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尸体血管造影技术是一种有效的血管检查手段,对探查尸体血管,尤其是心脏、脑部血管的情况具有重要意义。该技术起源于15世纪,发展于18、19世纪。尤其是在发现X线之后,该技术进入了快速发展阶段,无论是在对比剂、灌注方法,还是在成像方法上都取得了巨大的发展。目前,该技术已被广泛应用于实践中。但该技术仍存在一些瑕疵,首先,对比剂仍无法克服渗透弥散、栓塞血管等问题,最理想的对比剂仍未发现;其次,目前的灌注方法仍无法模拟生理血液流动状态。在"保全尸"的宗教和传统观念的指引下,有必要进一步提高目前的造影技术,以满足实践需求。  相似文献   
The authors present a cogent and detailed case for altering the Medical Devices Directive to allow regulation of cognitive enhancement devices (CEDs). Protection against significant risk of harm, especially for the vulnerable, and promotion of benefit through informed use of CEDs are all good features of the proposal. However, the pre-market approval process has limitations, which we explore. We raise the possibility of ‘risk compensation’ in response to the introduction of safety measures, which could alter its effectiveness. The proposal alludes to use of ‘formally trained practitioners,’ which provide a further tier of regulation for CEDs within the proposal. We consider some positive and negative implications of this aspect of the proposal that might warrant further consideration.  相似文献   

Translational criminology is a decision-making perspective that emphasizes the dynamic coproduction of evidence by researchers and practitioners, focusing on obstacles to and facilitators of evidence generation and utilization. It incorporates several other data-driven decision-making models, including evidence-based policy making. This review suggests that the availability of empirical research is no longer the most significant impediment to evidence-based policing. Rather, translating and implementing knowledge about ‘what works‘ in policing has arisen as the field’s primary barrier to securing the effectiveness and efficiency improvements of research and data utilization. This article orients readers to translational criminology’s various components and explores their applications. Focusing on four central considerations, this review explores the roles of researcher practitioner partnerships, policy, technology, and government in developing and sustaining translational efforts in policing. The review concludes by acknowledging challenges to fostering a translational perspective in policing, and offers examples of where it has been applied with success.  相似文献   
Claw hammers have the specific characteristic of having two distinct ends: one a flat head of variable form, the other bifurcated. So the use of this tool as a blunt instrument will cause varying injuries. The authors present two clinical cases of assault with a claw hammer. Examinations revealed two types of wound. A first injury composed of integumentary lacerations and underlying bone injuries in terms of “shape” suggested the use of a blunt instrument. A second injury made up of damage showing two parallel wounds or two wounds located one in the extension of the other suggested the use of an object with a bifurcated end. The combination of both types of injury should alert examiners to the possibility of the use of a claw hammer in causing the injuries in order to help direct investigators in their investigations and in the search for the weapon used.  相似文献   
A nontargeted approach based on liquid chromatography equipped with a quadrupole time‐of‐flight mass detector (LC‐MS Q‐TOF) joined to nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis allowed rapid identification and quantification of the anti‐inflammatory drug aceclofenac in illegal Adderall tablets. The largest chromatographic peak had m/z = 354.030 and m/z = 376.012 matching, respectively, the ionic structures (M + H)+ and (M + Na)+ of a molecule M. The accurate mass data generated the molecular formula C16H13Cl2NO4. A screening of the pharmaceutical active substances having that molecular formula together with the MS/MS fragmentation pattern suggested aceclofenac. Aceclofenac structure was unambiguously confirmed by 1H and 13C NMR experiments. The aceclofenac content was 90 mg/tablet (RSD 2%) as detected by quantitative NMR. Information on the identity and content of illegal drugs is required for legal purposes; it supports in evaluating the effective impact on users safety, and it is useful for control laboratories using a targeted approach in their analytical activities.  相似文献   
我国法医临床学鉴定标准现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
技术标准是一个行业发展的技术支撑,也是质量控制现代化的基础性手段。我国的法医临床学经过近四十年的发展,目前已有各类规范性技术文件23部,案件量逾100万件/年。本文从标准级别、颁布部门、实施时间等方面系统复习了这些标准,可以看出:相关技术标准制订过程中大量吸纳了国际先进理念,同时也吸纳了法医临床学鉴定实践经验;目前,标准体系已初步形成。当然,目前实施的标准也存在诸多问题,如:彼此间矛盾突出、部分标准不符合技术标准的形式要件、对国际标准的研究不够深入、部分标准欠缺等等,标准化建设任务依然艰巨。未来,法医学工作者仍需加强标准与法律法规衔接的配套研究;加强国际标准跟踪、评价的研究,以形成更多的具有国际先进水平的适合我国国情的国家标准。  相似文献   
本文从历史、文化、地理、法律、个人等角度出发讨论宋慈及《洗冤集录》产生的条件。我国法医检验早期发展是宋慈及《洗冤集录》产生的历史条件,朱熹理学影响是宋慈及《洗冤集录》产生的文化条件,南宋建阳政治文化发展是宋慈及《洗冤集录》产生的地理条件,完善的南宋检验制度是宋慈及《洗冤集录》产生的法律条件,宋慈在《洗冤集录》中把个别的具体事例进行全体性、系统性综合是个人努力和总结的结果。因此,南宋时期出现宋慈及其《洗冤集录》是中华文化的一部分,是历史必然和文化传承至一定阶段的产物,更是中华文化结晶和法医文化遗产。  相似文献   
目的依据《国际功能、残疾和健康分类(ICF)》脑卒中核心组合,探讨脑卒中相关功能类目之间的关系,绘制ICF脑卒中核心分类组合的功能地形图,为脑卒中的伤残评定提供科学理论依据。方法收集106例脑卒中被鉴定人样本,采用"最小的绝对缩减和变量选择算子",研究脑卒中ICF核心组合功能的59项类目变量之间的条件依存关系,并用图形建模分析类目之间的内在联系,绘制功能地形图。结果 59项类目之间的相互联系构成了功能地形图,b340、b735、b175和b152因关联性较高而居于地形图的中心位置。结论脑卒中功能地形图可以揭示ICF功能类目之间复杂的关系结构及关联程度。可以为应用ICF进行脑卒中的伤残评定提供科学理论依据。  相似文献   
强奸案的证据通常应具备暴力证据和性交证据,机械性损伤、使用药物和生物检材等是构成暴力证据和性交证据的重要组成部分。由于加害人实施强奸时手段的不同以及个体性行为的差异,损伤的类型、形态、部位及生物检材的种类、遗留部位、遗留客体也会呈现不同特征。如果不仔细地检查和提取,就会使这些物证灭失。本文通过对120例强奸案件的分析,总结了案件中损伤、药物、生物检材的发现、提取和检验的相关信息与技术细节问题,同时结合案情对案件发生的时段、地点、环境、区域、作案手段与方法、嫌疑人和受害人的职业特点等进行了讨论,希望对法医学鉴定工作和民警办理案件有所帮助。  相似文献   
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