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近些年,针对我国青少年犯罪尤其是未成年犯罪一直呈上升趋势的问题,许多有识之士发出了将预防青少年尤其是未成年犯罪提升到战略高度给予重视的强烈呼声。以行政省区为单位,将每个省内的青少年矫正人员集中矫正,体现了对青少年尤其是未成年犯罪问题的特殊重视,这应是预防工作的重要组成部分。  相似文献   
针对近年来我国青少年犯罪呈现出不断上升的趋势,本文就青少年犯罪的特点、成因进行了理性的分析,并在此基础上提出了一些预防建议,以期能对减少青少年犯罪有所帮助。  相似文献   
青少年犯罪仍然是我国的一个严重的社会问题。青少年犯罪的特点是盲目性、突发性、结伙性、贪财性和犯罪低龄化。算犯罪原因是多方面的,有生理、心理原因,也有家庭环境、学校环境和社会环境影响的原因。由于个人原因较少,社会原因较多,因此治理青少年犯罪的基本对策应是综合治理,即社会对策和对策。  相似文献   
Using contemporary sources from the north-west of England in the Victorian period, the authors examine the putative connections made by contemporaries which linked together ‘bad’ parenting and the transmission of criminal traits. Poor parenting practices were a prevalent explanation for juvenile (leading onto sustained) delinquency, especially in the mid to late nineteenth century. Popular narratives by Charles Dickens and media opinion-formers were very influential in depicting neglectful mothers who did not socialise their children into law-abiding, useful members of society, and criminal fathers who inducted their children into their own criminal affairs and organisations. This article examines the reality of intergenerational offending (using prison- and court-generated data) to show that there is very little convincing research that proves direct intergenerational transmission of offending practices (i.e. parent-to-child-offending transmission). The authors then examine other possible routes of intergenerational offending using case studies and archival research, and the article concludes that environmental/socio-economic conditions and wider familial/neighbourhood relationships were, in fact, the main trigger for onset of offending, and the maintenance of criminal careers, rather than direct familial transmission. The article is therefore an important marker in understanding the processes which inhibit/generate criminality in a significant number of juvenile offenders in this period.  相似文献   
CORINA GRAIF 《犯罪学》2015,53(3):366-398
A long history of research has indicated that neighborhood poverty increases youth's risk taking and delinquency. This literature predominantly has treated neighborhoods as independent of their surroundings despite rapidly growing ecological evidence on the geographic clustering of crime that suggests otherwise. This study proposes that to understand neighborhood effects, investigating youth's wider surroundings holds theoretical and empirical value. By revisiting longitudinal data on more than 1500 low‐income youth who participated in the Moving to Opportunity (MTO) randomized intervention, this article explores the importance of extended neighborhoods (neighborhoods and surroundings) and different concentrated disadvantage configurations in shaping gender differences in risk taking and delinquency. The results from two‐stage, least‐squares analyses suggest that the extended neighborhoods matter and they matter differently by gender. Among girls, extended neighborhoods without concentrated disadvantage were associated with lower risk‐taking prevalence than extended neighborhoods with concentrated disadvantage. In contrast, among boys, localized concentration of disadvantage was associated with the highest prevalence of risk taking and delinquency. Interactions between the immediate and surrounding neighborhoods were similarly associated with differential opportunity and social disorganization mediators. Among the more critical potential mediators of the link between localized disadvantage and boys’ risk taking were delinquent network ties, strain, and perceived absence of legitimate opportunities for success.  相似文献   
在被害者损害恢复视角下,构建新的少年非行类型,以此为基础确认关怀被害者家属之必要。提倡建立被害者损害恢复保险制度,并对各非行少年处遇机关中与被害者损害恢复相关措施进行研讨。  相似文献   
我国青少年犯罪问题是困扰全社会的难题,需要运用各种措施对其进行治理。从青少年犯罪的类型特征来看,运用犯罪被害理论中的惯常行为理论进行调查被害,提出具体的被害预防措施来减少青少年犯罪是可行的。但这一调查必须以青少年犯罪的犯罪学因果关系的设立为前提。在惯常行为理论的视野下,青少年犯罪的犯罪学因果关系的成立必须具备特定的条件,这些条件也是通过实证调查证明这一因果关系的变量。  相似文献   
近年来青少年犯罪节节攀升,成胁着我国社会秩序的正常运行。青少年犯罪,除了青少年自身的生理和心理因素外,更涉及社会制度、学校、家庭管理等各个层面。只有通过完善社会制度、加强青少年素质教育、改善社会风气等,才能达到预防和减少青少年犯罪的目的。  相似文献   
我国未成年人刑事立法工作与西方国家比较相对滞后,给司法实践带来较大难度,需进一步改进。在未成年人的犯罪认定上应坚持有别于成年人犯罪的立法思想,对一些轻微犯罪行为不做犯罪处理;在对未成年犯的刑罚适用上,应建立适合未成年犯特点的量刑体制,完善非刑罚处理方法;在未成年犯罪行刑问题上,进一步放宽对未成年犯适用缓刑、减刑、假释的条件。  相似文献   
我国少年刑事政策现代化取向的实体法解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代少年刑事政策精神,正逐渐注入我国刑事实体法之中,其必然性结果是促使我国少年刑法制度走向现代化和走向成熟。然而,在我国,现代少年刑事政策精神向刑事实体法的注入,主要不是通过人大对刑法典的制定或修改来进行的,而主要是通过最高人民法院1995年和2006年的两个相关司法解释来进行的,这两个司法解释在不同程度上显现出了我国少年刑事政策以及少年刑法制度的现代化取向。也正因此,在上述司法解释与我国现行刑法之间,不可避免地形成了一种冲突或紧张关系。要想避免司法解释与现行刑事法之间的冲突或紧张关系,一个最终的办法就是通过人大立法,尽快制定、完善我国独立的少年刑法制度。  相似文献   
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