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Abstract: Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) is a protected and widely distributed ungulate in South America. A poacher, after killing guanacos in Valle Chacabuco, Chilean Patagonia, transported and stored the meat. Samples were retrieved by local police but the suspect argued that the meat was from a horse. Mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (774 pb), 15 loci microsatellites, and SRY gene were used to identify the species, number of animals and their population origin, and the sex of the animals, respectively. Analysis revealed that the samples came from a female (absence of SRY gene) Patagonian guanaco (assignment probability between 0.0075 and 0.0282), and clearly distinguishing it from sympatric ungulates (E‐value = 0). Based on the evidence obtained in the field in addition to forensic data, the suspect was convicted of poaching and illegally carrying fire arms. This is the first report of molecular tools being used in forensic investigations of Chilean wildlife indicating its promising future application in guanaco management and conservation.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The forkhead box P2 ( FOXP2 ) gene is specifically involved in speech and language development in humans. The sequence is well conserved among many vertebrate species but has accumulated amino acid changes in the human lineage. The aim of this study was to develop a simple method to discriminate between human and nonhuman vertebrate DNA in forensic specimens by amplification of a human-specific genomic region. In the present study, we designed an allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers to amplify smaller than 70-bp regions of FOXP2 to identify DNA as being of human or nonhuman, including ape, origin. PCR amplification was also successfully performed using fluorescence-labeled primers, and this method allows a single PCR reaction with a genomic DNA sample as small as 0.01 ng. This system also identified the presence of human DNA in two blood stains stored for 20 and 38 years. The results suggested the potential usefulness of FOXP2 as an identifier of human DNA in forensic samples.  相似文献   
人类DNA遗传特征多态性使DNA技术成为各国警方侦办案件的重要技术手段,但DNA检验鉴定采样合法性和结论可采性须由立法规定。众多国家和地区针对DNA采样和鉴定结论应用制定了相关法律法规。我国相关法律细则尚处空白,因此,应尽快制定我国DNA鉴定采样与应用法规,规范DNA鉴定样本采集与证据采信。  相似文献   
汶川地震相关的若干刑事问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"5.12"汶川地震发生后,出现了很多疑难刑事法律问题,如建筑物毁损责任追究问题、趁灾造谣、非法经营、灾民哄抢救灾物资等行为的定性问题等,对于这些问题,应当区分不同情形,作出相应处理。  相似文献   
利用自动显示游标卡尺测量200例(男、女各100例,年龄18~24岁)上颌石膏模型上牙弓宽、长及高等18个指标。经统计分析发现除切牙弓长、尖牙间距对应高及第二双尖牙间距对应高外,其余15项测量指标男性均大于女性(P<0.05)。逐步判别分析仅用7个测量指标,判别率可达到75.50%。  相似文献   
违法所得问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
违法所得是指违法所得的一切财物的简称,在诉讼活动中占有重要地位。但是由于立法和理论研究的不足,导致司法实践中违法所得的概念不清、主体不明、数额计算不统一以及程序设计不完善等。因此,有必要对违法所得问题展开实体与程序全方位的研究,完善违法所得的处理机制。  相似文献   
A meta-analytic review of research comparing biased and unbiased instructions in eyewitness identification experiments showed an asymmetry; specifically, that biased instructions led to a large and consistent decrease in accuracy in target-absent lineups, but produced inconsistent results for target-present lineups, with an average effect size near zero (Steblay, 1997). The results for target-present lineups are surprising, and are inconsistent with statistical decision theories (i.e., Green & Swets, 1966). A re-examination of the relevant studies and the meta-analysis of those studies shows clear evidence that correct identification rates do increase with biased lineup instructions, and that biased witnesses make correct identifications at a rate considerably above chance. Implications for theory, as well as police procedure and policy, are discussed.  相似文献   
Four reality monitoring variables were used to discriminate suspect from foil identifications in 183 actual criminal cases. Four hundred sixty-one identification attempts based on five and six-person lineups were analyzed. These identification attempts resulted in 238 suspect identifications and 68 foil identifications. Confidence, automatic processing, eliminative processing and feature use comprised the set of reality monitoring variables. Thirty-five verbal confidence phrases taken from police reports were assigned numerical values on a 10-point confidence scale. Automatic processing identifications were those that occurred “immediately” or “without hesitation.” Eliminative processing identifications occurred when witnesses compared or eliminated persons in the lineups. Confidence, automatic processing and eliminative processing were significant predictors, but feature use was not. Confidence was the most effective discriminator. In cases that involved substantial evidence extrinsic to the identification 43% of the suspect identifications were made with high confidence, whereas only 10% of the foil identifications were made with high confidence. The results of a laboratory study using the same predictors generally paralleled the archival results. Forensic implications are discussed.  相似文献   
韩志红  付大学 《法学论坛》2005,20(3):104-109
因为知识产权客体的无形性,所以需要法律的特别确认,这是知识产权客体种类与物权客体种类认定的重要不同之处,这一特点在今天的信息社会已经显得有些滞后,难以满足不断出现新型知识产权客体的需要.为弥补这一缺陷,应进行制度创新,即变单纯法律确认为"法律确认为原则,法官确认为补充".所谓"法官确认"是指由法律界定知识产权客体种类认定的法定标准和法定程序,当有侵权行为发生时,权利人可请求法院依据该标准和程序对涉及的争议客体是否为知识产权客体依法作出认定.笔者认为,应将信息性、创造性、可复制性、实用性、私有性和有益性作为知识产权客体认定的法定标准.  相似文献   
本文应用 ELISA-双抗体夹心法,通过检出血中的人 IgG 鉴定人血痕。双抗体夹心法是常用来检测抗原的一种方法,但在法医学上用于测定血痕种属尚少报道。我们建立的这种方法,新鲜人血痕的阳性结果可测到64万倍。保存三年的陈旧血痕仍可测出。马、牛、羊、狗、猪、鸡、鸭、鸽、兔、驴、骡和鹌鹑均为阴性。由于本法灵敏度高、特异性好、试剂易得,勿须贵重仪器,在物证检验中便于推广。  相似文献   
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