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浙商转型与浙商的代际更替紧密联系,老一代浙商创业者将在今后的一二十年时间内完全退出历史舞台,文章提出接替他们的新浙商群体的主体部分不是“富二代”,而是崛起中的草根创业者。潜在的新生代浙商群体具有明显的“代特征”,即生活条件优越化,人力资本知识化,自我定位主流化。与老一代浙商相比,潜在的新生代浙商成长环境发生了巨大的变迁,在物质环境方面发生了从“山多地少”、“条件恶劣”到“衣食无忧”、“分层明显”的变化;知识环境方面发生了从“农民出身”、“艺工起家”到“读书学习”、“知识经济”的变化;群体意识环境方面发生了从“边缘生存”、“模仿创新”到“融入主流”、“网络时代”的变化。潜在的新生代浙商培育需要在变化的环境中因势利导。  相似文献   
庙会文化是一种复合形态的文化,常常是民间艺术精粹与封建迷信糟粕交织在一起,整体性地影响着广大人民群众。以文化经贸为主题的庙会活动是一种文化交流和商业活动,对促进民族文化与地区经济繁荣是有益的。而以迷信为主题的庙会活动却会对我们事业的发展产生很大危害。现实中的庙会形式及其内容并非完全适应改革开放和现代化建设的需要。既要保留传统庙会的精华并注入新的有益成分,又要去除夹杂在其中的迷信内容,使庙会发展与社会主义现代化建设相协调,就需要我们实现庙会从实然状态到应然状态的转变,实现传统庙会的现代转型。  相似文献   
Every year close to 25,000 youth age out of our foster care system; without the anchor of a family, former foster youth disproportionately join the ranks of the homeless, incarcerated, and unemployed. While the average age of financial independence in America is twenty‐six years of age, we presume that foster youth can somehow attain financial and emotional independence by age eighteen. Instead, these adolescents are woefully unprepared for independent adult life, and when they falter, too often no one is there to provide support or guidance. As a result, former foster youth are ten times more likely to be arrested than youth of the same age, race, and sex and one in four youth who age out of foster care will end up in jail within the first two years after leaving care. This article will discuss strategies for changing these disheartening outcomes for transitioning foster youth, including breaking down our silos and collectively taking charge of the lives of children in our care; keeping a watchful eye on data and outcomes and using that information to guide our actions; ensuring that the voices of youth are an ever‐present part of decisions and processes that will chart their future; and educating ourselves about best practices and new approaches. This article also discusses new opportunities that now exist to support foster youth as they move into adulthood, including new federal legislation that—for the first time—will allow states to support foster youth beyond age eighteen. Finally, this article provides a backdrop for this Special Issue and summarizes the insightful articles and innovative thinking contained herein.  相似文献   
裴岩 《犯罪研究》2009,(6):39-43
社会转型对社会秩序产生深刻影响,极易出现社会失序,严重的犯罪形势即为社会失序的一个显著表现。警察刑事执法主要体现为对预防和惩治犯罪。当前,我国正处于社会转型期,面对刑事犯罪高发的局面,应当赋予公安机关更有效的打击犯罪的权力,提高警察刑事执法效率以及公平正义执法,以遏制犯罪的高发态势,维护社会秩序稳定。  相似文献   
This paper questions the link between two major transformations observed in eighteenth century Europe: the reorganization of kinship structures and kinship solidarities on the one hand and the so-called ‘sexual revolution’ of the eighteenth century on the other, i.e. the spectacular rise of illegitimacy throughout Europe. Raising the question of this link has far-reaching theoretical implications, since the fundamental changes in kinship and sexuality have been treated so far as two independent phenomena in separate domains. The results presented in this paper refer to mountain villages of the Swiss Alps and base on genealogical data extracted from a large dynamic database called the Registre historique de la population du Valais. They suggest that the remarkable increase of close kin marriages was closely connected with changes in sexual habits and with the building of different sexual milieus. The ‘sexual revolution’ in the Entremont region was largely the issue of a few families and kin groups tending to build tightly knitted networks. In this perspective, the increase of kin marriages reflected the diversification of political and sexual milieus, characterized by different values, ideologies and attitudes. This profound diversification of life styles shows that social change did not affect local societies as a whole, but was supported by particular milieus made cohesive by privileged alliances within kin groups and by particular network patterns.  相似文献   
We examine the link between marriage and fertility in South Korea by focusing on the historic trend of bridal pregnancy (marriage preceded by pregnancy) over the four decadal marriage cohorts since the 1970s. We first demonstrate how the rate of bridal pregnancy changes over the observed period and then investigate the educational differentials in the trend. These inquiries are examined by analyzing a sample of 29,213 ever-married Korean women from recently pooled data from the National Survey of Fertility and Family Health (NSFFH). The results show that bridal pregnancy has increased from 16% in the 1970s marriage cohort to 20% in the 2000s marriage cohort. In response to class differentials, while bridal pregnancy has been more prevalent among less-educated women than among their counterparts, bridal pregnancy has increased across all education groups over time. In addition, the magnitudes of increase are more noticeable among highly educated women of recent marriage cohorts. We contextualize our findings and provide speculations about subsequent family changes in South Korea.  相似文献   
The European Court of Human Rights has been deciding cases concerning LGBT rights since the early 1980s. Its case law on trans rights has changed drastically over time, imposing upon the states of the Council of Europe certain minimum standards regarding the legal recognition of gender identity. In its recent judgment of April 2017 the Court laid down a new rule to be adopted by domestic legislation; namely, that the legal recognition of gender transition cannot be made conditional upon pursuing medical or surgical procedures which have (or are likely to have) sterilising effects. This article analyses the judgment from a critical perspective grounded in queer theory, noting both the positive and the negative elements of the Court's decision.  相似文献   
明末清初[明万历三十六年(1608)至康熙二十年(1681)]的青花瓷艺术没有因御窑停烧和战乱而衰败,相反,出现了空前繁荣的局面,展现了独特的时代特征和风貌.陶瓷学界称这个时期为中国瓷器发展的转变期.由于晚明商品经济的发展,思想观念的解放,御窑与民窑的融合和互动,以及科技的发展,使瓷器在构图风格、造型技法、纹饰绘画、审美观念等方面都有极可贵的创新和发展.  相似文献   
大国竞争和大国实力的变化是国际秩序转型的主要变量,它们影响着族群冲突。大国实力下降造成国内统治力减弱,届时国内各族群为争取权力而进行族群动员,引发族群冲突;同时大国实力下降会收缩其在国际控制范围,进而出现权力真空,由此引发族群对于权力的竞争和冲突。大国间竞争也会引发族群冲突。大国在某一地区或国家的经济竞争会引起族群间的收入不平等,进而引发或加剧族群间的竞争和冲突;大国在政治上的竞争,尤其在地缘政治上的争夺会引发族群冲突;大国在意识形态上的竞争为族群竞争提供思想支持。数据显示,1946-2015年间的族群冲突与苏联和美国的实力变化存在一定的趋势匹配。当美苏之间实力变化不大、竞争缓和时,族群冲突也相对减少;当两国之间实力起伏较大、竞争加剧时,族群冲突便有增长趋势,特别是苏联解体后,权力由苏联转向美国的几年,族群冲突异常激烈。1961-1991伊拉克库尔德人族群运动与苏美间的竞争息息相关,苏联通过支持伊拉克,以获得其在中东地区的影响力。美国为了减少苏联在海湾地区的影响力,确保丰富廉价的石油供应,唆使库尔德人反对伊拉克,并利用伊朗和伊拉克边界争端,通过支持伊朗来制衡伊拉克,进而削弱伊拉克,以确保其在该地区的影响力。正是美苏对该地区石油、地缘战略和意识形态阵地的争夺,让该地区复杂的族群、宗教矛盾成为它们全球争霸的工具,加之库尔德人自身的诉求,最终酿成长达三十多年的族群冲突。  相似文献   
中国和俄罗斯经济转型选择了不同的模式,中国的渐进式经济转型因转型过程平稳、发展绩效显著闻名于世,俄罗斯激进式经济转型则因转型成本的井喷式显现而引起了人们的关注。我国应该吸取俄罗斯的教训,正视经济转型后期成本因素不断累积的状况,合理地分摊转型成本,进一步推进转型与发展。  相似文献   
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