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Recent decades have seen an accelerating trend in warfare whereby a growing proportion of conflict‐related deaths have been caused by explosions. Analysis of blast injury features little in anthropological literature. We present a review of clinical literature that includes prevalence of injury to anatomical regions and potential indicators of blast injury which can be used by forensic anthropologists. This includes high prevalence of extremity (22.8–91.2%) and facial (19.6–40%) injury in combat contexts, lower limb fractures (19–74.3%) in suicide bombing, traumatic amputation (3–43%) and diffuse fracture patterns in terrorist bombings. Potential indicators of blast trauma include blowout fractures in sinus cavities from blast overpressure, transverse mandibular fractures, and visceral surface rib fractures. Ability to recognize blast trauma and distinguish it in the skeleton is of importance in investigations and judicial proceedings relating to war crimes, terrorism, and human rights violations and likely to become increasingly crucial to forensic anthropology knowledge.  相似文献   
《Global Crime》2013,14(2-3):141-154
Research shows that co-offending has contradictory effects on rates of re-arrest. On the one hand, group offending may be riskier: for example, co-offenders might be targeted by police or might snitch to protect themselves. Criminal networks may also have indirect effects: offenders embedded in criminal networks commit more offences and thus should have a higher risk of being arrested at some point. On the other hand, networks generate steady criminal opportunities with relatively low risk of arrest and high monetary benefits (e.g. drug trafficking). Few authors have empirically explored the relation between co-offending and re-arrest. This article does so using data from seven years of arrest records in the province of Quebec, Canada. The analysis is designed to explore why some offenders are re-arrested after an initial arrest while others are not. It focuses on the factors involved in re-arrest, considering two distinct levels of measures of co-offending. The first level of analysis takes into account a situational measure that indicates whether a given offence was committed by co-offenders (group offence). The second level is used to examine whether being part of a criminal network influences re-arrest. For offenders embedded in such networks, two network features (degree centrality and clustering coefficient) show that the global position of individuals within the Quebec arrest network are analysed. Our results suggest that co-offending is a crucial factor that should be taken into account when looking at the odds of being caught again. The use of generalised linear mixed model brings interesting nuances about the impact of co-offending. The article adds to the recently growing literature on the link between networks and criminal careers.  相似文献   
In the context of the global information age, cases concerning the provision of technical assistance to commit cybercrimes are growing in leaps and bounds and a brand-new crime-as-a-service industry is beginning to take shape. German criminal law addresses this issue in the context of joint commission theory and individual incrimination as complementary, whereas the Chinese model, by contrast, has made marked progress in the fight against cyber aiding by introducing new criminal provisions. The change of cyber-aiding indeed represents a significant challenge to current criminal legislation and consideration of its criminal countermeasures is indispensably significant.  相似文献   
城乡差别不是绝对的,而是因不同的社会政策和条件不相同,并且会随着社会经济的发展而变化。从现代社会经济和文化发展来看,城乡变化总趋势是向融合方向发展。从空间结构来看,实现城乡融合主要有三种理论模式,即优先发展乡村社区的模式,重点发展城市社区的理论模式,城乡一体化协调发展的理论模式。建设新农村,推进城乡协调发展,需要充分调动三种基本力量,即党和政府的主导力量、农民的主体力量、市场的推动力量。三种动力意味着建设新农村有四种可能的发展模式。  相似文献   
马登科 《时代法学》2010,8(3):44-49
将“辩论主义”或“对抗制”作为传统民事诉讼模式的识别标准,都存在以偏概全的缺陷。在“当事人主张论证一法院裁判”的基本构造下,从程序运作层面、案件事实层面和法律适用层面三个层面考察,无论大陆法系还是英美法系从来没有绝对的当事人主导或法院主导。诉权和审判权之间协调配置是各国传统民事诉讼程序设计的共同法理。  相似文献   
The Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario database for 2011–2012 was used to compare fatal injury patterns in drivers whose third‐generation airbags deployed compared to first‐ and second‐generation airbag deployments and airbag nondeployments with and without seatbelt use. There were 110 frontal and offset frontal crashes analyzed. The small sample size meant that the odds of craniocerebral, cervical spinal, thoracic, and abdominal injuries were not statistically different for airbag generation, deployment status, and seatbelt use; however, the risk of fatal thoracic injuries in third‐ and second‐generation cases was increased. Seatbelt usage in third‐ and second‐generation deployment cases reduced the risk of all injuries except abdominal trauma. High severity impacts and occupant compartment intrusion were frequently observed. The analyses in this retrospective study were challenged by data that were not collated in a standardized way and were limited in details about scene, vehicle, and driver variables.  相似文献   
以数额作为对贪污受贿犯罪定罪量刑的主要标准,虽然直观明了,但过于僵化。《刑法修正案(九)》废除了这一标准,采用“数额与情节择一”的模式,将有利于解决罪刑失衡难题。以往的数额量刑标准难以跟上经济发展的社会现状,若继续采用这一标准势必要不断修改《刑法》,不利于保证《刑法》条文的稳定性,而采用弹性标准则可以克服此矛盾。在贪污受贿案件中,数额的因素只能作为计算罪量的一项参数指标,而情节的因素则理应通过贪污受贿犯罪的情节规定加以明确适用。同时,数额与情节在定罪量刑中的考量比重还需进一步明确。  相似文献   
公安英语口语语篇分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖传风 《政法学刊》2003,20(6):82-86
公安英语口语主要是指公安人员在实施涉外管理中所用到的英语口语。按照公安人员接触外国人的类型把公安英语口语划分为两类,即公安人员接触非违法外国人时所用的口语和公安人员接触违法外国人时所用的口语。在衔接手段、主位推进模式和语域一致三个方面,这两类公安英语口语语篇有其特点和规律,公安院校提高英语口语教学质量和在职外事公安人员英语口语能力时必须注意这些特点和规律。  相似文献   
Gottfredson and Hirschi's general theory of crime (1990) has generated an abundance of research testing the proposition that low self‐control is the main cause of crime and analogous behaviors. Less empirical work, however, has examined the factors that give rise to low self‐control. Gottfredson and Hirschi suggest that parents are the sole contributors for either fostering or thwarting low self‐control in their children, explicitly discounting the possibility that genetics may play a key role. Yet genetic research has shown that ADHD and other deficits in the frontostriatal system are highly heritable. Our research thus tests whether “parents matter” in creating low self‐control once genetic influences are taken into account. Using a sample of twin children we find that parenting measures have a weak and inconsistent effect. We address the conceptual and methodological issues associated with the failure to address genetic influences in parenting studies.  相似文献   
利用颅骨枪弹创骨折类型推断射击方向和顺序的实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立利用颅骨枪弹创骨折类型推断射击方向和顺序的方法。使用国产五四式7.62mm口径手枪及五六式7.62mm口径半自动步枪,以3m的距离2次射击16具尸体的头颞部及枕部,造成颅脑贯通创,制成颅骨枪弹射入、出口各32例,并根据定位标记进行观察。结果显示:颅骨枪弹创骨折形态可分为带有斜面的孔状骨折,锁孔状骨折,放射状骨折和环状隆起骨折4种类型,其出现多见于低速枪射击,并与射击方向和顺序有直接关系。根据颅骨枪弹创骨折类型可推断射击方向和顺序。  相似文献   
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