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大众传媒:军营文化建设的重要力量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为传播信息的工具和传播文化的载体,大众传媒在加强军营文化建设方面具有突出的特点和独到的优势:营造浓厚的“文化场”,让官兵在潜移默化中提高政治思想水准和科学文化素质;发挥导向作用,帮助官兵在复杂多元的文化现象中作出正确的判断和选择;对军队文化建设工作实施有力有效的指导作用。真正做到如此,关键取决于领导的认识到位和媒介工作者文化自觉的增强。  相似文献   
黄爱宝 《行政与法》2004,(10):10-11
作为一种特殊的部门哲学,行政哲学能否具有自己相对独立的学科地位,关键在于能否从哲学视野中确定自己独特的“问题域”,而这又取决于哲学是否具有不同于作为具体科学行政学的独特的“问题域”。只有恰当地阐释这些问题,才能有效地说明行政哲学能否可能、何以可能以及可能什么。  相似文献   
Legislators claim that how they explain their votes matters as much as or more than the roll calls themselves. However, few studies have systematically examined legislators’ explanations and citizen attitudes in response to these explanations. We theorize that legislators strategically tailor explanations to constituents in order to compensate for policy choices that are incongruent with constituent preferences, and to reinforce policy choices that are congruent. We conduct a within‐subjects field experiment using U.S. senators as subjects to test this hypothesis. We then conduct a between‐subjects survey experiment of ordinary people to see how they react to the explanatory strategies used by senators in the field experiment. We find that most senators tailor their explanations to their audiences, and that these tailored explanations are effective at currying support—especially among people who disagree with the legislators’ roll‐call positions.  相似文献   
The anti-corruption norm in both scholarship and the policy world has too narrowly focused on the domestic and institutional context of bribe-taking and public corruption. Instead, we argue that corruption in the contemporary global economy requires a multiple set of connected transactions, processes, and relationships that take place within informal transnational networks that blur the line between illegal and legal activities. These networks include multinational companies, elites in host countries, offshore financial vehicles and conduits, middlemen and brokers, and destination financial institutions. We examine how these actors operate in Central Asia, a region that is widely identified as corrupt, yet is rarely understood as embedded in the types of global processes, offshore connections and transnational links specified in our analysis. Examples of offshore centers in tax planning from Central Asia, and partial results from a field experiment based on impersonating high corruption risks from four Central Asian states, provide evidence for how the various actors in transnational financial networks structure their dealings. We then present two brief illustrative cases of how these transnational networks have operated in energy explorations services in Kazakhstan and telecommunications contracts in Uzbekistan. Our findings have theoretical, practical, and normative implications for scholars and practitioners of Central Asian international political economy and other ‘high risk' regions.  相似文献   
田径运动是学校体育教学的重点之一,开展传统田径项目丰富了学校体育文化的建设,提高了学生的体质.但在全面推选素质教育以适应学生个性化发展的要求方面,传统田径项目有许多缺陷。为改革拓展传统田径教学内容和方法.提高田径教学内容的健身性、实用性、趣味性和娱乐性,定向越野课程应机而生。定向越野运动对学生各种能力、综合素质的提高都有很大的促进作用,同时又能充实和丰富学校体育教学内容。定向越野方式方法多样,基本技术较多,是一门崭新的田径课程,开设时间相对较短,认识还不十分充分,在对定向越野课程教法的深入研究基础上提出的理论与实际相结合的五步教学法.对该课程的开展具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
“多予、少取、放活”是政府推进农村改革的总指针。“两个趋向”重要论断的提出,社会主义新农村建设的付诸实施,与这一总指针一脉相承,更加体现了中央解决“三农”问题的坚定决心和战略抉择。在“少取”的任务总体上已接近完成、“多予”和“放活”成为“三农”新政重点的同时,“三农”问题中农民隐形利益被“暗取”的问题却越来越突出。拿走农民隐形利益的“三大口子”是低价使用农民工、低价征用农民的土地和从农村大量吸储,对此,应立足于统筹城乡发展,努力消除收入分配的扭曲问题,切实保障失地农民的合法权益,加大金融支农的扶持力度,最终实现保障农民利益的目的。  相似文献   
《现代》杂志是我国20世纪30年代初最有影响力的大型文学刊物,在杂志这个自由开放的“文学场”中,存在着各种文体之间的对话和共生现象,并形成了一股巨大的合力,推动了现代派文学的发展与壮大。  相似文献   
学界在谈论法律文化研究在我国兴起的原因之时,多将其归咎于国外法律文化研究的引入,这固然不错,但笔者以为,恐怕更深层次的原因还在于特定时代背景下的现实需求使然;法律文化研究在我国的出现,是基于特定“社会居所”的现实欲求和历史思索以及学术共同体内部渴望打破旧有研究格局的需要等多重诱因作用的结果,国外法律文化研究的传入,某种意义上仅仅是开放了法学界希望从更为广阔的角度来理解和解说法律实践的特定接受趋向,同时赋予国内的法律文化研究一种“学术合法性的追认”,并未产生太大实质性学术影响。  相似文献   
无产阶级政党在现行宪法中的宪定执政地位是科学共产主义理论在社会主义宪政国家阶段具有历史唯物论意义的逻辑推论。这种执政的宪定地位是实现向共产主义高级阶段跨越的保证。中国社会主义实践历程揭示了在社会主义阶段必须将社会主义的国家建构成社会主义的法治国家,宪政国家理念与社会主义才能真正实现在宪法框架下的统一。社会主义宪政体制的内涵发展与时代发展的客观现状决定了共产党执政地位的正当性与合法性必须重新解读。其正当性与合法性在于其社会主义宪政国家建设过程中的先进性。  相似文献   
In this paper, we consider what may be done when researchers anticipate that in the implementation of field experiments, random assignment to experimental and control groups is likely to be flawed. We then reanalyze data from the Minneapolis Spouse Abuse Experiment in a manner that explicitly models violations of random assignment. As anticipated, we find far larger treatment effects than previously reported. The techniques developed should be useful in a wide variety of settings when random assignment is implemented imperfectly.  相似文献   
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