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习近平全面依法治国新理念新思想新战略对国家治理意义重大,是中国特色社会主义法治理论的最新成果。其汲取了古今中外各类法治理论的有益元素,对法治理论做了七项创新发展,即建设法治中国、建设中国特色社会主义法治体系、坚持"三个核心要义"、坚持"共同推进、一体建设"、完善党内法规体系与实现依规治党、着力实现制度现代化、统筹国内法治和国际法治;还对法治理论做了十五项拓展深化,即关于依法治国方针、坚持党的领导、法治为民、法治经济、法律面前人人平等、科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法、权力监督、德法并重、改革和法治关系、加强社会治理、政法机关职能、法治环境建设的拓展深化。习近平全面依法治国新理念新思想新战略具有强大的生命力,继承了马克思主义法治理论系列成果,传承了中华传统法律文化精华,吸收了世界法治理论精华,且勇于探索当代中国法治实践。  相似文献   
社会治理研究的五个视角--兼论其存在问题与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会治理问题是当下国内的研究热点,虽然研究成果纷繁复杂,但大致可以归纳到五个视角进行讨论。通过这种分类研究有助于更好地理解社会治理理论,创新社会治理实践。目前社会治理研究的困境主要在于理论研究脱离社会实践、西方理论脱离中国国情等三个方面。未来对社会治理问题的研究要注重四个方面的有机结合,探索建立适合中国国情的社会治理体系。  相似文献   
马超峰  薛美琴 《求实》2022,(1):43-57
新时代文明实践是畅通国家与社会之间精神通道的铸魂工程,也是基层社会民情再造的关键举措。有效推进新时代文明实践工作,不仅要关注制度与组织层面的运行过程,还要理解个体与情感维度的微观机制。借助空间、资源与行动三个向度的有效整合,文明实践形成了组织与制度层面的良序运行。引入互动仪式链理论,进一步分析组织行动中的情感机制,是理解文明实践微观机制的关键。在情感聚合、情感锦标赛、情感可视化三重机制之下,文明实践实现了情感链条转换、正向情感增能与情感过程管理,基层治理的民情基础也得以再造。情感视角的民情再造解读与"过程—机制"的双层分析,拓展了组织制度分析的局限,丰富了基层治理研究中的微观机制讨论。  相似文献   
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held in 2012, XI Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, has made a series of vital expositions on the promotion of modernization of the national governance system and capacity in line with the rule of law. The law is the most important tool for governing a country, and the rule of law supports the national governance process and capacity. Promoting the rule of law on all fronts is an essential requirement for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and capacity. Comprehensive law-based governance in all areas should be promoted to advance the modernization of national governance. Furthermore, law-based thinking and methods should be used to address difficulties and challenges faced in this modernization process.  相似文献   
我国的公司治理立法呈现出割裂性、矛盾性与过渡性的特征,问题并不在于立法模式的选择,而在于立法体例的设计不当。目前的最佳解决途径是改变既有的公司立法体例,抛弃有限责任公司和股份有限公司的传统分类,将公司分为开放型公司和封闭型公司来有针对性地设计公司治理制度。规则应进一步细化,仅仅对开放型公司强制规定公司内部治理制度,对封闭型公司则赋予更多的自主权,由股东在章程中自由进行公司组织机构的设置。通过立法体例的改革和规则的细化来满足私法对自由价值的追求和商主体对成本的控制,保障公司营利性目标的实现。  相似文献   
跨区域环境治理需要地方政府间的密切协作,同时也离不开具有更高权威的主体的介入。作为我国的跨区域环境保护管理机构,环保督察局应当在跨区域环境治理中发挥积极的作用。然而,由于功能缺位,长期以来区域环保督察机构在跨区域环境治理方面所能发挥的作用非常有限。解决这一问题的关键在于明确我国区域环保督察机构在跨区域环境治理中的功能定位。基于我国的生态环境治理实践,通过对“污染影响跨区域”和“污染源跨区域”两大类我国目前主要的跨区域环境问题进行分析可知,区域环保督察机构应当担任“监督者”而非“管理者”的角色。充分借鉴中央环保督察的制度框架,区域环保督察机构应当通过构建跨区域环境问题的信息和线索收集机制、督促整改机制和问责启动机制实现对地方政府涉跨区域环境问题执法的有效监督,从而发挥区域环保督察机构的跨区域环境治理功能。  相似文献   
未来20年世界发展演进中将不会出现过往20年间较为典型的剧变和震荡。美国将在创新、金融和军事领域保持全球领导者的地位。中国地位的加强将最大程度地影响到全球权力均衡。以市场经济和民主为基础的全球化意识形态将维持其世界主导思想体系的地位。意识形态将更频繁地与全球的政治、社会经济和文化发展趋势相关联。这将成为未来全球治理意识形态的基础。在2030年前,世界文化体系以及各种文化内核发生大规模变化的可能性极小,同时很难形成创新文化和生产文化占主导地位的全球文化。全球治理的机制和原则将继续形成。世界经济发展的主要动力为创新和全球化。全球化在未来20年将继续推动世界经济的增长。但在预测期的前半段,将始终可以感觉到世界金融经济危机的影响。限制增长的主要因素来自于新的世界经济金融危机以及保护主义的抬头。2011-2030年,世界经济年均增速将达到4.0%到4.5%。中国接近中等发达国家水平并拥有较高的社会经济发展速度是2030年前的主要变化。发达国家和发展中国家的传统划分将发生改变。增长质量和竞争力标准将决定一国在世界经济版图中的地位。中国在GDP规模上至少会接近美国的水平,但GDP中的创新成分及其他质量型的成分方面仍将落后于...  相似文献   
This article adopts and reinvents the ethnographic approach to uncover what governing elites do, and how they respond to public disaffection. Although there is significant work on the citizens’ attitudes to the governing elite (the demand side) there is little work on how elites interpret and respond to public disaffection (the supply side). It is argued here that ethnography is the best available research method for collecting data on the supply side. The article tackles longstanding stereotypes in political science about the ethnographic method and what it is good for, and highlights how the innovative and varied practices of contemporary ethnography are ideally suited to shedding light into the ‘black box’ of elite politics. The potential pay-off is demonstrated with reference to important examples of elite ethnography from the margins of political science scholarship. The implications from these rich studies suggest a reorientation of how one understands the drivers of public disaffection and the role that political elites play in exacerbating cynicism and disappointment. The article concludes by pointing to the benefits to the discipline in embracing elite ethnography both to diversify the methodological toolkit in explaining the complex dynamics of disaffection, and to better enable engagement in renewed public debate about the political establishment.  相似文献   
The study of subjective democratic legitimacy from a citizens’ perspective has become an important strand of research in political science. Echoing the well-known distinction between ‘input-oriented’ and ‘output-oriented’ legitimacy, the scientific debate on this topic has coined two opposed views. Some scholars find that citizens have a strong and intrinsic preference for meaningful participation in collective decision making. But others argue, to the contrary, that citizens prefer ‘stealth democracy’ because they care mainly about the substance of decisions, but much less about the procedures leading to them. In this article, citizens’ preferences regarding democratic governance are explored, focusing on their evaluations of a public policy according to criteria related to various legitimacy dimensions, as well as on the (tense) relationship among them. Data from a population-based conjoint experiment conducted in eight metropolitan areas in France, Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom is used. By analysing 5,000 respondents’ preferences for different governance arrangements, which were randomly varied with respect to their input, throughput and output quality as well as their scope of authority, light is shed on the relative importance of different aspects of democratic governance. It is found, first, that output evaluations are the most important driver for citizens’ choice of a governance arrangement; second, consistent positive effects of criteria of input and throughput legitimacy that operate largely independent of output evaluations can be discerned; and third, democratic input, but not democratic throughput, is considered somewhat more important when a governance body holds a high level of formal authority. These findings run counter to a central tenet of the ‘stealth democracy’ argument. While they indeed suggest that political actors and institutions can gain legitimacy primarily through the provision of ‘good output’, citizens’ demand for input and throughput do not seem to be conditioned by the quality of output as advocates of stealth democratic theory suggest. Democratic input and throughput remain important secondary features of democratic governance.  相似文献   
公司的本质是股东投资营利、规避风险的工具,这决定了股东应当在公司的治理中处于核心和主导地位,股东自治应当成为公司治理的核心内容.国美公司股权争夺的过程始终体现了股东自治的理念.整个事件中,公司章程作为公司内部的"宪章",对实现股东自治起到了根本作用."国美公司事件"的启示在于公司治理应当坚持股东自治,公司立法模式应当坚...  相似文献   
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