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在监狱工作中贯彻执行宽严相济政策,需要探索建立符合我国国情的以假释为主、减刑为辅的监狱刑罚执行制度。根据罪犯年龄、性别、主观恶性、人身危险性等差别,确定不同的适用假释时间期限和假释考验期限,降低减刑幅度,减少报请减刑裁定频率。通过制度创新,实现刑罚效益的最大化。  相似文献   
建立中国被害人保护制度,应注意做到,对于被害人的保护应当体系化,全面、同时开展,而不是小修小补,应当借鉴英美尤其是日本和台湾的经验,制定国家补偿制度和被害人援助制度,同时,应当修改刑事诉讼法,增加被害人在刑事诉讼中的权利。  相似文献   
对西伯利亚名称的研究由来已久,人们往往根据西伯利亚的地理位置、历史,结合历史文献及当地民族的归属进行考证其名称的来源与意义。这样的讨论很有意义,然而,仅仅考虑上述方面还不足以科学地对西伯利亚的名称意义进行解释。本研究认为,还应该从历史语言的角度,通过讨论同源词来进行佐证才能够科学和合理地解释西伯利亚名称的意义。从语言的同源词比较中,我们可以看出,西伯利亚名称的意义可以局限在两种比较可以令人信服的解释:一为源于阿尔泰语系的“泥泞、潮湿”之地,另为“鲜卑”。而“泥泞”才是合理的释义。  相似文献   
2013’辽宁政法理论年会组织辽宁省政法部门的理论爱好者围绕“公平正义与幸福辽宁”这一主题对法治中国、政法机关提升维护社会公平正义能力、惩治司法腐败、不断提升司法公信力、新刑事诉讼法实施状况、微时代政法机关提升社会沟通能力、建立健全法律监督等多个问题进行了探讨并达成了共识,集中反映了我省政法界法学研究的新成果,体现了我省政法系统法学理论与司法实践相结合的新成就.  相似文献   
Previous studies regarding the relationship of the family environment to children's involvement in bully/victim problems at school primarily focused on children's perceptions of family dimensions. No studies were known using data from multiple reporters within 1 family (parents and children) on family characteristics of bully/victim problems. The aim of this study was to investigate differences between families of victims, bullies, bully/victims, and noninvolved children on family functioning, child-rearing practices, and problem-solving strategies in hypothetical conflict situations and perception differences between children and their parents on those dimensions. The findings revealed important perception differences between children and their parents, with parents holding up a more positive picture of their family. Important differences between families of bullies, victims, and bully/victims were documented looking at the family functioning and parent–child interactions from the perspective of the children. In contrast, almost no differences between the groups were observed if parents' reports were considered. Discussion leads to suggestions for further antibullying interventions at the school.  相似文献   
论社区养老服务发展特征   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
社区养老服务已成为解决我国养老问题的必然选择。探讨市场经济条件下其特征,无论对社区养老服务的理论研究,还是对社区养老服务的实践指导,都有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to examine the relationship between family dysfunction and wanted, unwanted, and illegal sexual experiences that occurred during childhood and adolescence. Three hundred fifty-three subjects from a sexual abuse clinic, a family practice clinic, and a family planning clinic anonymously completed a survey on childhood sexual experiences and physical violence, family substance abuse, violence toward others, and family quality. Overall, 50% had had unwanted (USE) and wanted sexual experiences (WSE) before they turned 18. Subjects in the sexual abuse clinic had the highest percentage (90%) of unwanted or illegal sexual experiences, followed by the family planning subjects (40%) and the family practice subjects (30%). Both USE and WSE were related to family dysfunction scores, even when they were controlled for demographic influences. Family dysfunction scores were highest for those who reported USE and legal WSE and were lowest for those who reported no USE or WSE.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative research study was to explore whether secondary classes foster the acquisition of certain agentic capacities for formerly maltreated adolescents. We utilized the identity capital model (ICM) to explore the identity capital acquired by a socioeconomically diverse group of 40 Black former students in a mandatory, high school transformative social justice (TSJ) class. All participants disclosed some form of child maltreatment. The most prominent IC acquired for all participants included purpose, social perspective taking, moral-ethical reasoning, and resilience. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   
对“客观真实观”的几点批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李奋飞 《政法论丛》2006,3(3):76-82
"客观真实说"尽管确实有一定的合理性,但它仅仅将刑事审判看做一种认识活动,抹杀了诉讼中的认识活动与哲学家、历史学家、自然科学家视野下的认识活动之间的界限,并且将这种以"重构已然事件"为目标的认识活动绝对化,不仅不符合认识的发展规律,也排除了人的主观性以及其他诉讼价值存在的可能性.因而,"客观真实说"的缺陷是极其明显的.相比而言,"法律真实说"能够较为恰当地表述刑事审判所认定事实的准确性程度,符合刑事审判的性质,能合理地解决实体公正价值与程序公正价值之间的冲突.尤其是,"法律真实说"具有可操作性,符合认识发展的规律.  相似文献   
中国传统的司法和法学   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
张伟仁 《现代法学》2006,28(5):59-67
近来祖国大陆的法学界流行着两种对于中国传统的批评:其一指责中国传统司法者不遵循法律和先例,仅仅就事论事,凭天理人情作成判决;其二声称中国传统文化里几乎没有法学可言。二者都与事实不符。第一,中国自秦汉时起,法律已极繁多,在有明文可以适用或有成案可以比照的情形下,司法者都乐于遵循,不会自找麻烦另寻判决的依据。如果没有法律或成案可用,任何法制里的司法者都该先仔细分析案情(“就事论事”),然后探索法的精义(“天理人情”)而作成一个合乎公平正义的判决;中国传统司法者的做法并非例外。第二,中国历代都有许多学者不仅以纯理性的观点和方法对于当代的法律加以注释、批详,并且从历史背景和社会经验中去深究其渊源、目的和效能,以及法与其它社会规范的关系、法的正当性,法律条文不足时应该如何补救等法学上的重要问题,留下许多著作,对于这些问题提出了精辟的见解。只因他们的观点、方法和所用的语言及陈述方式与近人习见的不同,所以被忽略了。中国传统法制自成一系,与世界另几个重要法系并立,各有短长。如要加以检讨,应该先对它作一番整体的、深入的研究;如果想用另一法系的某些规定作为他山之石以改善中国法制,则更须对那些规定甚至整个法系作一番同样的研究,看清了二者的优劣,慎为取舍,不可以轻易地将中国目前的问题一概归咎于传统,更不该盲目地仿效他人。  相似文献   
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