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The function and value of exclusionary rule of illegal evidence lie not only in the prevention of mistrial, but also in the manifestation of procedural justice, the regulation of judicial conduct and the emphasis on the protection of human rights. The promulgation of “the rule of strict exclusion of illegal evidence” has made a positive response to the practical problems during the implementation of exclusionary rule of illegal evidence. Many provisions in this rule are much more strict than before, such as further defining the scope of illegal oral evidence, clarifying the method of excluding the repeated confessions, emphasizing the timeliness of exclusion of illegal evidence and the synchronization of supervision of investigation, attaching the importance of collection and application of process evidence, and exerting the review of the legitimacy of evidence in pre-trial conference. After the promulgation of “the rule of strict exclusion of illegal evidence”, we should continue to focus on the implementation of exclusionary rule of illegal evidence, ensuring its function of post-punishment and illegal prevention.  相似文献   
创新公安管理体制,完善党对公安工作的绝对领导,减少公安管理层次,优化公安机关的运行机制,可以局部强化公安组织“条”的领导关系,畅通内部的警令,减少地方党政领导干扰警察办案,有效保障经费,.合理使用干部,合理布防和调动警力。有利于调动干警的积极性,提高警察工作效能和整体性。达到释放警力的目的。  相似文献   
构建社会主义和谐社会的伟大实践为公安高校基层党组织建设提出了新的任务与要求。当前公安高等院校教工基层党组织建设仍面临许多问题,在构建和谐社会背景下,公安高等院校应当秉承学习与实践相结合、开放与创新相结合、民主与集中相结合的思路,从提高对教工基层党组织建设的认识、创新教工党员的教育形式、建立健全教工基层党组织评价机制、加强教工基层党组织领导班子建设等方面入手,加强公安高校教工基层党组织建设。  相似文献   
江必新 《时代法学》2012,10(5):3-11
如何确保人民法院的司法审查能够在《行政强制法》的规范下顺利地实施,是行政审判需要认真研究和解决的问题。人民法院对行政强制的司法审查要注意把握行政强制行为的基本特征、二重性以及基本价值,对行政强制行为要进行类型化处理,注意区分法律行为和事实行为,把握司法审查的内容和强度,处理好主从行为、先后行为以及行政强制权与相对人抵制权之间的关系,注意诉讼审查与非诉审查标准的区别。在强制拆迁中,尤其要把握好人民法院司法审查与行政机关具体实施之间的关系。  相似文献   
当代中国的行政区划调整是与城市化相伴而生的,二者之间呈现出互助发展的规律。城市化进程中的行政区划调整模式表现为:撤县设区、设立新的市辖区、合并市辖区、扩大市区地域范围以及综合调整等。不同的调整模式有着不同的特点,总体上呈现出缺乏科学的整体规划,具有一定的盲目性;缺乏具体标准,具有一定的随意性;缺乏科学的认识,具有一定的片面性等特征。本文认为,随着城市化的进一步推进,城镇行政区划调整应与推进城镇化发展相结合、与区域内资源合理配置相结合、与地方行政管理体制创新相结合。  相似文献   
经济体制改革的实质是走向经济民主化,中国市场经济发展引起法律价值观变化值得关注;在北京进行的典型调查表明,随着改革的深入,现代法律价值观正逐渐丰富;行政法制革新要积极回应法律价值观的变化,从行政法制的基本原则、行政立法、行政执法、行政司法、法律监督等方面推动民主化进程;在新形势下要深化改革、更新观念,还要注重认知和运用条理法,全面推进依法行政,加快建设法治政府。  相似文献   
行政主体适用法律法规错误是行政法治实践中发生的问题,《行政诉讼法》没有作出适用法律法规错误的具体规定,学界对这一问题的讨论亦存在着诸多方面的困惑。因而关于行政主体适用法律法规错误的具体范畴、考量标准等都没能形成比较合理和一致的看法。我们认为,主要有置换法律法规位置、混淆法律法规门类、误读法律法规条文、颠倒法律法规规制事项和曲解法律法规原则等错误适用。应将“适用的法律法规是否与案件事实对应、适用的法律法规是否与当事人对应、适用的法律法规是否与行政职权对应、适用的法律法规是否与行为方式对应”等标准确定下来成为行政法规范,使行政主体在适用行政法时予以注意,并能够为人民法院的司法审查提供法定标准。  相似文献   
姚斌 《时代法学》2013,11(3):55-59
我国《行政诉讼法》第11条第l款第6项是行政给付进入诉讼救济的规范基础,但是因其就给付形态的规定过于模糊,导致当事人救济中获得的判决形式不明。将“不依法给付行为”作动态解释,它可以分为“消极不依法之不给付、少给付行为”、“积极不依法之不给付、少给付行为”以及“不依法之完全给付行为”,相应地分别对应履行判决、撤销判决和确认判决。  相似文献   

The aim of this essay is to examine if and how it is possible for the political system of democracy to effectively tackle long-term public problems that are wicked in nature, taking climate crisis as an example. It consists of four sections. The first section is devoted to a brief historical overview of the conflict between eco-authoritarianism and ecological democracy. The following section examines if and to what extent “environmental pessimism” – disillusionment with the ability of liberal/capitalist democracies to effectively tackle long-term environmental problems – which has made a remarkable comeback since late 1980s, is empirically grounded, on the basis of performance evaluation of the contracting parties to the Kyoto Protocol (adopted on 11 December 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005), and the Climate Change Performance Index that evaluates and ranks the climate mitigation performance of 58 countries responsible for over 90 per cent of global energy-related CO2 emissions, released every year by Germanwatch and Climate Action Network Europe. The third section focuses on more theoretical/normative issues, critically examining the cogency of a claim, made by no small number of environmental pessimists, that democratic institutions, due to their myopic tendencies, usually work systematically to the disadvantage of future generations. The last section is devoted to the examination of measures thus far advocated and partly put into practice for correcting the myopic tendencies of democracy, emphasizing the vital need for non-representative measures, or self-restraint mechanisms built into democracy itself, whose primary function lies in preventing democracy from degenerating due to the influence of the myopic majority, thereby protecting ecological sustainability and the well-being of future generations.  相似文献   
土地发展权是经济法意义上之权,具有公权和私权的二重属性,其所保护的法益为社会公共利益,它有利于实现社会资源配置的帕累托最优。在构建生态发展区土地发展权转移机制时应坚持经济法的理念和原则,调制的实体内容和程序规范要有法可依,调制行为要符合生态和经济发展的客观规律,调制的绩效要兼顾效率和公平;在推进生态发展区土地发展权转移时必须定位实施主体,明确职责,建立高效、透明的开发区管理制度,科学合理地设立招商引资门槛,以保障生态发展区的发展机会与发展权利。  相似文献   
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