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改革开放初期被我国政府明令禁止和取缔的营业性舞会是我国现代娱乐业的萌芽。它从被禁止与取缔的夹缝中走出来.逐步发展到今天社会主义市场经济体制下的娱乐业,在这一发展变化的历程中,蕴含着公安机关对娱乐场所治安管理模式的转变轨迹。从娱乐场所管理所处的历史背景来看,在没有适合中国国情的国外模式可以参照的情况下.我国娱乐场所治安管理走出了具有中国特色的轨迹:娱乐场所治安管理模式由“禁止与取缔模式”转为“放开与管制并行”模式.既而又走向“动态监管模式”。娱乐场所治安管理模式转变之后,娱乐场所治安管理的理念也应当随之转变。现阶段娱乐场所治安管理的重点应当是娱乐场所开业后的动态治安监督管理。  相似文献   
民工阶层是一个庞大的群体,是一个相对滞后发展的群体,关注他们生存状态及境界,对发展健全健康的劳动力市场和人力资源培训具有重要的意义  相似文献   
Inhabitants of rural and peripheral areas in advanced democracies display higher levels of place resentment. They feel that their area is ignored by political elites, does not get its fair share of resources, and its values are disregarded by inhabitants of other areas. Place resentment is recognized in the literature as perceptions of socioeconomic, cultural and political inequalities. Existing quantitative work studied associations with objective local socioeconomic deprivation but not with cultural and political context characteristics. Based on geo-coded survey data from the Netherlands, this study shows that place resentment is related to spatial inequalities in unemployment and knowledge economy size, but also to linguistic distance between local dialect and Standard Dutch, and proximity to living places of national MPs. Adequately understanding place resentment thus requires not only studying socioeconomic local contexts, but also a deeper understanding of the role of cultural differences and inequalities in political representation between places.  相似文献   

In this paper, I critically examine the management of creativity in a digital networked economic and social environment, which broadly comprises high-speed Internet connections and a diverse ecology of devices and other infrastructure. The non-rivalrous and non-excludable characteristics of information, in this environment, pose distinct challenges for the industrial producers of creativity (such as film studios, publishing houses, record labels). The paper uses the case of media and entertainment to pursue two analytical goals. The first is to conceptualize the networked environment as a seedbed for myriad ‘Internet gift economies’, which are broadly defined by decentralized social production and sharing of resources within networks of computer users (or peers). The second is to consider the extent to which Internet gift economies can be regulated in a fashion that incorporates scope for some degree of commodification. I therefore seek to identify potential routes towards more balanced ‘peer-based’ models, which combine the power of Internet gift economies with the ongoing reproduction of industrialized creativity. There is a brief conclusion, where I comment upon the challenges facing the long-term expansion and legalization of Internet gift economies.  相似文献   
笑话既是一种娱乐的方式.亦是一种讽刺的工具。明清时期流行的笑话汇编《笑林广记》收录的法律笑话,在一定程度上反映出民间社会的法律意识:首先,契约与诉讼构成了庶民法律意识的核心内容;其次,帝国官员的贪黩与酷虐是庶民讽刺和批判的对象;最后,对官吏昏聩和庶民狡黠的描写则反映出官民之间不同的司法智慧。  相似文献   
对我国现阶段收入分配差距的几点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总体收入分配差距和城乡收入分配差距是反映居民收入分配差距的两个主要方面。 2 0 0 0年我国居民总体收入分配的基尼系数已经超过国际公认的警戒线 0 .4的标准。2 0 0 1年城镇居民年人均收入与农村居民年人均收入之比已经达到创记录的 2 .90∶1。收入差距及其扩大会带来某些负面后果 ,甚至极大地危害社会的稳定和正常运转 ,但是合理的、适度的收入差距往往具有积极的社会效应。  相似文献   
浅谈当前娱乐场所容留吸毒犯罪的特点及打击对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
打击娱乐场所容留吸毒犯罪是压缩吸贩毒空间的重要手段,但由于娱乐场所容留吸毒犯罪蔓延速度快、毒品种类新型化、毒品来源多样化、吸毒人员以青少年为主、容留场所具备高度组织性和反侦查能力不断提高的原因,给公安机关打击容留吸毒犯罪带来很大困难,结合深圳市近年来的实践做法,以"重典治乱"为中心思想,在不断完善立法工作,加强执法力度的同时,创新打击手段,广泛开展宣传,以解决娱乐场所容留吸毒的问题。  相似文献   
网上追逃作为一种高效的侦查手段,被公安机关广泛应用。但由于缺乏法律依据,网上追逃也存在诸多争议,异地羁押期间应否计入刑事拘留期间便是其中之一。应当将网上追逃这种高效的侦查手段写入刑事诉讼法,而且要细化网上追逃的执法程序,明确立案地、抓获地公安机关的职责,使公安机关的侦查权力在法律规定的范围内有据、有序地行使,也为检察机关顺利实现法律监督职能提供坚实的法律依据。  相似文献   
Cultural and media policy have remained largely distinct fields of research, policymaking, and policy advocacy in the United States. There are, however, significant areas of overlap between these two areas that have not been fully explored. The author examines the linkages between the two fields, covering the traditional lines of demarcation that have separated them; contemporary developments that compel stronger overlap in terms of their substantive areas of concern; the shared, normative principles between the two areas; the benefits of a tighter integration of cultural and media policy; and specific mechanisms for developing stronger linkages between them.  相似文献   
《公共场所卫生管理条例实施细则》已实施一年多,该实施细则较1991年版实施细则从立法规范到立法内容均有较明显进步。但通过这一年多的执法实践,仍发现该实施细则在适用时存在一些问题。本文针对行政执法实践中在适用法条时遇到的问题进行分析,探究其原因,并尝试提出解决对策。同时,期望通过向立法者反馈执法实践中遇到的这些问题,为完善我国卫生行政法律体系略尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   
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