约时须承担巨额的违约金。如此一来,该违约金应如何处理就成了这类案件争议的焦点。对此,应在立法上弥补相应的缺失,明确规定无补偿金条款时该离职竞业限制合同无效,则违约金条款也无须履行;对于已约定补偿金的,也应提出补偿金数额方面的强制性要求,并明确违约金可调整的样态。  相似文献   
法经济学的产生及发展使法学的研究手段拓宽到经济领域,使法学研究的视野不再局限于公平正义的权衡与选择,而是开辟了一条法学与经济结合的新路径.经济学作为一个对法律规范进行分析的有力工具,在一个资源稀缺的世界,效率是一个公认的价值,即考虑如何使整个社会的成本最小.当前,全社会离婚率呈上升态势,签订婚前财产协议这种未雨绸缪的做法能事先就财产等事项的处分达成一致,显然可以简化程序和节省各方人力、物力、财力,是一种社会进步的表现.  相似文献   
This paper elucidates how domestic and external factors have shaped the negotiating policy of the Philippines in bringing about incremental gains not only for its benefit but also for other developing countries during the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Agriculture Doha Development Round (DDR). The internal factors include the following: (1) executive monopoly of the WTO negotiations; (2) issue-based fragmentation and dispersal of authority; (3) the autonomy and flexibility of the Philippine WTO negotiator; (4) the involvement of civil society in the WTO negotiations, and (4) the central role of the Department of Agriculture as the lead agency in the WTO negotiations. A major reason for this is attributed to an external factor which is the centrality of agriculture as a major WTO issue among developing countries. Other external factors, on the other hand, include the following: (1) the strong solidarity among developing countries and (2) the confinement to particular issues with regards to coalition-building. These factors helped to strengthen the bargaining leverage of the Philippines, a seemingly ‘weak’ country, vis-à-vis the developed countries in the WTO.  相似文献   
美式新旧双边投资协定范本比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012年4月20日,美国奥巴马政府发布了新式美国BIT范本。该新范本以2004范本为基础进行了一定的修缮。对此,美国各界褒贬不一。总体而言,新范本与旧范本有所差别,但差别不大。修订后的新范本将会成为美国缔结新BITs的模板,为此,研究新范本中的相关修订,理解其修订的个中原委及其意欲取得的效果,对于预测BITs谈判的新动向和大国间BIT谈判具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
全球行政法理论要求投资条约仲裁应当具备问责、透明和公众参与、阐明理由及复审程序,其中法庭之友作为公众参与的主要方式影响有限,申请人是否适格、能否参与和表达、表达能否被接受完全属于仲裁庭的自由裁量范围。法庭之友的广泛参与、有效表达和及时反馈是全球行政法理论下投资条约仲裁的应有之义,完善法庭之友对于国际投资条约仲裁走出合法性危机具有重大意义。结合仲裁规则和最新投资协定相关规则,完善法庭之友规则应明确法庭之友的主要审查标准,降低身份、重大利益关系、程序负担等次要标准对法庭之友广泛参与的限制;形成以披露信息、申诉方和被申诉方意见,仲裁庭意见为主要内容的有效反馈模板;通过限定篇幅、允许联合声明、规定时限等方式加强程序控制。  相似文献   
贾焕银 《政法论丛》2014,(1):98-105
家事协议是由具备家事行为能力的家庭成员就家庭生活重要事项协商一致达成的约束所有家庭成员之协议。具体司法裁判中,家事协议效力应基于其与法律之多重博弈关系,通过考量司法政策取向、司法能力及其系统性影响等因素来认定和择取案件最佳裁判路径与效果。  相似文献   
通讯企业用工形式多样,劳务用工是其当前主要的用工形式之一。这种用工形式一方面为企业减少了人工成本的支出,提高了人员管理效率,另一方面也给企业带来了一定的法律风险。如何完善劳务用工机制,避免不必要的劳动纠纷,使劳务派遣人员的既得利益不受到损害,促进企业健康发展,是通讯企业亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   
This paper seeks to understand why the United States treated Japan and Korea differently in the revisions of bilateral nuclear cooperation agreements. On the sensitive issue of grating its allies the rights of developing enrichment and reprocessing (ENR), the United States did so for Japan in the 1977 and 1987 revisions, but did not for Korea during the 2015 revision. For the great power as a supplier state, there are two factors affecting the decision: policy-makers’ concern about alliance management prior to the calculation of security outcome, and firms’ commercial interests. In order to avoid damage to the US–Japan alliance and to maintain Japan's complementation for the US nuclear industry, Washington granted the rights of ENR to Tokyo. In contrast, because of its confidence of managing the US–Korea alliance and partly because of incompatibility of commercial interests between the two, Washington did not grant the rights to Seoul at the 2015 revision. Based on the comparison of the two cases, this paper underscores a need to alter the power projection theory regarding nuclear proliferation by explicating the alliance management as the ex ante element of power projection and by accounting for commercial interests such as fuel sale and technological partnership.  相似文献   
对瑕疵证据进行补正不仅是为了满足厘清案件事实与保障基本诉权的现实需要,也是稳定社会秩序与实现程序正义的必然要求。欲有效降低瑕疵发生之频率,需规制侦查取证之流程与拓宽监督取证之形式。不仅如此,立法还需发力,一方面可将被追诉者对瑕疵的明示同意增设为治愈瑕疵的路径之一,另一方面应当明确救治瑕疵之程序。为提高侦查人员救治瑕疵的积极性,不妨赋予法官一项处罚建议权。  相似文献   
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