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地方政府发起的治理实践在行动方向上有两种倾向:强推动与弱推动;在行动结果层面,又存在两种面向:无效与有效;在行动过程中为确保有效治理,常常需要整合正式制度与非正式制度的各自优势。浙江“最多跑一次”改革中综合运用规划政治、干部考核、小组机制、情感治理、一把手负责等策略,党政体系、正式制度与非正式制度、正式权力与非正式权力被整合调动,有效治理呈现出别具特色的双重实践逻辑。有效治理的双重实践逻辑,确保了政府行动的合法性,同时为制度自信与治理现代化提供基础性保障。  相似文献   
The remunicipalisation of water in the global south has heightened a sense of optimism among left-leaning scholars and activists. This is widely heralded as a triumph over neo-liberal privatisation and therefore seen as putting water back into public hands. This article takes a critical view of this trend. It contends that insofar as remunicipalisation is conflated with state ownership, it may in other contexts not necessarily lead to water going back into public hands. An empirical account is presented of how state ownership in Malawi has been imbricated in commercialisation rationalities that have in turn undermined the establishment of an egalitarian public water network in Blantyre City. The article uncovers the extent to which the dominance of private capitalist interests in Malawi’s economy, lack of public financing and over-reliance on debt from global-local financial markets have systemically compromised the efficacy of the state in mediating the politics of water production and distribution.  相似文献   
Research has documented that issue ownership is an important aspect of voter behaviour. Therefore, issue ownership is an important asset for parties and one that they might try to improve on in order to enhance their electoral chances. Using survey experiments on a representative sample of Danish voters, the paper investigates what messages a party can convey to voters in order to improve its issue ownership – communicating its emphasis on the issue, its position on the issue, its links to the issue constituency, or its performance on the issue – across both valence and position issues. The results show the effectiveness of the latter two communication strategies thereby documenting that parties through their communication may affect voters' perceptions of their issue handling competencies.  相似文献   
私人书信是一种物,所有权人有权依据《物权法》自由处分该信件,包括对私信的转让、抛弃、拍卖等,但是,大多数情况下私信原稿所有权人与私信作品的著作权人非同一主体,如果将私人书信作品类推为文字作品及未发表作品范畴,不仅导致著作权合理使用制度难以适用,且其与公众知识获取、隐私权等制度间的困境亦不易协调,因此,需要在个案中进行利益平衡。在制度设计层面,借鉴国外立法将私人书信作为“特殊作品”予以规定,并专门构造其发表权制度。同时,通过著作权法第三次修改来完善私信作品的保护,以协调其间的困境。  相似文献   
Following the protest demonstrations of the 2011–2012 electoral cycle, tensions between the limited modernization efforts of Medvedev and the resurgent authoritarianism of Putin have become increasingly manifest. These are seen not only in the relationship between society and the state, but also in the “para-constitutional” institutions of the dual state. This article argues that whereas Medvedev created an arena for liberalization within these para-constitutional structures, Putin has firmly rejected these policies, among other things by revising the 1995 law on NGOs amended in 2006. Using the perspective of the dual state, the article argues that with the introduction of the Law on Foreign Agents (2012), the original law draft On Public Control (2014), a key element in Medvedev's modernization program, was delayed and substantially altered. Together, these amendments create precarious conditions for NGOs, pressuring their independence by threats of dissolution and reducing the quality of civil control over state organs.  相似文献   
形成各种所有制经济平等竞争、相互促进新格局是党的十七大在所有制问题上提出的一个新观念、新理论、新亮点。"新格局"最主要、最根本之"新",是彻底改变了对非公有制经济的认识、观念、政策和法律,进而彻底改变了非公有制经济在中国的命运。"新格局"有几个重要方面:一是形成各种所有制经济的新观念新理论,二是制定各种所有制经济的新法律新政策,三是确立各种所有制经济的新地位新作用,四是赋予各种所有制经济以新内涵新形式,五是带来各种所有制经济社会阶层的新变化新关系。  相似文献   
本文利用上海证券交易所采掘、电力和煤气行业的40家及批发、零售贸易业,电子信息产业的91家上市公司的数据,在进行适当的筛选和剔除之后,对它们2003年至2005年三年的数据进行了实证研究。结果表明,在不同的行业特征条件下,股权集中度对公司经营绩效的影响是不同的:在竞争性行业的上市公司中,股权相对集中,且有若干个大股东的股权集中度有利于公司绩效的提升;在垄断性行业的上市公司中,则是较高的股权集中度有利于公司绩效的提升,无论是第一大股东、前五大股东或前十大股东的持股比例都应保持较高水平。这些实证结果为完善我国的上市公司治理提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   
陷害教唆与侦查圈套   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陷害教唆与侦查圈套有着天然的伴生关系 ,按我国教唆犯二重性的通说 ,陷害教唆行为应具有可罚性 ,但并非所有类型的侦查圈套都具有可罚性。应根据不同类型作具体分析。  相似文献   
城乡统筹不只是物质形态上的统筹,它强调了一种文明的统筹。衡量城乡统筹状况的指标包括经济融合、人口融合、生活融合、社会发展融合、农业现代化等指标。研究表明,当前贵州城乡差距依然存在且较大,一定程度上意味着城市反哺论的失灵。为此,应实施以山区特色产业开发为支撑的一二三战略。  相似文献   
在推进非公企业厂务公开民主管理工作中,目前尚存在企业劳资双方认识不高、劳资双方地位不平等、缺乏有效工作载体、职工代表参与能力亟待提高、工作应进一步深化等问题。对此,天津市河西区总工会在领导力度、覆盖广度、质量深度上下功夫,明确职责,狠抓落实,积极贯彻主动、依法、科学相结合的维权观,在推动区域构建和谐稳定的劳动关系上做出了有益实践。  相似文献   
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