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国际刑事司法协助制度的若干新发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》和《联合国反腐败公约》对国际刑事司法协助制度的新近发展作出了一定程度的总结,特别是确立了以追缴被非法转移的犯罪所得或收益为中心的司法协助新体系,放宽了双重犯罪原则对非强制性司法协助活动的限制作用,全面推广司法协助"中央机关"的联系机制,同时,倡导各国在条件允许的情况下采纳远程视频听证和联合调查的取证新方式。这些发展所涉及的一些新规则值得加以深入研究。  相似文献   
Fabre  Cécile 《Law and Philosophy》2002,21(3):249-273
It is a central tenet of most contemporarytheories of justice that the badly-off have aright to some of the resources of the well-off.In this paper, I take as my starting point twoprinciples of justice, to wit, the principle ofsufficiency, whereby individuals have a rightto the material resources they need in order tolead a decent life, and the principle ofautonomy, whereby once everybody has such alife, individuals should be allowed to pursuetheir conception of the good, and to enjoy thefruits of their labour in pursuit of suchconception. I also endorse the value offairness, whereby the right person orinstitution makes the decision as to whether tobring about justice.I show that justice and fairness can besatisfied only if we all enjoy a combination ofprivate and collective rights over the world.In making that case, I shall argue that the setof ownership rights I advocate differs fromreadily available conceptions of restrictedprivate ownership in two important respects.First, it is such that in some circumstances,two individuals or more can have control rightsover the same property at the same time, not,as is standardly the case in legal systems, bycontracting with one another (through gifts andjoint purchase), but simply on grounds ofjustice. Second, it allows that, if necessary,property-owners be expropriated from theirproperty without compensation.  相似文献   
企业集团作为一种企业合作组织形式,一方面因其制度优势而在世界经济中的地位日益重要,另一方面因其复杂结构所带来的诸多治理问题又制约了其良性发展。与单个企业相比,企业集团的组织结构复杂多变,治理问题也具有多重性。交叉持股型企业集团中应注意大股东之间的协调问题;纯粹控股型企业集团中注意要加强母公司对子公司的有效监控;而母子关系型企业集团中的治理问题最为复杂,应在母子公司之间建立一个良好的集权和分权机制,防止母公司对中小股东和债权人的利益侵害。  相似文献   
买卖性造船合同下的所有权安排   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
顺应国际潮流,主张将造船合同归类为买卖合同,而非归类于承揽合同,并在此基础上,结合国际私法理论和英国法院的典型案例,对买卖性造船合同下的三种所有权安排进行了比较和分析。  相似文献   
This paper describes the governance system of Spanish listed firms in the early 1990's. Although the institutional setting of the Spanish Stock Exchanges differs little from other European national markets, we found important differences in several aspects of corporate governance. In particular, some of the standard mechanisms of control (e.g. boards and institutional shareholders) do not play an active role, whereas ownership is relatively concentrated. Moreover, power indices suggest that controlling blocs of large shareholders are very likely to form. We thus conclude that the ownership of shares is a pivotal mechanism in the governance of Spanish corporations.  相似文献   
Rural land ownership reform in China’s property law   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With regard to rural land ownership, there exist many problems, such as absence of the subject of right, ambiguity of the definition of right quality, and imperfection of the taking system. To perfect the rural land ownership system in China, we should continuously take villagers’ groups and villages as the subject of collective ownership and affirm the right of the members of collective organizations. In order to promote the development of the rural economy and realize the value of land, the contractual management right should be deemed as a property right and allowed to be transferred. The transferability of collective land ownership should be gradually established and the process of taking should be further normalized. Meanwhile, the farmers must receive sufficient compensation. The house site usage right is a special form of right of usufruct. To follow the principle that property should be made best use of, the house site usage right should also be transferable.  相似文献   
本文认为 ,公司的本义在于资本所有权的联合 ,但公司作为法人企业则应同时具备独立地享有和支配公司全部资产、并独立地对外承担民事责任的能力。由此 ,本文对股份合作制企业、夫妻型公司、一人公司、有限责任和多人代表制度等问题逐一作了分析。另外 ,本文提出了从归属和权能两个方面界定公司资产所有权的思路。认为 ,从最终归属上 ,企业的资产所有权属于股东 ;但在权能方面 ,企业资产的所有权则为股东与公司分别享有。股东的权能主要体现为收益 ,公司的权能主要体现为对企业资产的占有、使用和处分。因此 ,国有企业的法人地位与其资产所有权的全民性质并不矛盾。  相似文献   
我国国有资产流失的法律原因探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国有资产流失是一个十分严重的社会问题。国有资产流失的根本法律原因与我国的国家财产所有权理论存在误区有关。所有权是所有制的法律反映这一基本理论导致国家财产所有权的主体及性质均无法清晰界定。欲彻底解决国有资产的流失问题 ,不仅需要在技术层面对现行国有资产管理法律体系进行修改 ,而且必须在制度层面重构我国的财产所有权。  相似文献   
陷害教唆与侦查圈套有着天然的伴生关系,但并非所有的侦查圈套都属于陷害教唆之情形。按我国教唆犯二重性的通说,陷害教唆行为应具有可罚性,但侦查圈套并不都具有可罚性。犯意诱惑型侦查圈套行为虽然有目的的正当性为支撑,但其手段的非正当性亦不能排除其可罚性;纯正的机会提供型侦查圈套因不符合教唆犯本质特征,不应受到刑罚的非难;不纯正的机会提供型侦查圈套应当作为刑法中正当化事由加以规定。  相似文献   
论中国的合作经济   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
晓亮 《理论学刊》2003,(1):82-85
20世纪 5 0年代中期的合作化 ,从方向上说 ,组织个体劳动者走合作化道路是完全正确的 ,但采取搞政治运动的方式来搞合作化 ,严重违背了自愿互利原则 ,违背了经济规律 ,则不能肯定。从改革开放 2 0多年的实践情况看 ,老模式的集体经济与新模式的合作经济 ,二者的发展态势是不相同的 ,并总结出了 8种合作经济的类型。合作制和集体制尽管都属于公有制范畴 ,但它们是两种不同类型的公有制和企业制度 ,鉴于老的集体经济模式已出现萎缩状态 ,必须进行制度创新 ,按新体制规范发展。  相似文献   
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