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论家庭承包取得的土地承包经营权抵押   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据我国担保法与农村土地承包法的规定,现行立法是禁止家庭承包取得的土地承包经营权抵押的。为促进土地资源的充分利用.实现农村经济发展.允许家庭承包取得的土地承包经营权抵押,从理论和现实两个方面分析都有可行性;并且对发展农业生产具有重要意义.家庭承包取得的土地承包经营权抵押功能的体现,需要法律上的支持和相关配套制度的构建。  相似文献   
近十几年来,随着我国农业和农村经济的发展,特别是农业产业化经营的兴起和农村劳动力转移这一状况演进发展,被誉为"中国第三次土地革命"的土地承包经营权流转速度明显加快,规模不断扩大,形式多种多样,这是对家庭承包责任制的有益补充和完善,也是我国农业迈向现代化的未来之路。引导、规范农村土地承包经营权的合理流转,是当前摆在我们面前的重大课题。  相似文献   
本文利用博弈论的研究方法,分析了权利身份化背景下集体剩余的存在以及女性和集体之间挤出博弈的展开,认为女性土地权益被侵害的体制根源在于土地权益的身份化,而女性土地权益的保护,归根到底也要通过土地权益的个体化或去身份化来完成。  相似文献   
土地所有权与使用权的分离已成为事实,但如何有偿取得土地使用权?依《土地管理法实施条例》第29条规定,分为土地使用权出让、土地租赁、作价出资或者入股三种方式。实践中往往采取以土地使用权出让为主,土地租赁为辅的模式,但是从土地使用权出让理论的形成历史以及其他国家的法律规定来看,土地使用权出让就是土地租赁,我国应在今后的立法中抛弃土地使用权出让的理论,采用土地出租的理论,避免重复立法。  相似文献   
《农村土地承包法》第43条、第46条和第47条分别规定了“投资改良土壤”“再流转”和“融资担保”情形下土地经营权人须征得土地承包经营权人同意的“承包方同意”规则。法理逻辑上,“承包方同意”规则乃是平衡与协调农地保障功能与市场功能冲突的法技术,亦是土地承包经营权“管理权能”的行使方式之一。规范属性上,其既非效力性强制性规范,违之亦不构成无权处分,而属于私权限制性规范,目的在于不同私权利益关系对抗和竞争下对土地承包经营权人权益的优先保护。司法适用上,应区分投资改良行为与再流转两类不同情形,对于违反“承包方同意”规则的行为,承包方可通过自主意志选择有利于自己的后果或在对抗力层面获得优先保护。  相似文献   
农村土地承包经营权具备财产性和社会保障性双重特质,由于自身所追求价值目标的不同和外在所强加的使命,农村土地承包经营权财产性与社会保障特质相互冲突,财产特质无法反映现代市场经济的需求,造成了效率的低下及其他经济、社会问题的产生。因此,有必要在法律层面和实践层面进行修正和努力,以促进农村绿洲社会的发展和维持社会的稳定。  相似文献   
In the last two decades, the industrial tree plantation (ITP) sector has expanded rapidly in southern China, causing important changes in land-use and land control. It involves both domestic and transnational corporations, and has provoked widespread conflict and political contestations. The villagers who are affected by the expansion of ITPs have reacted in varied and complex ways: some of the villagers were incorporated in the ITP sector, while others are excluded; some have embraced the change, while others have complaints; and some of the complaints remained latent, while others developed into (overt or covert) forms of resistance. This paper explores how and why various social groups have responded differently to the expansion of ITPs. This paper reveals the dynamics of villagers’ inclusion and exclusion in the ITP sector, covering both ‘passive’ and ‘active’ forms of inclusion and exclusion, resulting in differentiated political reactions from villagers. This paper hopes to contribute towards a more comprehensive understanding of the complex engagement of villagers in changes in land use and land control, not just in the most commonly studied countries in global land grabbing but inside China, and in transactions that involved large foreign companies, something that has so far been missed in the literature on land grabbing.  相似文献   
The recent global rush for farmland in Latin America has produced a dramatic increase in the level of foreign investment in land in Brazil. The current trend accentuates the ongoing process of foreignization of agriculture associated with the production of grains, sugar, ethanol and other commodities, increasing land prices. In response, the Brazilian government reestablished a legal mechanism for ‘controlling’ land-based foreign investment which has proven neither efficient nor effective in solving land concentration. This paper examines this issue by analyzing the causes of the increase in investment as well as the consequences of this process with respect to land prices, critically situating land-based investments and the government's policy response in a broader discussion of the demands of agrarian social movements.  相似文献   
Do variations in land ownership affect people’s democratic participation? Quantitative, cross-country research on this topic suffers from the non-comparability of regulatory systems and cultures, and the use of crude indicators to identify participation. This study attempts to overcome these methodological problems, by employing indicators of procedural and substantive participation in a structured, diachronic comparison of qualitative data from five sites in China – an authoritarian state, which, however, requires residents of urban communities and villages to participate in ‘self-government’. It examines whether and why changing land from collective ownership to state ownership, and residents’ compensated acquisition of cash and secure, fungible assets, strengthens or weakens participation in self-government. In the research sites, collective land ownership is found to stimulate participation in self-government. Transformation of the land to state ownership and people’s acquisition of private property weakens participation. The robust results of the study support the direction of a causal argument that collective land ownership is conducive to democratic participation. These findings imply that scholars and policymakers should consider the potentially adverse political consequences of changing land ownership. A further implication is that, absent substantial political reform, an urbanized China might be less rather than more democratic at the community level.  相似文献   
我国农地产权制度由于产权界定不合理和农民土地产权的缺失,导致违法征地现象严重.土地交易成本昂贵,农民的合法权益得不到保护.文章引入产权理论,特别是从农地的使用权和处置权方面,论述了农地问题造成的原因,提出合理界定农地产权,建立允许农地承包经营权流转的机制,让农民分享产权增值的成果.  相似文献   
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