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掺杂Cd的水溶性荧光ZnSe/MPA量子点显现胶带手印方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索水溶性荧光量子点溶液——掺杂镉的硒化锌(ZnxCd(1-x)Se)对胶带手印的显现方法。方法以巯基丙酸(MPA)为修饰剂合成了掺杂Cd的水溶性荧光ZnSe/MPA量子点,利用它显现水浸胶带及粘连胶带上的油汗指印,并在365nm下拍照成像。结果良好的显现出水浸胶带上的指印以及粘连胶带上的指印。与常规方法相比,优势更为明显。结论水溶性荧光量子点ZnxCd(1-x)Se溶液显出的指印纹线细腻流畅,在法庭科学领域具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   
Abstract:  The Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is capable of imaging fingerprint ridges on polished brass substrates at an unprecedented level of detail. While exposure to elevated humidity at ambient or slightly raised temperatures does not change the image appreciably, subsequent brief heating in a flame results in complete loss of the sweat deposit and the appearance of pits and trenches. Localized elemental analysis (using EDAX, coupled with SEM imaging) shows the presence of the constituents of salt in the initial deposits. Together with water and atmospheric oxygen—and with thermal enhancement—these are capable of driving a surface corrosion process. This process is sufficiently localized that it has the potential to generate a durable negative topographical image of the fingerprint. AFM examination of surface regions between ridges revealed small deposits (probably microscopic "spatter" of sweat components or transferred particulates) that may ultimately limit the level of ridge detail analysis.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Effective removal of fingerprint deposits is crucial for experimentation related to the corrosion of metals by fingerprint deposits. Such removal is also necessary prior to deposition of test fingerprints. The effectiveness of four regimes in removing fingerprint deposits from brass is considered. Sustained wiping of the deposit with a tissue at applied pressures of up to c . 1430 Pa or rubbing while the brass was immersed in acetone both failed to remove completely all traces of fingerprint deposits. Heating the brass to 600°C was an effective remover; however, this also oxidized the surface of the metal except where inhibited by fingerprint deposits. The most effective regime, and the only one of the four that removed all traces of deposit without affecting the properties of the metal surface, was immersion in warm soapy water while rubbing with a tissue. We propose this as the preferred method for fingerprint removal.  相似文献   
Detection of aged fingerprints is difficult because they can degrade over time with exposure to light, moisture, and temperature. In this study, aging fingerprints were visualized by time‐resolved spectroscopy with an ultraviolet‐pulsed laser. Fingerprints were prepared on glass slides and paper and then stored under three lighting conditions and two humidity conditions for up to a year. The fluorescence intensities of the fingerprints decreased with time. Samples were stored in the dark degraded less than in sunlight or under a fluorescent lamp. Samples were stored under low humidity degraded less than under moderate humidity. As the storage period increased, a fluorescence emission peak appeared that was at a longer wavelength than the peak visible in earlier spectra. This peak was used for visualization of an aged fingerprint over time. An image of the fingerprint was not initially visible, but an image appeared as the time since deposition of the fingerprint increased.  相似文献   
通过对CNAS-T18指印项目实施与结果的解析,讨论了当前国内利用指印印面特征的现状:民事案件指印鉴定基础理论的不足。提出了对民事案件指印特征重新进行分类研究,以及探讨、规范利用指印印面特征步骤、方法的必要性和紧迫性。强调了指印印面特征在解决民事案件中的重要作用。  相似文献   
目的研究显现、提取遗留在人民币上潜在指印的方法。方法采用荧光试剂罗丹明6G对人民币进行染色处理,以LED多波段光源输出的波长为520nm的绿光照射检材,透过580nm的带通型干涉滤光镜观察指印的显现效果,并拍照提取。结果获得亮纹线暗背景的指印图像,指印纹线清晰,反差良好,特征丰富,具备良好的检验鉴定条件。结论 LED多波段光源输出的波长为520nm的绿光与罗丹明6G染色指印的吸收特性吻合,是显现、提取遗留在人民币上潜在指印的良好光源。  相似文献   
随着新刑事诉讼法修改案的实行,法律赋予了犯罪嫌疑人更多人权的同时,给公、检、法机关的工作提出了更高的要求,并就证据的形式,证据的获取途径以及证据链等关于证据的法律效力方面做出了严格的规定和要求。随着社会的发展,各种形形色色的案件层出不穷,而真正留在现场的完整指印将少之又少,如何对现场手印进行分析和判断为侦查提供重要线索,文章结合实践总结出对现场手印分析的工作步骤和方法,以便锁定犯罪嫌疑人成为法庭审判予以采信的重要物证同时也能成为犯罪情报资料的重要来源。手印作为七种证据之一,在今后的打击犯罪和参与刑事诉讼方面仍将发挥重要作用,因此研究手印仍具有实战指导意义。  相似文献   
目的探讨各种重叠指纹分离方法的优劣。方法选取实践中常用方法对重叠指纹进行分离。结果各种方法分离重叠指纹均能达到理想效果,尤其以计算机分离方法适用范围最广、效果最佳。结论计算机重叠指纹分离方法具有较强的现实意义和广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
The optical and morphological properties of resveratrol were investigated. This nontoxic fluorescent natural material, emitting in the visible blue light, was used as an optical marker, enabling the enhancement of the image contrast coming from relief pictures marked on challenging surfaces. By applying appropriated imaging softwares, this marker was verified to be very useful in the latent fingerprint recognition deposited on different wood surface types, mainly those with high level of roughness, where conventional forensic materials do not allow effective fingerprint image visualization.  相似文献   
目的通过比较常见纸张上潜在手印盲提法与显现后精准提取法的接触DNA检出率,探讨常见纸张上接触DNA前处理的优选方案。方法比较五种常见纸张上使用盲提法和显现潜在手印(茚二酮显现法、茚三酮熏显法)后精准提取法采集的接触DNA样本检出率。结果粗糙日历纸盲提的接触DNA检出率为17.8%,通过茚二酮法和茚三酮法显现的潜在手印所提取的DNA检出率分别为75.6%、77.8%;光滑日历纸三种方法所提取的接触DNA检出率为4.4%、11.1%、11.1%;A4复印纸三种方法接触DNA检出率为20%、37.8%、66.7%;牛皮纸三种方法接触DNA检出率为20%、68.9%、64.4%;快递纸袋的三种方法接触DNA检出率为2.2%、6.7%、46.7%。结论不同纸张上潜在手印经显现后接触DNA检出率不同,通过茚二酮或茚三酮显示潜在手印后精准提取DNA的前处理方法相较于盲提法的接触DNA检出率高。实战中可应用此类方法同时获得手印与DNA分型,以有效提高证据力。  相似文献   
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